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Waffles's Writing Shop!

Waffles's Writing Shop!
Posted 2020-12-12 13:15:54 (edited)

Waffles's Writing Shop! 

Welcome to my Writing Shop.

I love writing but I don't do it very often, not as often as I want. So I'm trying to do as much as I can to do it more.


1- No stealing writing examples. If you do, I will make you get rid of it if it's on your den page and I will blacklist you.

2- Please add as much detail as you can to the descriptions of the characters. This is so I know exactly what you'd like. 

3- I am willing to accept items, but I'll be picky about it. Please ask what items I'll accept before sending them.

4- No topics that make me uncomfortable. I can say no to writing things that I can't write about. 

5- Please make sure items match the same price as the writing in SC is. 

6- You can come back any time you'd like!

7- If you don't like my writing don't buy it. If you already have and you don't like the writing piece I've given you, please PM ME about it instead of yelling it on the topic. We can try and talk about it and I might be able to re-write it for you for a small fee. If you just want you money back, I'll give you half of it back. Why? Because you saw my writing examples and you should make the most detailed form you can so I'll get everything okay. If it was my fault, I'll give you all your money back. 

8- I prefer if you give me the money first, but, if you're unsure wether I'll give you your writing or not, you can give me half the payment before I start the writing and the other half after I give you the writing, if that makes you feel more safe. <3

9- Listen to the payments! Do not try and lower the price. I will not do writing for free.

10- do not get rid of credit! If you do, credit me in some other way! 

Writing Examples!

Writing Types:


Short Description 


Short Story 


1-100 Words = 50 SC

200-299 Words = 100 SC

300-399 Words = 150 SC

400-499 Words = 200 SC

500-599 Words = 250 SC

600-699 Words = 300 SC

700+ Words = 500 SC

If anything is overpriced, please tell me! I'm not all that good with pricing. 

Last time I was on Wolvden, the pricing were all over the place, so I'm still slightly confused on what the right prices should be. So please if it's overpriced/underpriced, tell me, so nobody will be buying things that aren't the right price.

Things I can write about:


Humans (prefer animals)

Mythical Creatures (dragons, unicorns, etc. Mermaids and fairies aren't as preferred as Mythical animal creatures, but I will probably write about those if you'd like, too ^^)

Wolvden wolves

lioden lions

Plant/biome Descriptions


sad stories

Relationship/love stories (As long as it stays appropriate)

slight gore


Things I will NOT write about:



Political things

Heavy, detailed gore

Uncomfortable topics 

Detailed abuse


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