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Coal Valley Lore Short Stories (read only, link to comments in post)

Coal Valley Lore Short Stories (read only, link to comments in post)
Posted 2020-09-29 14:32:49 (edited)

Hi all ^^

I already have most of my lore written up on my tumblr, but I've decided to add a thread for it here for convenience. Most of the stories will be quite short so they can be read if you have a little free time here and there. These stories will be updated on a semi-regular basis, and I want to keep things neat, so please don't post here! If you'd like to add comments or feedback, or simply drop a like for a particular story, this is the thread to reply to

The basic introduction is written up on my den page, but here is a little more about the characters:

  • Ourkan (or-can): Breeding male of the Coal Valley Pack, originally from the Fool's Spring Pack to the North of their territory. Wary, but kind, and a bit of a worrier. Mate of Xaasa.According to her he has "the social skills of a fox".
  • Xaasa (za-suh): Lead female of the Coal Valley Pack. Originally from a pack living in the open plains to the south. Headstrong, adventurous, and maybe a little reckless. Mate of Ourkan.
  • Tanana: Younger sister of Ourkan from last year's litter. Came to the pack heavily pregnant with a rival's pups. All her littermates came to support her. Polite, lacking confidence, but with a strong determination to learn and survive.
  • Ourara: Younger sister of Ourkan. She is closest with Aruthe and came with her to help Tanana. Clever, and focused, she rarely misses any details. However, just like her older brother, she has fairly poor social skills and can be blunt to the point of being hurtful.
  • Aruthe: Younger sister of Ourkan. She is closest with Ourara and was the one to convince her to come to her brother's pack. Sociable and loving, she wants to feel useful within the pack. At times she can be too trusting, but she knows her own mind.
  • Skaohah: Xaasa's aunt. A lone wolf that was previously part of the plains pack and looked after Xaasa as a pup. Like her niece she shares the same adventurous spirit, however she prefers her own company to that of other wolves. Wise, resourceful, and strong, with a good sense of humour. She teases her niece, but offers solid advice.
  • Quohau'ru: Pup of Ourkan and Xaasa.
  • The Pups: Tanana's puppies. Uiya, Berouthe, and Eyarq.


Posted 2020-09-29 14:58:44 (edited)

Xaasa's Intro

Xaasa had officially found her favourite place in 'the North' as she called it. A broken tree, still growing shoots from it's half-rotted stump that was just perfect for scratching, chewing, laying on, you name it. Currently she was rolling in the weeds growing beside it's base like a puppy, and relishing in the warm spring air.

That's when she caught a whiff of... something. A dog? No... Another lone wolf! Perfect. She sprang to her feet and sniffed the wind, before trotting leisurely towards the scent. Hopefully this was another elderly wolf she could keep company, or at least coerce some information out of. If not, at least there was the prospect of food to steal, she never was very good at catching rabbits.

As she got closer to the source of the now intriguing smell, she slowed and paused. The other wolf was definitely younger than she had expected, younger than her, judging by the terribly hidden trail and hastily trampled underbrush... he (she was sure it was a male now) had left in his wake. A nervous adolescent too far from home then, she thought, although something about the other wolf was wrecking her usually solid nerves more and more by the minute.

Despite the unease, she pressed it down and continued onwards, her paws never touching the damp bare earth to avoid leaving prints. Xaasa found herself distracted, not just by the growing pit in her stomach, but by thoughts of what this wolf might look like. Was he a large wolf? He certainly smelled healthy. Maybe he was the russet brown and grey of the elderly loner she had met recently? Or black and grey like the wolves she had spotted across the valley? Or perhaps cream like her brothers?

She suddenly stopped, distracted by her memories. Xaasa's 3 brothers had all been scrawny and pitiful-looking from lack of food the last time she saw them (her parents had been chasing them from carcasses, impatient for them to leave home). She had never really cared for her brothers, she realised. Never paid much attention to them once she had become a yearling. Though they had started it. Once her litter were eating solid food the males had formed a band all of their own. Xaasa had ignored them after that, out of spite mostly. She was her parent's favourite anyway. They would probably leave as a group when the time came, so she had chosen to go first and by herself. In a funny way she hoped she had set an example for them.

Xaasa huffed into the wind. Why was she thinking about her family when there was an exciting stranger about? She lowered her head to the ground and caught the scent once more. The strange wolf was much closer than she had realised and her nerves suddenly caught up with her. What if he had backup? She sniffed again. No. He was alone, that was certain. So why didn't he seem to be moving any more? Was he... hiding..?

That was too much for Xaasa and she wriggled with delight. A hiding wolf meant a scared wolf, and a scared wolf meant he was probably a tiny, runty yearling, practically pissing himself at the thought of a strong adult in his territory. Head high, ears pricked, and tail raised, she confidently loped onwards.


Posted 2020-09-29 14:59:50 (edited)

Ourkan's Intro

Ourkan was already berating himself for his life choices. He had gone south this time, attempting to search out a territory that was unclaimed. His siblings and cousins had marked all the great spots around the river tributaries and he had nowhere else to go, not really. Being a logical wolf he knew he would have to take what he could get, at least for now.

With every new sound he stopped, eyes searching and ears flicking back and forth, expecting a human or it's dog packmate to come bursting noisily through the bushes and send him fleeing back home. Ourkan's posture relaxed and his head sunk to the ground. He sighed. His parents were right. He wasn't a bold wolf like his name suggested, just a large-boned, clumsy, coward. He should stay home for another year and help raise the new pups. They hadn't said any of that outright, of course, but he could tell they thought he wasn't ready. Or that he wouldn't ever be ready.

Suddenly he froze. The wind had picked up without him noticing and it was now blowing in the direction he wanted to go, taking his scent to whatever animals might live in the valley below. To put it succinctly, Ourkan freaked out. His tail puffed up, held straight down and almost tucked beneath him out of fear, and his hackles raised. Caution ran in his family and he knew he had to leave, right now, before a... a bear came, and ripped him to pieces. Or.. or a even a pack of rabid dogs. He stayed briefly hunched over, nose to the ground for any hint of hidden danger, before turning and running hastily through the forest.

Branches whipped across his vision as a new, and terrifying, smell entered his nostrils. Another wolf. A stranger. His pack was huge, but he was certain he didn't recognise the scent. Ourkan ran faster than ever, faster than when his litter mates had disturbed a wasp's nest, faster than when his cousin had caught him wandering too far east, faster than the time his father had caught him stealing salmon, not caring about leaving evidence of his passing. All he had to do was get to the outskirts of his birth pack's territory, and then he'd be fine. At least, that's what he told himself. He hoped his parents were in a good mood.

All too late Ourkan realised he had tired himself out with his reckless sprint, and all too late he realised that the strange wolf was much closer than he had originally thought. His breathing became ragged and his steps faltered slightly. He realised he was limping, at some point he had cut his front leg whilst crashing through the bushes, and he went much more carefully now, looking frantically for anywhere to hide.

Maybe the other wolf would leave him alone. He wasn't that big of a threat, and besides, the howling of his huge family could probably be heard a hundred miles away. That was probably a good enough deterrent for your average loner. He just hoped that whoever it was wasn't looking for a fight. Ourkan slunk into some brambles, gambling that the stranger wouldn't bother risking the thorns. If he survived this, he was going straight home, to teach the pups how not to be a fool like he was.


Posted 2020-09-29 15:06:19 (edited)

The Meeting.  (Pt 1)

Ourkan watched as the strange female came into view. She was smaller than he was, with a coat that reminded him of fallen autumn leaves. How odd. Her size and colour shocked him almost as much as her confident body language. Now that he had calmed a little, however, he realised that he would easily be able to bluff his way through any confrontation. The size difference alone would probably scare the other wolf off, but a little part of him hoped it wouldn't.

He crept forward out of his hiding spot, whining to get her attention. Maybe that was a bit too pathetic. He sniffed curiously, then tried a bark. The female spun around, her fur standing on end, and let out a half-whine, half-snarl, sort of noise, her lips curled back and her tail straight up. Ourkan stood up and tried to look intimidating, almost laughing at how silly the strange wolf looked. His ears were pinned sideways, and he too raised his tail in a confident, yet cautious, manner, fluffing his fur out impressively. At least he thought it was impressively.

Xaasa looked at this stranger. He was certainly no runt and she suddenly felt like she had bitten off more than she could chew. It wouldn't be the first time. Despite his gangly yearling-looking legs, he was quite a muscular wolf already, but there was something about the way he was acting that was just the slightest bit off. He was walking stiffly and slowly towards her, maintaining eye contact, but he wasn't growling or baring his teeth at all. Xaasa mimicked his posture, her head up high, and moved towards him too, not willing to let him make the first move and catch her by surprise again.


Posted 2020-09-29 15:06:49 (edited)

The Meeting.  (Pt 2)

The female got closer, and closer, and Ourkan paused, watching her as she came almost right up to his face and... sniffed his nose? He lowered his tail a little, wagged it stiffly to one side, still unsure, then sniffed her back. She smelled... great. He wagged his tail a little more, noticing she did the same, and stared slightly off to the side to avoid seeming confrontational. Perhaps they could... be friends?

Neither wolf spoke a word, but Xaasa could feel the nervous energy filling her up as she realised that the younger male was still undecided. She had hoped to assess him from closer up and was ready to flee at a moment's notice, but he didn't truly seem like a threat. His nose brushed hers as he craned forward for a better smell, and a jolt ran through Xaasa's body. She jumped and spun around, body curled and tail tucked, inviting him to chase her and diffuse the tension. Ourkan started a little, and curled his lip, before seeing her body language and launching into a play bow, racing after her as she darted and spun away.

They danced together for some time, taking it in turns to chase and be chased, laughing and panting with exhilaration, until they were tired in the early evening light. By this point all tension had dissipated, and both wolves lay by the broken tree stump Xaasa had admired earlier in the day. Finally she spoke.
"Is this your territory?" She asked, stretching out a little way away from the younger male.
"... Sort of." He replied.
"Sort of? Does your family live here or not?"
"Just me. So far. Everyone else lives further North, away from the town." He seemed reluctant to look her way, perhaps a little shy, "I'm Ourkan, by the way..." he mumbled.
At this, Ourkan perked up. What an unusual name. It sounded like a faint whine and a quickly drawn breath. It was a quiet name that conveyed stealth, so unlike his family's naming conventions, that he found himself staring directly at the older female.
"What?" She barked, more confused than anything at his sudden rudeness.
"Sorry," he quickly looked away, murmuring into his fur, "it's very pretty, your name."

Xaasa huffed. This male was so intriguing, and even she could see he was a little handsome underneath the awkwardness, but he had the social skills of a fox. That would have to change if she was going to be sticking around here. The thought caught her off guard. Sticking around? When had she decided that? She noticed the male was staring her way again, this time being careful to avoid her gaze. He was wagging his tail, with his face relaxed a little into a goofy grin, just like a young pup. She had to admit, there was something endearing about it. Maybe she would stick around for a while. Besides, she could do with the company.


Posted 2020-09-29 15:08:54 (edited)


(Author's note: There is a small time skip between "The Meeting" and this story.)

Xaasa closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of the bright midday sun warming her fur. She was resting in a small clearing of packed earth outside her new den, content and peaceful. Ourkan had taken her further up the valley towards the end of his 'safety tour', mumbling about the extreme danger of humans. Something about how they could break apart great rocks, and make the ground beneath your very paws tremble in fear. She had been impressed... until she had seen the pitiful excuse for a den the humans had left behind, all filled in with earth and rubble.

What she had admired, however, was the easily defensible position it was in. The light coloured earth was cool, but firm underfoot, and thick ferns gave way to densely packed trees on three sides. The only way in was an overgrown human trail on the south-east side, that snaked down the valley to the fast flowing river beneath. With this reasoning, (despite her mate's protest) she had dug out the meager hole to make it a beautiful cavern fit for purpose. Fit for raising the puppies growing inside her. Ourkan's puppies.

Xaasa stretched happily, thinking about all the things she would teach her first litter, wondering how they would grow, what names would suit them. Her pleasant thoughts were soon cut off by the sound of her mate coming up the trail, and she turned her head to greet him. Ourkan bounded across the clearing, before lowering himself to the floor to nuzzle at her soft neck fur. His tail swished gently from side to side as he whined a quick hello. She whined back, but before she had time to say anything more, she noticed something and immediately froze. Behind Ourkan, half hidden in the undergrowth, were a small group of lightly built and nervous-looking females, one of whom looked heavily pregnant. Xaasa jumped to her feet and snarled, fur bristling.

"Xaasa, wait!" Ourkan moved between them, causing a flare of jealousy to rise in her stomach. Had he been courting other wolves without telling her? Her fears were quickly assuaged as he continued, "These are my sisters. Please, don't be mad, I wouldn't bring them here without good reason."

Xaasa huffed, shaking out her bristling fur and relaxing a little. She stared at him, demanding an explanation.

"I was up by the borders of my parent's territory..." he trailed off a little, mumbling things she couldn't quite hear, "Tanana begged me help her. How could I say no? My parents would disown her if they knew who the father was. Please, Xaasa, will you let them stay? At least until her pups are weaned. Please?"

"You should have asked before you brought them here, Ourkan." Her mate flinched as she barked his name. Xaasa sighed, softening her tone. His heart was in the right place, and she really couldn't stay mad at him for something so kind. "Of course they can stay... After all, we'll need help raising our own pups."

Ourkan belly crawled towards her and licked all over her face, furiously wagging his tail. The only pauses were to repeat thank you over and over again. She playfully nibbled at his ear, a little embarrassed.

"I can't tell you how grateful I am." They both looked up to see the pregnant grey wolf, Tanana, had stepped forward. She was trembling as she tried to put on a brave front, and Xaasa could see now that she was younger than both of them. Too young. The other females hung back as Tanana greeted her brother's mate politely, each wolf slowly sniffing the other.

"It's good to meet you" Xaasa said softly, not wanting to startle any of them, "Welcome to our pack."


Posted 2020-09-29 15:17:06 (edited)

Growing Up Fast (Part 1)

Xaasa and Tanana have a heart-to-heart conversation.

A chorus of howls echoed out from the pack's den, the sound ringing in the ears of every creature for miles about. The evening light began to dim as the melody continued, and the last rays of sunset slowly turned Fool's Gold river into a ribbon of liquid fire, rushing through the forest floor below. As the sun faded below the horizon, the wolves' song also faded, gradually descending into silence. Crickets chirped, water whooshed, underbrush rustled, but one creature remained quiet throughout.

A large boulder, surrounded by scree, jutted out over the river below the mine. It was on this outcrop of rock that Tanana paced and panted, near frantic in her worry. She barely noticed her aching joints and paws, as thoughts turned over and over in her mind. Her pregnancy was going well, she thought, but a small voice told her to doubt her instincts. Told her the puppies were overdue. Told her they would be stillborn or sick.

She desperately needed the reassurance of an older female to combat her fears. Her mother would judge her harshly if she went home, considering the pregnancy to be her own fault for taking risks, and both parents would want to meet the father. She whimpered at the thought of their anger, what they might do to her beloved. The only wolf left to ask was her brother's mate, the leader of the pack, Xaasa.

Tanana found the foreign she-wolf somewhat intimidating. Their leader was always busy, out patrolling and managing the hunts. Although she was a brilliant matriarch so far, Xaasa seemed to spend most of her free time cuddling with Ourkan, and it was hard to catch her alone. Besides that, Tanana felt she wouldn't have time for all her silly little questions. She felt trapped.

In all her introspection she didn't notice the scattering of pebbles behind her. Branches swished and snapped, as the very wolf she had been thinking about trotted noisily down the trail. Tanana spun round with a yelp of surprise, her hackles raised and her ears pricked, causing her leader to back up in alarm, head and tail held high. Quickly the younger wolf tucked her tail, whining an apology as she tried to look small and unthreatening.
"Tanana!" Xaasa paused for a moment to take in the ruffled state of her sister-in law, then laughed, "Are you practising your porcupine impression?"
"No Xaasa," the smaller wolf slunk forward miserably, ears laid flat, "I... I was just enjoying the cool breeze by the river... I didn't mean to startle you."
"Are you sure?" Xaasa cocked her head to one side quizzically, "You seem a little... frazzled."
"No, I..."
"Tanana, what's wrong?"
"I was... thinking..." the grey female sighed, "it's nothing really, just worrying about my pups. I don't know if I'll be good enough..."
"To raise them? You're a clever wolf, surely you've looked after younger siblings before? It won't be much different."
"Ah," Xaasa flicked her ears, "I forgot your litter were last years pups, weren't they?"
"... Yes..." Tanana whined, turning her head away. She could tell her leader was thinking things over, and prepared for the innevitable lecture. Much to her surprise, when Xaasa finally spoke, she did so softly and calmly.
"Can I tell you a secret, Tanana?" The brown wolf stretched out and lay down, "I'm a little nervous myself."
"You are?" Tanana pricked her ears, copying the other female by laying near her. This wasn't what she had expected at all. The breeze blew over them softly as Xaasa continued.
"I am. I may have pup-sat before, but this is my first litter too. But do you know what helps me feel safer? When I think about how we have the whole pack behind us, working as a team to make sure we all survive. You and your sisters are strong, agile, intelligent wolves. Especially you, Tanana, you've learnt so much already." Xaasa rested her chin on the younger wolf's back, providing a reassuring presence, "You'll be a great mother, I just know it."

Tanana sighed softly. Her leader was right. She had grown up with these wolves, and knew they would always be there for her. Aruthe, Ourkan, Ourara, and now Xaasa, were all brilliant and talented in their own way. Her puppies would have the best start in life, and that was all she could ask for.

Her thoughts were rudely interrupted by the high-pitched sound of a bobcat fight breaking out somewhere across the river. Xaasa raised her head and scanned the area.
"I think that's our cue to go home," the lead wolf whispered, and stretched out, before trotting quietly to the path above them, "Let's go."

The two females tiptoed silently through the ferns. Tanana waited until she was sure the cats wouldn't hear them before asking a question she had been putting off.
"Xaasa," she whined, getting the older wolf's attention, "Would it be alright to ask you more questions? About puppies? Not now, but..."
"Of course!" Xaasa didn't break her trot, but she now seemed to have a spring in her step "You should come for a walk with me some time, we can talk about it then."
The smaller female wagged her tail.
"Thank you, Xaasa."
"Any time."


Posted 2020-09-29 15:18:51 (edited)

A Familiar Face

Xaasa becomes restless and goes for one last adventure before her pups are due. Along the way she meets someone she never thought she would see again.


The water lapped at Xaasa's ankles as she stood in the shallows of a river bend. Birds fluttered and twittered far above her, blending with the sound of the water and becoming a beautiful melody, but she was almost numb to the sights and sounds of the forest.

She was irritable of late, snapping at her mate, hoarding herbs and soft feathers, wanting to carry things in her mouth and tuck them away in her den. Even the very act of laying down was becoming uncomfortable, making her restless. She had needed to calm down, and gone for a final patrol to get some time to herself, but now her paws were hot and aching. That was another thing she hated. Her obsessive need to lick and chew at her paws and stomach whenever she was hurting. Oh, and whining like a pup every time she wanted something. She just couldn't help herself. In short, Xaasa felt like a bloated, pathetic, angry mess. And she needed to pee all the time. These puppies could not come soon enough, if you asked her.

Although, nobody did ask her anything lately. She could tell the rest of the pack were avoiding her, and Ourkan had taken on nearly every one of her duties, much to her chagrin. She was a capable wolf, and being pregnant didn't make her useless. Xaasa was supposed to be a leader, a fierce defender of her pack, searching out food, and playthings, and little shining cones to trade with. She huffed miserably.

Xaasa didn't understand the concept of trading very well, but Ourkan said it was a staple of life in the valley. As far as she was concerned, if you couldn't eat it, or tear it, or chew it, it wasn't worth anything. Besides, her pack had never interacted with anyone outside of their family unit. The adults would band together to chase away or kill outsiders on sight. It was easier that way. Competition was nearly always a death sentence in the harsh summer months, and with very little water available, her pack had to make sure it went to themselves and their prey.

A darting motion across the river caught her eye, and she held her breath as she saw a rabbit nibbling at the lush spring grass growing by the riverbank. A perfect distraction. One last hunt to prove to herself, and her packmates, that not even pregnancy could slow her down. She had been practicing daily, and knew her technique was sharper and better polished than before, making her feel confident in her ability to catch her prey.

Thinking quickly, she moved a little down river, wading slowly, but deliberately, towards the other side. Her nose twitched in anticipation, knowing that the rabbit wouldn't be able to hear her over the sound of the water. The critter hadn't moved at all, and was still nibbling and facing away from her as she stepped onto the bank. Xaasa crouched and inched forward behind a clump of weeds, eyes focused on the target, mouth hanging slightly open to better catch the scent. Her weary paws and poor mood were drowned out by the instinct to provide for herself and her unborn pups.

That is, until she saw another, very familiar, creamy-brown wolf, who was stalking the same rabbit from slightly up-river.
"AUNTY SCOUT-SCOUT!" She barked loudly, startling the rabbit in a burst of puppyish excitement. The other wolf visibly jumped, before composing herself and looking to see where the noise had come from. Confusion briefly crossed the older wolf's features, before she slowly and calmly trotted over to her niece.
"Xaasa, I would have thought you'd outgrown that silly nickname." the strange wolf had a raspy quality to her voice, and her fur was a little disheveled. Xaasa made herself small and wiggled excitedly, nipping at her aunt's chin as she completely ignored her words.
"I thought I'd never see you again, Aunty Skaohah. Aren't you surprised to see me?"
"Not really, I knew you would never stay at home. You always were the most independent, troublesome pup," Skaohah laughed as her niece let out a petulant whine in protest. "That's why you were always my favourite."
"You can't flatter me, Aunty," Xaasa huffed, before quickly changing the subject, "Are you settled in the forest too?"
"I was about to ask you the same thing," the older wolf's eyes drifted to Xaasa's swollen belly, "The last time I saw you, you told your parents, quite confidently, that you were going to be a lone wolf who would never need anybody to help her..."
Xaasa curled her tail and grimaced in embarrassment, whining again at her aunt's teasing.
"I was just a pup then. I grew up a lot after you left. In fact, I have a mate now. A whole pack. You should join us." The older wolf turned her head away, the first signs of awkwardness visible in her body language. Skaohah flicked her ears, and took a small step backwards before answering.
"I... I've never been one for company," she began, "You know that, youngling. I would make a poor pupsitter after all this time. My skills are rusty, and I'm used to life alone..." at this point, Xaasa whimpered softly, pinning her ears back and trying to persuade her aunt with puppy-dog eyes. "But..." Skaohah continued, "For my favourite niece, I could always offer my skills as a scout. In return for food, of course."
The younger wolf wagged her tail and barked in delight, bouncing as much as her sore paws would allow.
"I can't wait for you to meet Ourkan. He's always fussing, but he's a good partner. He knows everything about the forest, he's talented, and he can run for days. You'll love him, Aunty Scout-Scout!" Xaasa's aunt huffed playfully at the nickname.
"I hope you don't act this pup-ish around your packmates."
"Ha! I only do it to annoy you, Aunty. I've always been an independent and troublesome pup, remember?"
Skaohah snorted, scratching at her nose with one paw to hide her amusement.
"Yes, Xaasa, I know. It seems you really have grown since I last saw you. Let's go and meet your mate, then."

With one last delighted wag of her tail, Xaasa set out back across the river, her aunt following close behind. This had turned out to be a very, very good day.


Posted 2020-09-29 15:19:20 (edited)

Growing Up Fast (Part 2)

(Content warning for mentions of animal/puppy death. Tanana and Xaasa are both mothers now, although each have their own struggles. This story is set a small time skip from part one.)


The happy barks and yips of her pups greeted Tanana, as she and Ourkan trotted into the den.

"So, how did she do?" It seemed her sister Ourara had been eagerly awaiting their return too, as she was thumping her tail loudly and vigorously against the ground.

"When the puppies are weaned she'll join us full time." Ourkan said, crouching to fuss over his nieces and nephews.

"That skilled already?" Ourara looked up in awe, as Tanana awkwardly wagged her tail a little.

"Well, I did manage to snag us a grouse for dinner, but I don't know if that counts as skillful."

"No need to be humble. Those birds always go for the eyes." Her brother had his head pinned to the floor at this point, tongue lolling goofily to the side as two pups chewed on either ear, and was pretending to be completely helpless.

"Well if the pups can best you, Ourkie, there's little hope for the pack." Their sister said, and Tanana couldn't help but laugh as she nudged her children away from their uncle.

"Enough now, pups. Your Auntie Xaasa won't be happy if you eat Uncle Ourkan's ears."

"At least I won't be able to hear Ourara bullying me." Her brother drooped sadly, putting on a show for the young wolves, "Poor, poor me! With my ears talked off and then eaten up, how will I ever face the pack again?"

Almost as if summoned by their words, Xaasa barked a greeting from outside the den.

"Anyone home?"

"Yes, Xaasa, come in!"

"Ah, Tanana, how did your hunt go?" Their lead wolf seemed a little disheveled, and behind her stumbled a very small brown puppy, catching Ourkan's eye immediately.

"Quohau'ru!" He exclaimed, wiggling his whole body in excitement as he licked his pup all over. Xaasa smiled at her mate softly, as the other wolves greeted her respectfully.

"The hunt went well, Ourkan chased down a grouse perfectly, and I managed to finish it off." Tanana couldn't keep the pride out of her voice as she spoke, something that Xaasa's picked up on immediately.

"Well done! I take it you and Ourara will be working together once the pups are older?"

"Yes!" Ourara piped up cheerfully, "We can't wait, can we Tana?"

"I'm sure we'll do well together."

"Of course we will, if Aruthe joins too we'll be unstoppable!" Her sister laughed nervously as their leader flinched.

"Well, we'll need all the food we can get, so I hope your very loud claims turn out true." Xaasa sighed quietly, and turned slightly to avoid her mate rolling on the floor with the pups, "Ourkan, will you and Ourara take the pups to play? If you don't mind of course, Tanana?"

"Not at all, Xaasa" The young female smiled, as Ourkan gently herded the pups, as well as Ourara who clearly hadn't gotten the hint, out of the den.

"Now that it's quieter in here, we can talk" Xaasa said, flopping to the ground. With their packmates gone and her leader fully relaxed, tanana could see just how exhausted she looked.

"Are you alright, Xaasa?"

"Hmm? I was just going to ask you the same thing. You seem tense lately, has anything," she glanced to the entrance of the den, "or anyone, been bothering you?"

"Ourara never bothers me" she laughed "I'm just a worrier from a whole pack of worriers."

"I see." Xaasa raised her head " And what's got you worried this time?"

Tanana paused, not knowing exactly how her leader always managed to read her perfectly like this, and tried to think of a way to explain without making herself look bad.

"Perhaps it isn't a big deal.. They aren't even weaned yet, but..."

She glanced at Xaasa, who was waiting patiently. The older female had a way of making her ramble out exactly what was on her mind, and it seemed like today was no exception.

"Go on"

"Your daughter already has a name, but my pups are getting older by the minute and... I have no idea what to do. I'm worried they'll be adults and still nameless..." Tanana pinned her ears back sadly "I'm a poor mother. All I've done for my pups is feed them and chastise them. At least Ourkan makes them happy..."

"Oh Tanana," the older female got up and nosed her gently, "Those pups love you just as much as they love my mate. Just because he plays the fool and makes them laugh, doesn't mean you're a bad mother. Who is the one teaching them their first words?"

"I... I am."

"And who was there when they opened their eyes? Who warned them about the dangers of the world? Kept them clean? Encouraged them to walk and play?"

"I did..."

"You see? You're a great mother, how could your pups not love you?"


"Don't worry about their names. Names take time."

"But Xaasa, how will I know?"

"Know what?" The leader cocked her head to one side quizzically, as the younger female cut her off.

"How will I know if I do a good job? How will I know when to give them the right names, or... or if the names will suit them, or if I'm waiting too long, or..." Tanana whined softly, overwhelmed, as Xaasa leant against her.

"The truth is, you won't know," the older wolf cut her off as she began to panic again, "But, we can only do our best. Where I came from we never named our pups early."


"Ourkan and I made a promise, after we..." The older wolf paused, taking a deep breath, "After the accident, we vowed to keep our last puppy safe. That meant giving her a name."

"Oh... So..."

"You shouldn't be worried about waiting. As pups grow, their names become obvious. As their mother, you'll know them the best, but as your leader I'm always here to guide you, if you need it."

"Thank you, Xaasa." Tanana whispered.

The loss of her nephew had been a sudden and shocking one. Now she was thinking about it, it was obvious. The way Ourkan joked with the pups, doted on his daughter, tried to make time to spend with his siblings, he was simply putting on a brave and happy front for all his family. She could see the grief in Xaasa's unkempt fur, her tired eyes, the constant patrolling, the way she carefully made sure to praise every wolf of the pack each day.

Tanana suddenly felt very silly comparing her mothering choices to Xaasa's.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" The older wolf looked genuinely confused. "My job is to advise you, and besides, you're a saint compared to your siblings. I love our family dearly, but I never have to worry about you scaring the pups with ghost stories, or trying to get yourself killed by a porcupine, or barking me awake in the middle of my nap." Xaasa laughed. "Perhaps you should be in charge for a day or two?"

"No thanks, I don't want to be the one to tell Aruthe she has to pull spines out of Ourkan's rump again." They both snorted, remembering how Ourkan had looked like a sad oversized pine branch.

"Yes, I don't think she's forgiven me for assigning her that duty yet."


Posted 2020-09-29 15:19:58 (edited)

Aruthe's Choice (Part 1)

Aruthe is invited to join the pack's hunting team by her brother Ourkan, due to her potential as a chaser Her sibling Ourara is already doing well on the team as a stalker. How will her first hunt go?


"Trust me, Aruthe, you're a born chaser." That's what her brother had said only moments before, and now the young she-wolf was having a dilemma. She stood awkwardly in the clearing outside the mine, fur blowing in the breeze, as her siblings looked at her expectantly from their spot amongst the ferns.

Aruthe pawed at the pale dirt and stones beneath her feet. On one hand, Ourkan always meant what he said, but on the other, she had never felt like she was particularly fast or agile compared to her sisters. Plus, she had no experience. Surely she would just drag the group down? Aruthe glanced at Ourara. Her sister was almost bouncing with excitement, how could she refuse?

"Well, it can't hurt to try, can it?" She said cheerfully to her littermate, wagging her tail a little.
"Yes! I knew it Ourkie!"
"Shh, 'Rara, you'll scare all the prey away if you go barking your head off like that!" Aruthe giggled as her sister stopped suddenly, looking sheepish. Her brother seemed happy too. Maybe being a chaser wouldn't be such a bad idea after all? The only thing that worried her were all the bumps and scrapes Ourkan kept coming back with. Her limited knowledge of medicine would be of little use if she was injured too. Her brother seemed to notice her trepidation at that point.
"You're a quick-witted wolf, you'll do fine."
"I hope so," she gave him a quick wag of her tail to reassure him, "you just let me know if I slow you down."
"Aw, Aruthe, you're way faster than Ourkie. He's going to be the one slowing us down." Ourara nipped playfully at their brother, who nosed her back softly in admonition.
"Don't be mean, Rara, I'm sure Ourkan's a great chaser." Aruthe wagged her tail again as her brother whined his thanks.
"At least someone believes in me."


They had set out almost immediately, Aruthe managing (somehow) to keep the other two from getting into a scuffle before even finding the prey. Her sister kept pushing her luck, teasing Ourkan, and trying to bait him into playtime right until the last second. No wonder he had wanted her to come along, she was the only one Rara ever listened to.

Suddenly her sister snapped her attention away from Ourkan, nose raised, then to the floor, then raised again. Aruthe looked to her brother in confusion.
"She does this. Every time." Was all he said.
Ourara rapidly flicked her ears in all directions, sniffing at the leaves underfoot. Seemingly satisfied, she didn't even spare a glance for her siblings as she trotted into the underbrush, nose firmly glued to the forest floor.
"Time to go." Ourkan followed her at a leisurely pace, signalling for Aruthe to do the same. Now she was truly perplexed. What were they following? How big was it? She wasn't even ready yet!

Her brother had suddenly taken the lead at some unseen cue from Ourara, and now her sister was trailing behind, staring intensely at him. The stalker noticed her littermate running alongside her and started slightly.
"Run, Aruthe! We'll lose it!"
"What is it?"
"A rab- Ourkie, left!" She hissed suddenly, cutting herself off, as Ourkan fluidly changed direction and started sprinting, "Go!"
Aruthe, still confused, started running. Twigs scraped her legs as her brother seemed to turn on a dime, following what she couldn't see in the dense underbrush. The forest passed by in a blur of green and brown, her lungs barely able to keep up with the frantic pace, and she soon lost sight of Ourkan amongst the trees.

Eyes darting from side to side, nose twitching, she spun in circles to pick up the scent of her packmates. There! To the left! Onwards she ran, blood rushing in her ears, hoping to catch up before the hunt was over.

All too soon, Aruthe heard the excited yip of her sister, as a high pitched squeal came from just ahead. Too late. She brushed past a dense patch of willowy saplings to find her brother panting, muzzle bloodied. With a dejected sigh and a drop of her tail, she noticed the rabbit laying motionless at his feet.

"Aruthe!" Ourara bounded over to her, pushing up against her side, "Where did you go?"
"I got turned around, it was all so... fast." Aruthe forced a laugh, despite her disappointment, walking over to sniff the carcass. Ourkan's eyes widened.
"Your paw, what happened?" The older wolf carefully leant down and touched it with his nose.
"Hey!" Aruthe yelped. In all the mayhem she hadn't even noticed the cut across her pad. "That hurts!"
"So you should be! You left me behind, didn't tell me what was going on, and now I'm injured! I was worse than useless out there."
"Don't be silly, it's only a little scrape" Ourara had come closer, her tail wagging as she spoke, "Even if you were useless today, you'll get miles better with practice!"
"Ourara..." her brother warned, as Aruthe whined in frustration.
"Enough!" Aruthe barked, "This is all your fault! If you hadn't asked me on this stupid hunt everything would have been fine! You clearly work better by yourselves anyway!"

Ourkan sighed, and with that, their sister turned tail and limped furiously into the undergrowth, leaving her packmates speechless.


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