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Write your story: Wolvden RP Sign up (CLOSED)

Posted 2021-02-27 21:46:43 (edited)

Yup, she's a wolf OC I'd done ages ago... a mix between a red wolf and a coyote. c:

Of course when I found Wolvden I just couldn't resist making her again. :hearts:

RizuChan 🌺

Posted 2021-02-27 21:47:21

Cool hope she gets accepted ^^


Posted 2021-02-27 21:47:48

Accepted! You may start roleplaying whenever you'd like!

Solar Flares (HIATUS)

Posted 2021-02-27 21:47:56 (edited)

Fingers crossed!   u w u


Oh yaaay, thanks!!! c:

RizuChan 🌺

Posted 2021-02-27 22:14:58

Im swapping out Hinode and Bear for now with these two wolves:

Neptune, 11 months


51 Strength

75 Speed

79 Agility

51 Wisdom

55 Smarts

Total Stats: 311

He is a misfit among the Solar pack, the only friend he has is Nebula, and his now missing friend, Magma Rune. Neptune always feels lonely as Nebula is already an adult and busy with hunting, but he will soon join her hunting party once he ages up. Neptune isn't very smart, but looks up to Yang as his role model. Yang is one of the pack's best wolves, and most pleasant to be around too, but Neptune feels like he'll never be as good. He has decided to go explore for a bit, wanting to prove himself to the alphas as a pack member, like everyone else.

Nebula, 1 year, 6 months


52 Strength

61 Speed

60 Agility

46 Wisdom

50 Smarts

Total Stats: 269

Nebula is a peculiar looking wolf, but no different from other wolves of odd colors. The alphas named her Nebula because of her space like appearance. She is a proud wolf with excellent hearing and focus, she is always doing her best in her pack, and has her own hunting team to train with for the upcoming fall.

Solar Flares (HIATUS)

Posted 2021-03-01 12:39:34 (edited)

Nugat, 1 year

Straight Male


Strength: 43

Speed: 45

Agility: 46

Wisdom: 50

Smarts: 50

Total: 234

Nugat is a loner, he roams with his older friend, Sam, and they take care of each other. Nugat can get very stressed, and Sam is normally there to help him when he has panic attacks. He is very shy, and is better at scenting trails than catching the prey. He will follow Sam to try and help corner the animal they are hunting, but Sam does all the work.

Sam, 1 year, 1 month

Straight Male


Strength: 59

Speed: 45

Agility: 51

Wisdom: 45

Smarts: 49

Total: 249

Sam is basically Nugat's protector. He is protective and caring towards Nugat, and always is there to calm him down when he is scared. Sam is bold and curious, and uses his strength to his advantage. Nugat sniffs out prey trails and leads Sam to them, where Sam finishes them off.


Posted 2021-03-01 13:03:08



Posted 2021-03-01 13:27:41

Bear and Hinpde were swapped, but nothing much happened with them. Bear however is the new pack beta, and @Preddy both your wolves have been accepted!

Solar Flares (HIATUS)

Posted 2021-03-02 08:34:29 (edited)

I'm swapping out River for this dude-

Name: Sokul

Age: 4 Years

Gender: Male

Personality: Sokul is very ambitious, he wishes to be the leader of Rockpack. But there is a problem, Moon. Sokul is relatively evil, he's very cunning and selfish at times. Sokul is secretly related to Varg and the ancients,  but only he and Varg knows. He's over-protective of pups, his parents and most of all his sister Lily. 

Appearance: Sokul is a dark and light brown. With white around his chest, neck and ears. He has ice-blue eyes, a ripped muzzle and torn ears. He has long bushy fur and a glass eye. He has many gold earrings in his ear. He also has long, deep battle scars around his neck. 


Strength- 98

Speed- 87

Agility- 90

Wisdom- 88

Smarts- 88


Posted 2021-03-02 13:29:53

Accepted, you my start roleplaying with that wolf officially

Solar Flares (HIATUS)

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