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★ Zira ★ and WolfClaw ONLY RP

Posted 2021-03-17 05:30:58

Z yawned and stretched " Sure darlin. just make sure he doesnt run off out of the den.. he knows me pretty well and will do anything to get back to me" He said with a chuckle and ran off to go hunt

𝕨𝕠𝕝𝕗𝕞𝕠𝕞 || Chatmom

Posted 2021-03-17 10:18:40

Adelite pounced on the pup, making sure to be gentle. She tussled with the pup, laughing.

★ Zira ★

Posted 2021-03-17 11:19:16

The pup chased her around the den playfully and nipped her tail. wanting to play more.

Z hunted for the whole pack, even though Adelite didnt tell him too. He was bath with a stag carcass a few hours later

𝕨𝕠𝕝𝕗𝕞𝕠𝕞 || Chatmom

Posted 2021-03-17 18:02:24

Adelite thought she heard Z so she went to the mouth of the den, taking the pup with her. "You're back. And you could feed the whole pack with that."

★ Zira ★

Posted 2021-03-17 18:04:30

" I caught what I caught honey..." Z said " I.. I can go back and catch another one"

𝕨𝕠𝕝𝕗𝕞𝕠𝕞 || Chatmom

Posted 2021-03-18 08:53:35

“Why would you need to catch any more.” She laughed, nuzzling him.

★ Zira ★

Posted 2021-03-18 09:31:23

Z nuzzled back "  because the whole pack may be hungry than ever and im the best hunter around here"

𝕨𝕠𝕝𝕗𝕞𝕠𝕞 || Chatmom

Posted 2021-03-18 09:47:41

“Don’t get to over confident,” she growled. “Anyways you’re on puppy duty, I’m going to go take a walk.” She nudged the pup towards him.

★ Zira ★

Posted 2021-03-18 09:49:26

" Awe man.. ok fine. but we switch every so often" Z said licking her face before she left the den. He then looked at the pup and chuckled " ok squirt.. come here"

𝕨𝕠𝕝𝕗𝕞𝕠𝕞 || Chatmom

Posted 2021-03-19 05:30:28

Adelite walked through the trees, the light reflecting off her shiny fur. She came to a stream and laid down on her stomach so her nose barely brushed the water. She stayed like that for a while as thoughts pounced around her head: the other pack, Kodi, the new pup, pups of her own. She evently drifted off to sleep.

★ Zira ★

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