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CSS to Opt Out of the Giftgiving Event

CSS to Opt Out of the Giftgiving Event
Posted 2020-12-18 16:20:50 (edited)

Hello everyone! This is gonna be short and sweet. Do you not want to participate in the giftgiving event? This CSS will do the following:

  • Remove the "# gifts have been left for you!" dialog from you when viewing your own den.
  • Remove the "You have already left a gift for this member!" dialog from visitors.
  • Remove the giftgiving menu from visitors, meaning they will not be able to send you gifts (at least not without intentionally using browser tools to circumvent the CSS.)

If you want to confirm that this works, you can visit my den (Snowwood Den) any time tonight and tomorrow (12/18-12/19 WD time). I will be leaving it on for y'all to be able to see it in action.

To install, all you have to do is pop the following into your source code for your den:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

If you feel uncomfortable with me hosting it, you are welcome to download the stylesheet from the link and reupload to your prefered personal hosting method. Alternatively, use the pastebin here.

How you can also remove the dialog boxes on other people's dens when you view them, using any userstyles or adblocking/contentblocking extensions, addons, or features within your browser.

How to add something to the source code on your den.


Posted 2020-12-18 16:20:55 (edited)

How to remove the giftgiving prompts from your view when viewing other player's dens

Please note, this is a local-only solution. It will only work on the computer or device that you set it up with, meaning if you want to use it on multiple devices you will need to repeat these steps on each one. It also means that you are not actually removing the prompts from the player's den for all visitors, just yourself.


If you would like to hide these dialogs locally on your computer, you can either use a userstyles browser feature or extension and copy-paste the CSS manually. Please make sure to include the "!important" tag on each property value, otherwise Wolvden/the player's own CSS may override it. If your tool of choice prompts you for which webpages or urls to apply it to, you can either select the domain "" or use the regexp "*" (meaning it will apply to all pages on Wolvden.)

Adblockers/Content blockers

You can utilize any adblocker or other extension/tool which allows you to identify specific components of a webpage to hide. Utilizing the adblocker method, simply include in your blacklist "###frmDecemberGifting" and "###main >"

Double-check your add-ons requirements for syntax to make sure it is correctly labeled. Alternatively, if it has a "picker" tool, simply try to pick those divs using the tool. Most adblockers/etc will give you a popup which will display the name of the div you are hiding before confirming the blacklist, so you can just double check that it matches the IDs above.


Posted 2020-12-18 16:20:58 (edited)

Adding content to the source code on your den

This is a super simple process. One caveat is, for whatever reason, the text/etc editors on Wolvden sometimes erase information the next time you go to edit it. To avoid this, I recommend that any time you go to update your den source code, right before you hit save, copy all of the text in the source code box into a seperate file on your computer. That way, if it gets erased, you can simply copy-paste it back in.

  1. Go to your den. It needs to be your den, not your user profile.
  2. Scroll to the very bottom. You will see the text box you use to edit the text on your den page.
  3. Press the "code view" button, on the far left of the toolbar. It will look like this: </>
  4. You will then see the source code view of your profile. Make the edits that you need.
  5.  If you want to save a copy of your source code, this is the time to do it. Once you are ready to save, hit the "Save Changes" button.


Posted 2020-12-21 08:23:47

Update: I've removed the CSS from my profile, but please feel free to try it out and see if it works for you!


Posted 2020-12-24 19:44:05

even tho i’m participating in the event this is really cool! idk anything about css but its impressive that you’ve figured this out :D


Posted 2021-12-02 05:46:16 (edited)
this is hella confusing my guy anything i past into my css out of that pastebin is "invalid" and instructions dont seem clear enough for dummies like me who dont know css in the first place to even begin to know what shes doing wrong. could you pm me?

EDIT; I am dumb, the html and shit has been overhauled since ive messed with it and i didnt know. i still cant opt out of gifting :/

Posted 2021-12-02 16:26:49 (edited)
All you need to do is copy the CSS file link into the CSS Files section of your den. It will look like this if done right. Then you just save it

Mel 🏜️

Posted 2023-12-01 18:22:51
Still works. Thanks

Indra, Snow Dog breeder

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