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Rick Astley “Clan”

Posted 2020-12-10 09:07:59


|Sabara| - Bow Hunter

Posted 2020-12-11 08:17:53

Hello i realize i am late.

Name? Saturn

Have you ever been upset at a Rickroll? ofc not, I am the one rickrolling >:)

Do you accept Rick Astley as your lord and savior? Yes

let me offer a word of prayer,

Dear lord and savior, never give us up, never let us down. Amen


Posted 2020-12-11 09:56:29

HAHAHAHAH "never give us up, never let us down. Amen" that was epic.

|Sabara| - Bow Hunter

Posted 2020-12-11 10:18:07

Thank you, it is our church prayer 🙏


Posted 2020-12-11 12:06:27

Thank you for the prayer, Saturn, Priest of the Church of Rick Astley.



Posted 2020-12-11 23:31:45

Name? scottie

Have you ever been upset at a Rickroll? never, in fact i feel blessed by them

Do you accept Rick Astley as your lord and savior? oh absolutely, let us spread his holy word


Posted 2020-12-12 08:41:19

thank you, scottie for the beautiful song. Wonderful thing to listen to in the morning, really sets off the mood right for the rest of the day.


Posted 2020-12-12 08:47:50

Thank you scottie for joining us and sharing that beautiful melody.


Posted 2020-12-12 10:35:47

(i'm totally not late--)

Name?: pooka

Have you ever been upset at a Rickroll?: absolutely not, i love rickrolls. i'm blessed when i see one

Do you accept Rick Astley as your lord and savior?: absolutely. i have the qr code to the youtube video embroidered on a piece of fabric sitting right next to me, i am Dedicated

Pooka [RiverOfCrystals]

Posted 2020-12-12 10:37:12

Hello Pooka, welcome to the cul-clan. It’s a clan. You are a true worshipper of the lord.


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