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šŸŽ„ Cure-For-All For Christmas |:| An Herbal Conspiracy šŸŽ„

šŸŽ„ Cure-For-All For Christmas |:| An Herbal Conspiracy šŸŽ„
Posted 2020-12-15 15:24:05 (edited)

ļ»æ(I don't mean conspiracy as a bad thing ahaha-)

šŸŽ„ š“’š“¾š“»š“®-š“•š“øš“»-š“š“µš“µ š“•š“øš“» š“’š“±š“»š“²š“¼š“½š“¶š“Ŗš“¼ |:| š“š“· š“—š“®š“»š“«š“Ŗš“µ š“’š“øš“·š“¼š“¹š“²š“»š“Ŗš“¬š”‚ šŸŽ„

this is a forum where random people band together to give out medicine anonymously to other random users for Christmas!

š“¼š“ø š“±š“®š“»š“®'š“¼ š“½š“±š“® š“¹š“µš“Ŗš“·:

ļ»æ~Ā ļ»æcomment below that you want to participate, make as many cure-for-all medicines as you can, and let us know if you run out of herbs!

~ additionally, if your herbalist doesn't know the recipe yet or you don't want to be crafting medicines repeatedly, you can donate herbs! (send some to any participating member) here's the recipe for the cure-for-all medicine:


š“Ŗš“·š“­ š“½š“±š“Ŗš“½'š“¼ š“²š“½! š“½š“±š“Ŗš“·š““š“¼ š“½š“ø š“Ŗš“µš“µ š”€š“±š“ø š“¹š“Ŗš“»š“½š“²š“¬š“²š“¹š“Ŗš“½š“®, š“Ŗš“·š“­ š“±š“Ŗš“¹š“¹š”‚ š“±š“øš“µš“²š“­š“Ŗš”‚š“¼, š“øš“Æ š“¬š“øš“¾š“»š“¼š“®!Ā šŸŽ„

šŸ¦Ø twoducks

Posted 2020-12-15 15:33:14

count me in!! :DĀ 


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