Increase (or remove) the monthly restriction of pair-bonded breedings
Posted 2020-12-16 17:48:14
That’s a fair assumption; in the end though I really think it mostly boils down to play style. I just think that the 2 Breeding/Month is almost too restricting to even consider this much of a choice, you know? |
![]() EasyPlesi #1499 |
Posted 2020-12-16 17:52:13 (edited)
I'd also like to add- Litters aren't free. They require territory, food, and amusement. And often medicine as well. And let's not forget nesting material. There are ways to limit breeding and keep the market thriving, but limiting the actual ability to breed is a weak mechanic. This games premise is a breeding game with survival thrown in as a factor, yet this mechanic feels more like God restricting us than actual survival. |
![]() Goose #21992 |
Posted 2020-12-16 17:54:48 (edited)
Why is the stud market treated like the be all end all of the entire economy? Yes, some people are making plenty of sc and gc from studding, but that money is coming from other users. For a lot of us, the studding system is a way to lose money, not gain it. Also the first thing I did when I heard about the update was buy a male pup, on top of which I finally sold a male pup that’s been lingering in my den for over a week. Any cost to the stud market is offset by the benefit to the pup economy imo. |
![]() Badger #10939 |
Posted 2020-12-16 17:58:23
Yes! One of my main quarrels with Wolvden is how HARD it is to earn SC, especially because I don't have an attractive stud, and I have to worry about other things ontop of buying space for my pack. |
![]() The Magpie Kin #419 |
Posted 2020-12-16 18:00:15 (edited)
I am sorry but it is still blowing my mind that a pack of 200 wolves where it's set up in say, 100 pairs even would not be able to breed all their pairs - pairs portrayed and explained as very close bonds and get severe mood penalties when splitting them up - would all not be able to breed. A good amount of them would eventually die of old age before they ever had the chance. 2 pairs of 100 would be able to breed per month. That does not feel balanced to me at all. It does not sound right. It does not feel like 'careful breeding choices' to me. It just feels heartbreaking. The 2 limit feels more like it should be a stepping stone of a feature like territory space where the player can work to expand its limit in some way which would be fair and acceptable, but since right now it isn't it's just wild and absolutely insane for me to think about. I'm sorry if I sound like a broken record at this point but it's just so WILD to me that it's absolutely skewed like that. |
![]() otterbells #4284 |
Posted 2020-12-16 18:01:37
On top of that- if your argument is that the market will be oversaturated by potato pups then... Don't buy them. People will eventually learn to chase potatoes, no one's going to buy a potato over your lavender merle or whatever's popular in the market rn. The potatoes are already there, and they're not going to get bought, and people will learn the hard way that no one wants them. That's how selling products goes. |
![]() Goose #21992 |
Posted 2020-12-16 18:03:49
Jessi, your argument is so insanely valid. I am a big of fan of population milestones, ESPECIALLY with games like this where you have to really work and grind to expand your population. I could absolutely see a "1 pair breeding a month for every 10 wolves" or something working out SO MUCH BETTER than this current system. |
![]() Goose #21992 |
Posted 2020-12-16 18:09:25
Yes Jessi! Make pairing equivalent to the pack! I personally am not gonna need the breeding capabilities that a 200 wolf pack is gonna need. Will it hurt me to have it? No! |
![]() The Magpie Kin #419 |
Posted 2020-12-16 18:14:20 (edited)
@Ghostie The main concern is that, when something gets unbalanced it is really hard to balance later. If raising the limit causes issues, fixing it would make many players unhappy. @Badger The puppy issue... that is not going to be solved by upping the limit, sadly. I think maybe changing it to 1 pair bond per 10/15 wolves is perfectly fair? |
![]() Miso 🥣 #1101 |
Posted 2020-12-16 18:16:29 (edited)
I'd like to add that while I don't use the stud mechanic, I still very much use the TC. Often. Regularly. The economy can thrive on things other than stud buyouts. |
![]() Goose #21992 |