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★ Zira ★ and WolfClaw ONLY RP

Posted 2021-03-03 08:39:27

"I'm not going anywhere," Adelite said in a flat tone. The healer shifted nervously but decided to stay in case things went bad and they were needed.

"You're not going anywhere now that you're here," the white wolf said. "But why did you bring them here?" she turned on Kodi. The mangy pack wolves snapped at the wolves haunches to make sure they didn't go anywhere.

"Alpha- I, I brought them here because I thought that if we had them we'd be able to take their land. There's their healer and the second and command and that one" he said beaconing to Adelite "Is like the Alpha's special pet. I wasn't expecting her on coming here too but I know she'd do anything for them.

The white wolf who was clearly the rundown pack's leader shot a dark look at the other pack. "Do you think this will make me forgive you, murderer?" she demanded, turning to look at Kodi.

★ Zira ★

Posted 2021-03-03 08:44:20 (edited)

kassie, Z and the new leader snarled at the same time as they stayed together in a group looking now scared. What will happen to them, only fate will know. 

Kassie sighed " Please do not take our land" she siad tot he white wolf " we just are trying to keep it safe, from him"  she said looking at Kodi " Hes also being too nice to Adelite, and I dont accept it. "

Z  relaxed at her words " Yeah.. and im the guardian for Lusts Pack.."

𝕨𝕠𝕝𝕗𝕞𝕠𝕞 || Chatmom

Posted 2021-03-03 09:37:33

“You made the same mistake I did, trusting Kodi,” she said. Something flashed in her eyes but disappeared quickly: a deep sorrow. “It doesn’t matter what you want. My pack needs the land.” She said to the other Alpha. “No matter what Kodi did, he is no wolf of mine.”

”But Alpha I-“ he stammered but was cut off. The white wolf lunged at him, seething with furry. “I told you if I ever saw you again I’d kill you!” She slashed at soft part of the wolves neck. “No matter what you do now, it will never change what you did murderer.”

Kodi opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. His eyes were wide with fear as blood dripped from his neck to the ground.

★ Zira ★

Posted 2021-03-03 10:40:20

Lust  and kassie looked away But Z , their packs guardian, walked up to the white wolf " Where will we go if we dont have a home... " he asked, scared that she might lunge at him. " Im begging you to not take my... our home.. away from us. "

𝕨𝕠𝕝𝕗𝕞𝕠𝕞 || Chatmom

Posted 2021-03-03 11:16:41

“That sounds like something you need to figure out. Look around you,” she said gesturing to her pack with her bloodied paw. “It’s them or you.”

Kodi struggled to say on his feet. His legs trembled and his eyes were glassy. Finally his legs have out and he lay still on the forest floor. Despite not being in the same pack, the healer walked over to Kodi and rested their paw on his sides that heaved with every breath. They knew even before his breathing stopped there was nothing to be done.

★ Zira ★

Posted 2021-03-03 11:21:09

Kassie put her head down before sighing " come on guys... what choice do we have.. our home is gone.. time to search for a new one"

Z stepped back from the white wolf and walked to Kassie and Lust. The others  walked off as well in search of a new home.

kassie looked back at Adelite with tears before mouthing " Im sorry for everything" and   then walked off with her pack

𝕨𝕠𝕝𝕗𝕞𝕠𝕞 || Chatmom

Posted 2021-03-03 11:26:55

Adelite was frozen. They had given up and walked away. She didn’t blame them though. She had led them into a trap. It was all her fault. Sadness and fury burned in her chest. She launched herself at the white alpha who was enjoying her victory. She was taken off guard but regained herself, teeth clashing as she fought the wolf off.

★ Zira ★

Posted 2021-03-03 11:29:36

Lust stayed behind after a little while of following her pack " Come on Adelite... come with us where its going to be safe. No one will ever harm you" She looked at Adelite with loving eyes, like a mother proud of her pups. " Please"

𝕨𝕠𝕝𝕗𝕞𝕠𝕞 || Chatmom

Posted 2021-03-03 11:37:57

The white alpha threw her off and she tumbled to the ground. When she got up she saw Lust. She was bleeding from several scratches. She glanced at the white alpha and her angry pack and decided it wasn’t a fight worth having. “I... I can’t go with you. Im not a pack wolf. I’ve ruined everything.”

★ Zira ★

Posted 2021-03-03 11:50:06

Lust sighed " Well, alright then. but if you ever change your mind.. im always around" she then ran off to find her  pack and soon  layed down on hard leaves below her and fell asleep

𝕨𝕠𝕝𝕗𝕞𝕠𝕞 || Chatmom

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