Write your story: Wolvden RP Sign up (CLOSED)
Posted 2022-04-21 09:22:06
![]() Solar Flares #26993 |
Posted 2022-04-21 09:28:32
Fritz_Walker #66303 |
Posted 2022-05-09 22:48:57 (edited)
Nonbinary, they/them/its/its Personality: Observant, Determined, Straightforward, Controlling, Perfectionist Backstory: Was born as a normal pup, the oldest of its litter. they grew up in a normal pack and learned to fight well from their father. Most wolves looked at Blackbird and thought they were normal, But that wasnt true. Its father was quite abusive and attacked them if they made the slightest mistake, Tripped during a lesson? Attacked Didnt pay attention? beaten Didnt run fast enough? Scars. Didnt fight well? Hopefully your still alive after. They became so used to their father they were able to tolorate it, so it stayed and became respected as a beta. But after some time they left from lack of space in the pack. Stats/Abilities Fighting: 61 Speed: 43 Agility: 50 Smarts: 60 Wisdom: 37 Extra: Unusually tall, causing them to not hide as well but faster & not as easy to overpower, Currently single & bi. open for shipping. link |
Randan #58280 |
Posted 2022-05-10 12:18:06
![]() Solar Flares #26993 |
Posted 2022-05-13 20:35:33 (edited)
Age: 2 1/2 Gender: male, bi Personality: quiet, shy when first meeting someone, bold and outgoing around friends, observes everything that makes him curious Backstory: thought to be cursed because of his markings Whisper was abandoned and chased away by his pack when thought to be old enough to survive on his own. During that short time those around him used any chance they could to attack him and make him feel useless. Left alone and traumatized; he learned to fend for himself by watching the other wildlife. In doing so he learned to blend in with his surroundings when hunting and how to take down prey much larger than him. He never was good at fighting so stuck to self defense if he was in that sort of situation. Stats/Abilities: Strength: 66 Agility: 102 Speed: 68 Smarts: 72 Wisdom: 99 Link: https://www.wolvden.com/wardrobe/4542571 |
Ryoka #67956 |
Posted 2022-05-13 22:39:33
Orientation: Gay // Male Personality: He can be a bit arrogant, at times, and he's a generally cold, reserved, and sarcastic wolf. As cliche as it may seem, he really does have a soft spot inside, anyways, and he opens up sometimes when by himself or with only one other wolf. Backstory: His mother died when he was a pup, and his father had practically abandoned him when he was an adolescent. Due to this situation, he's a bit hardy when it comes to survival. He's self taught in battling, and got some of his hunting skill from his father. He tends to stick to himself as more of a rogue than anything, but somewhat appreciates the help of other wolves from time to time. Stats & Abilities: Strength: 108 Agility: 87 Speed: 70 Smarts: 75 Wisdom: 68 Appearance: https://www.wolvden.com/wardrobe?eyJ2IjoiZGVmYXVsdCIsImIiOiIxMTAiLCJlIjoiOSIsIm4iOiI0IiwiYyI6IjE0IiwicyI6IjQiLCJrIjowLCJ4IjpbbnVsbCwiIiwiQmxhY2sgRnVsbCBNYXNrIiwiIiwiQmxhY2sgTGltYnMiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiXSwibyI6W251bGwsIjYwIiwiMzAiLCIxMDAiLCIxMDAiLCI5MCIsIjEwMCIsIjUwIiwiOTAiLCI5MCIsIjcwIl0sImQiOltudWxsLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIiXSwiYSI6IjI0IiwibSI6IiJ9 |
![]() Mr. Wolfu #68569 |
Posted 2022-05-14 07:38:52
![]() Solar Flares #26993 |
Posted 2022-09-23 14:26:35
Wolf name: Zamezenta/zane Age: 1 year Gender: male sexuality/orientation: gay Personality: trusting, friendly, playful Backstory (optional) Stats & Abilities strength: 143 speed:97 agility:92 wisdom:99 smarts:89 Appearance: link |
![]() Lunar_Eclipse #28987 |
Posted 2022-10-13 12:59:12
Wolf name: Kingsley age: 1 year Gender: male sexuality: Bi Personality: trusting Stats & Abilities: Strength 70 Speed 77 Agility 85 Wisdom 54 Smarts 64 Total 350 |
SpicyFerret1 #85926 |
Posted 2022-10-19 13:38:50
![]() Solar Flares #26993 |