Fatum Absoluta | Mascot Contest [Open]
Fatum Absoluta | Mascot Contest [Open]
Posted 2020-12-03 16:09:23 (edited)
[You're Here] | Rules | News | Contest & Events | Games | Raffles | Clan Studs | Member List | Badges & Pagedolls | Placeholder Hello and Welcome to the "Fatum Absoluta Clan." I am starting this clan to be a bit of everything. We welcome all different types of people with all kinds of goals. I hope that you will want to join our clan after learning a bit more about us! Latest Announcement: Clan Mascot Design Contest [Here]. What is Fatum Absoluta? Fatum Absoluta means Absolute Fate. Dispite the name the messages in this clan is that nothing is absolute, you can change your fate. This clan who focuses on reaching goals. These are goals of all kinds from simple projects to large dreams. Our purpose is to host Contests, Games, & Raffles as well as just have fun comunicating with one another about our lives, goals, achivements, and more. Our purpose is to create a safe place where people can express whatever they desire and give people creative freedom and have a fun place to make friends. What do you do in Our Clan? As I said a bit of everything. This clan is a way to be able to experince all the things clans do such as Contest and Raffles while getting to know your community and meet new people. We have many goals in mind and activities to help people get to know one another as well as achive their goals. We will try and have something for everyone. These activities can be but are not limit to: Art, Contests, Designs, Games, Giveaways, & Writing. We will try and have something everyone can partisipate in at some point and when we hold these main events we will have other things the members who can not participate can do as well. What are the Member Perks? Glad you asked! By joining our clan you will be able to get any of the following: °Friendly accepting community that is dedicated to making your experience fun and safe. °Weekly and/or Monthy Contest, Raffles, or Games with awesome prizes. °Help, Support, and Advice from members. °Exclusive Clan discounts for Breeding males. °And more. We will be adding to our perks as we go! So expect fun new things you can experince by joining. |
![]() WinterNexus #211 |
Posted 2020-12-03 16:09:29 (edited)
Welcome | [You're Here] | News | Contest & Events | Games | Raffles | Clan Studs | Member List | Badges & Pagedolls | Placeholder Be Kind, Helpful and Respectful - This is a Friendly group and I want us all to try and get along. Show No Bias/Hate toward other member's - We are a group that accepts everyone no matter what. If we see a member who is violating one of the following listed here, you will receive a Warning or Ban depending on your offence - You will normally recive 2 Warnings for most rule breaks further violations of these rules will result in a ban from teh clan and all activities. Please try to follow these rules and be nice to everyone. All rules of Wolvden forums and the Wolvden game apply to Clan members - If the site admins/mods find the need to reprimand you we can not control this and it is absolute. We do not control what they do and you should keep this in mind. More Rules may be added at any point in time - As the clan evoles We may fimd it nessary to add more rules to make sure the clan runs smoothly. Please keep this in mind. If the rules are update a message will be posted in [News] as well as in the general chatter. |
![]() WinterNexus #211 |
Posted 2020-12-03 16:09:34 (edited)
Welcome | Rules | [You're Here] | Contest & Events | Games | Raffles | Clan Studs | Member List | Badges & Pagedolls | Placeholder Here big news updates will be added. This may be of: Rule Changes/Additions, Raffles, Contest, & More. Please look here at least once per week for the latest news. News will try and be posted every Monday. 12-3-20 Clan was officially opened & The Clan Mascot Contest was created and can be found [Here]. |
![]() WinterNexus #211 |
Posted 2020-12-03 16:09:38 (edited)
Welcome | Rules | News | [You're Here] | Games | Raffles | Clan Studs | Member List | Badges & Pagedolls | Placeholder Hello and welcome to the Contests & Event page. Contest & Events will be held at random. These may be held at the First of a month or on special holidays. Contest/Events will be of a varity and will have themed prizes in the future. All updates will be on the [News] Page. Note the Following: For now all Contests/Events are being made out of pocket from me WinterNexus (#211). Due to this I will be managing the clan all alone so please be aware of this if prizes/rewards may not start out as high in value. So, you're probably wondering, How do I enter? - Contest & Event rules will vary based on what the contest/event intel exactly. How Contest work: Contest with have a Type and a Theme. Type will be something like Art, or Writing. Themes will be something like Fall, Christmas, Apocalypse, etc. When both the Type & Theme is picked the user must follow he rules of the contest and those two things to enter. Specifics will be listed under the contest, as well as the prize. For people unable to enter a type of contest due to their limitations such as art there will be a mini constest. Mini contest will have a prize that is less than a main contest but will have a reward and will allow the user to participate irrgarless of skill. Our default mini contest is Wolf Design Contest and the theme will be the same as the Main Contest. How Events work: Events will normally have a Theme of some kind and will be reward based rather than prize based on average. I will be hold event differently to some other clans as our events you can earn event currency. Some events will be Monthly/Sesonal , while others will ocvour more offtem and randoly allowing to to a chance to earn more currency to redeem. Event currency will be tracked on a app/site and can be earned by doing specific actions during the event. The event itself will explain how currency is earned and how it can be redeemed. All event activitys will take place on site, but event currency documentation will be held [Here]. To redeeem your prize just pm WinterNexus (#211) or a Event Organizer Staff member with the event name and the prize you would like. You should get your prize within 24 hours of your request. Clan Mascot Design Contest Hello everyone for our first ever contest I am wanting a mascot to represent our clan. Our mascot will be used in future contest as well as for things such as banners, page dolls, and more. Once this contest ends a Ref sheet will be created for them based on the design & details. Our mascot will be given a toyhouse page where you can see all of their art that is created over time, and the winner of this contest will be credited with their design. This contest will end: 2 weeks after the first entry or after 10 entries are received if the full 2 weeks pass with a low amount of entrys. Rules: °You must be a Clan member to enter - Just to be fair. I would like to know you may be a part of our community when helping choose a mascot to represent us. °All mascot designs must be made using The Wolf Wardrobe - This is to make the contest fair. °Designs can not be mutated with Albinism or Melanism - This is because you can not see the design this way. °A Max of 2 Designs per person may be entered - These designs may not be changed after submission. °You can state that your design is for another animal not a wolf - This is because to make the contest fair the designs must be made in the wardrobe, and only wolves can be made this way. So if you make a design you can say they are for example a River Otter nd this will be reflected in their final Ref sheet. °You can add a discription of things the mascot has that may not be possible to add via the wardobe - This can be piercings, other scars(No self-harm), accessorys, etc. °You do not need to give a name/personality to your design - These will likely be chosen in polls after the design winner is chosen. °Please avoid writing anything gory, vulger, triggering, or upsetting when designing the character - If you are unsure if something your wrote is the following send me a pm. °Winners will be chosen through a clan wide poll - This is so the clan itself can pick the representation they want not just staff. °If you have any questions feel free to ask - There are no other design limitations. Prizes: This may change include more prizes and be larger prize if this contest gets a lot of interest. First Place: 20GC Second Place: 5GC
Thank you, and have fun! TBA |
![]() WinterNexus #211 |
Posted 2020-12-03 16:09:44 (edited)
Welcome | Rules | News | Contest & Events | [You're Here] | Raffles | Clan Studs | Member List | Badges & Pagedolls | Placeholder Hello and welcome to the Games page. Games of all kinds will be held at random. Games will vary but normally be fun little activitys to interact with the community. Games will not reward prizes unless they are held specifically on site. Currently there is no games manager so these are a WIP that you should stay tuned for. |
![]() WinterNexus #211 |
Posted 2020-12-03 16:09:49 (edited)
Welcome | Rules | News | Contest & Events | Games | [You're Here] | Clan Studs | Member List | Badges & Pagedolls | Placeholder Hello and welcome to the Raffles page. Small Raffles will be held once a week normally. Larger Raffles may be a month long or longer and we will try and host Raffles on special holidays as well. Note the Following: For now all Raffles are being made out of pocket from me WinterNexus (#211). Due to this I will be managing the clan all alone and all items/currency made will be sent and managed by me. To insure that the clan stays up and running a percentage of all raffle earnings will go back to the clan for furture Raffles and Contests. So, you're probably wondering, How do I enter? - You just need to purchase some tickets by making a trade out to WinterNexus (#211). The maximum number of tickets that can be purchased by any one member will be listed under the raffle. The ticket prices will vary based on what is being raffled. All items that can be used for tickets will not change in price normally. To buy your tickets, simply send a trade to WinterNexus (#211) with a 1SC buyout - You do need to compensate for this 1SC by adding 1SC to the ticket price - This way you will get your 1SC back when I buyout the transaction and the exact ticket fee will be paid The Prizes work are as follows: Each Raffle item will be listed below with a number corresponding to the prize. Winners will be drawn using a random number generator using the amount of tickets bought. Each user can not win multiple prizes unless stated so under the raffle. Winners of the raffle will be sent a private trade with the currency/item(s)/wolf(wolves) in question with a 1SC buyout price. Current Raffle: TBA |
![]() WinterNexus #211 |
Posted 2020-12-03 16:09:53 (edited)
Welcome | Rules | News | Contest & Events | Games | Raffles | [You're Here] | Member List | Badges & Pagedolls | Placeholder Here are member studs that are providing a clan discount. These members have discused and approved with me or a staff member about providing discounted studs for all of you. If you would like your stud here please message a Staff member. To receive this discount when sending a request please provide the Clan Name and the word "Discount" in your stud request. Discounted studs will have their SC/GC corresponding to the discount amount sent back via a trade to the user. Studs will have their Name, Link, Normal Price, Discounted Price and other Special Details listed along with a image of their current looks. If a stud does not refund you your discount we can not control this, but please inform a staff member of this so we can take care of this to the best of our abilities. Thank you! |
![]() WinterNexus #211 |
Posted 2020-12-03 16:10:01 (edited)
Welcome | Rules | News | Contest & Events | Games | Raffles | Clan Studs | [You're Here] | Badges & Pagedolls | Placeholder Please only mesage staff if it is important: This may be a Name change, issue with a Clan member, or if a specific Contest, Event, or Raffle requires you to do so. You are responsible for informing a staff member of a username change. Member names are in alphabetical order and clickable for ease of access. Staff members will have their roll next to their name. Admins: Members: |
![]() WinterNexus #211 |
Posted 2020-12-03 16:10:06 (edited)
Welcome | Rules | News | Contest & Events | Games | Raffles | Clan Studs | Member List | [You're Here] | Placeholder These will be added soon. Badges and Page dolls are free to use on anyones page. These are used to support the clan. All art will have their creator credited here. Please do not remove the credit and if possible please link back to this thread. |
![]() WinterNexus #211 |
Posted 2020-12-03 16:10:17 (edited)
Welcome | Rules | News | Contest & Events | Games | Raffles | Clan Studs | Member List | Badges & Pagedolls | [You're Here] Our clan is still growing and so this is a place holder for the future. When information is added here a News post will be added to inform you. Thank you for being a part of Fatum Absoluta! |
![]() WinterNexus #211 |