The Problem With Silver Cones
Posted 2021-01-01 20:14:11
If you don’t have enough slots, you can’t keep more puppies. Slots are expensive which can force you to keep a small pack with few litters if any. I’m finding there’s a lot more that is discouraging breeding, but that’s another topic. |
![]() maculata #1250 |
Posted 2021-01-01 22:20:40
I support this, and your suggestions for improvement are hardly over the top or game breaking. All of them are balanced. This game is quite the opposite than most. starting out is extremely difficult, but it gets remarkably easier the higher levelled you get. Why? It makes no sense to have it that way. It simply fosters elitism, which is starting to take hold little by little here. And I agree with previous comments that it's feeling very pay-to-win already. I've had to spend a good chunk of real money to get as far as I have and I'm still leagues behind the top players on here. Games should get progressively harder and harder. They should offer more challenges the further you get into it. yet here we start off with a huge handicap. This would help balance things out and make it a more enjoyable process to get to the top. I know things will get better the more the game progresses but in the meantime we need some small adjustments and these are nice. |
❀Moki❀ #15263 |
Posted 2021-01-02 08:25:07 (edited)
Fully support this, fully support OP's list of possibilities, REALLY think that the 'unwanted pups' thing is 1000% necessary and should be lore-friendly (as discussed in the other thread specifically about this issue), and agree with whomever it was that said this all feels very pay-to-win when SC is capped and prices at Raccoon Wares are outright ludicrous. The amount you spend on a "lootbox" style food bundle is not even comparable for what I'll sell Elk Bulls (20 uses) for on the TC (60 if my own foodstores are leaner than I'd like, 40 if flush). Two bulls is still lower than the cost of a bundle by 30sc, and is guaranteed 40 uses. Also agree w/ the above that elitism is starting to hit pretty hard. 'Just don't breed pups' is a response we've seen in other threads*, as well as headpatting responses to concerns about the Pay-to-Win feel things are getting (usually from people who have paid to win or were early adopters and are therefor currently 'set'). Unfortunately, it seems like those voices are the loudest and given the greatest consideration, even if they're in the relative minority, and they always seem to congregate around threads like these to tell the ~lesser~ players that they're wrong. EDIT: * Noting this specifically because, at the end of the day, all Wolvden is at the moment is a breeding sim. You're basically telling people not to use the one gameplay feature at their disposal that isn't a punishing/tedious/outright obnoxious RNG battling system. One that absolutely, and aggressively fails to take level/stats/etc into account, and squashes any sense of progression an 'RPG' should arguably have. 'Don't Breed Pups' is an extremely dumb thing to say to someone when your entire game revolves around breeding pups with no additional features to really get excited about. |
![]() DogBlud #24586 |
Posted 2021-01-02 10:04:42 (edited)
I actually think that the difficulty of getting sc is part of what is keeping inflation down and helping things having some resale value. Adding more sc to the economy would just lower the value of sc unless you have some important way to spend it to take it back out of the game. Maybe I'd support this once there are more gameplay relevant items to spend sc on in the shop, but right now it's mostly decor. Maybe they could add a little more random sc earning encounters in explore or something for lower level wolves to help those starting out, but I actually think it's great that the rarity of sc forces us players to make self limiting pack size choices. In response to the food-is-expensive point, after a couple weeks of play my hunting teams were finding more than enough food to supplement the meat chunks from explore encounters. I don't think that's unreasonable, personally. Plus, as has been noted, food is pretty cheap in tc. While I certainly understand the frustration ( especially when first starting out), the difficulty of finding sc and the resource/ den management it forces me into as far as how many wolves to keep is a big part of why I have kept playing wolvden and abandoned lioden. A game like this needs more to it than just breeding or it becomes boring. And then people start arbitrarily increasing value of things like "clean" offspring just to increase the challenge of the game because there is nothing else to do(looking at you, LD). Just want to make sure the developers know there are folks that appreciate this aspect of the game too. I understand most people in this thread don't feel that way, and that's fine. |
![]() Raine #19819 |
Posted 2021-01-02 10:20:45 (edited)
Your playstyle adheres to it. That's great. Other peoples' playstyles do not. That is the problem. They are penalized for playing the game differently than you, and That Is Bad. I am not one of those players. I make enough SC. I get enough food. More than enough to sell and make more SC. But I also have time to stop and check my phone intermittently through my workday, run hunts, do platespinning, and whatever. Not everyone has that time or attention span. If you're fairweather and not as interested in resource management, I can see it getting extremely frustrating. As for the economy, it's already broken. It's very common to see SC-for-GC at a rate of 50SC/1GC due to scarcity, which encourages spending premium currency for the game's base currency at a laughable rate. Pups do not sell, ostensibly because this is a pup breeding sim and people are breeding pups. It's great you want to tell the devs good job and what have you, but instead of saying 'this is fine the way it is,' it would be more helpful to accept that there are other playstyles, not everyone has the time to meet a baseline, some people want to engage with the game's sole feature ('make more pretty wolves'), and want to do so without being harshly penalized for being Game Poor. It's a pretty rotten thing to deal with when RL is already really good at making poor people feel like garbage, and unsurprisingly, 'kill your virtual puppies (by chasing them) so you can feed everyone' is a real turnoff. So the question is, how to strike a balance between their playstyle and yours? You have given extremely vague reasons why more SC = bad for those of us who have not been, and probably will never be on Lioden. |
![]() DogBlud #24586 |
Posted 2021-01-02 11:54:52
I personally don't want to see more SC added. I had difficulty the first few weeks until my hunting parties got good but now I have 2 100% parties in an easy biome and am able to make bank off of carcasses. Many days I only am able to play before and after work. I keep my pack a manageable size and occasionally choose not to RO when I don't think I can play enough. And ultimately what do you actually need SC for? Not very much. You don't even need it to maintain your pack. I trade almost all of my SC for GC because I prefer to play around with RMAs. If someone isn't into resource management they shouldnt be playing a game where they have to manage resources, or at least acknowledge that is going to be an aspect of gameplay. I agree that the pup market is a huge issue that needs to be addressed, but more SC will make THAT problem even worse. |
Pixality #1157 |
Posted 2021-01-02 16:08:47
I agree that earning SC is utterly pitiful right now. As was mentioned above this game can feel very punishing if you...well, have a life outside of it. I can spend a lot of time on here because my work can be pretty dull and it at least gives me something to do. But if you don't have that time, or, if you have a different way of playing the game, you're punished pretty harshly for it. I'm starting to see a lot more people acting as though earning money on here is the easiest thing in the world but they never take into consideration other people's experiences. It actually reminds me of when I worked in insurance. A handful of people were the only ones making bank while everyone else scraped by. |
![]() Jackie #10289 |
Posted 2021-01-02 16:21:16
The 'get good or get out' attitude tends to show up pretty regularly in threads like these, I've mostly just made it a point to ignore it. It adds very little to the discussion. |
![]() DogBlud #24586 |
Posted 2021-01-03 13:25:59
I honestly am glad someone made a post about this. As it stands now, for a casual game, this would require far more time than I can actually give. I have a life, and I cannot devote hours a day to a grind just to earn a pittance of SC. Not to mention the problem with hunting. I am struggling to keep my wolves fed and happy right now, and I don't exactly have a large pack. The only reason I even breed is to keep pup sitter proficiency up (an other issue...). The fact is that I am considering abandoning the game because I can't devote hours and hours per day to be able to keep up with basic daily chores here. The game should be fun, not stressful. |
![]() ⭐ Starkindler ⭐ #388 |
Posted 2021-01-03 15:10:04
Heavily support |
![]() 🐸AngyFrog🐸 #3122 |