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The Problem With Silver Cones

Posted 2021-01-20 10:59:26

The insane difficulty people have obtaining SC is also making the GC lose it's value. I saw people trading GC for like. 50 SC. That devalues the GC to an ungodly amount. I think GC should actually have a lot more power than that.

100% support this 


Posted 2021-01-20 11:18:03 (edited)

SC is so worthy that people are spending their real money on premium currency just to convert it back to the normal currency in the game. They're pricing it so cheap because its worth it to them, because of how difficult SC is to get. It looks like all the players on the leader-board grind only for fox items and EXP then stop because they can just purchase the rest away, and people would buy their stud, meaning they don't even have to spend as much money as they were. The only way you can 'get good' at the game is to spend all your money, then some money comes back to you, while the poorer players are always struggling, even with just trying to live, let alone enjoy the game and be like 'haha this decor looks cute,' no, they have to grind each day and barely anything comes out of it.

I also recently bought two decor items and now I only have 15 SC


Posted 2021-01-20 14:01:56

hmmm, i dont really support this, increasing the amount of sc translates to increasing the prices of things in the trade center aka devaluing all the sc current players already have, 

the amount it costs to get a run away back is supposed to be a 'punish' for players that failed to take care of their wolves, its supposed to cost a lot bc its trying to force players to take care of their wolves instead of using it as a way to cryofreeze a wolf for a few days then get it back again and again

same with the snake skull, its supposed to be another punish for when you cant or dont want to complete a certain quest

 your idea for an easy medium and hard quest sound like a good idea, though i think maybe easys are 70-
100(perhaps for things like kill 1 X, complete 3 hunts), 100-200 for medium(standard quests we have now) and hard quests giving 200-300(eg complete 9 hunts, slay 7 animals, bring hard to obtain items)
obviously the reward for easy should be lower bc its just smtn u could do on a busy day where u have little time 

as for hard its for days you have a lot of time to reward those that are able to commit more

though i do think the 5000sc cap is rather dumb and that should be removed(punishing a player for doing well is dumb)

for territory expansion, i think its mostly fair until the 30th or so slot bc most people who cant feed their wolves, probably wont be able to achieve that much cones to aquire slots though afterwards and getting 10+ pair bond slots when u cant even take care of 10 wolves doesnt sound right , i think it should be highly priced for territory, but not this obscenely high


Posted 2021-01-20 14:40:39 (edited)

Also I forgot to properly emphasise this but adding more ways to generate sc without trading to the game wont help trade market prices, food prices will just be raise to meet the new norm

Also a premium currency worth objectively less than its free counterpart sounds good to me actually, allows free to plays to largely not be missing out even though they dont pay money, whilst still giving enough of an advantage and quality of life to paying players to justify it being bought. A perfect balance of p2w and f2p


Posted 2021-01-20 16:05:28

I completely disagree with you Derpy. I'm with others on this, SC is ridiculously hard to get, and due to the hunting RNG, a lot of players who have problems hunting then have problems buying food. Yes, I understand the game is supposed to be tougher than lioden, but if the game cause most people to want to quit because it's too hard to so anything due to having to grind away(some of us do have lives outside of wolvden) then that is a major problem that needs to fixed.

They can make the game tougher and more realistic, without making is so hard to play that it drives away the players.

Tovisa Dilmyn

Posted 2021-01-20 16:12:37

It would not solve the food problem, more cones= people pricing higher on their food bc the worth of sc is lessened and thats how supply and demand works

to solve the issue with food, you should be focusing on fixing issues with hunting and other methods of generating food into the game , an example would be this post i made some time ago that tries to address hunting itself

outside of territory slots going for a price that needs to be dropped down a good bit, i do not see an issue


Posted 2021-01-20 16:14:08

I think Derpy makes a good point that prices in the market may just increase if SC was tweaked to be more accessible right now, thus making it still a struggle to keep up (and a continued waste of everyone's time).

I'm still on the stance that it'll probably get easier down the line to get SC once we have more minigames and more updates that add in new ways to get the currency, so I'm more apt to wait and see how things change with later updates that were in the recent dev announcements before setting a hard line on my position with it.


Posted 2021-01-20 16:24:26

Theres only one scenario where more sc actually adds food to the game and thats buying the food bundle from the racoon, which is extremely overpriced compared to what people are selling food for as of now 

yes food is a problem, but no this isnt the way, its basically tearing a hole in ur shirt to patch up a hole in ur pants

solves one issue but causes another which would be rather counterproductive 


Posted 2021-01-20 17:14:12

I disagree derpy, sc should be easier to obtain than gc simply because it's free currency. You're talking about sc pricing increasing in the tc like its a bad thing. It's just like in real life the pricing is going to mirror how much people can afford. Food is not suddenly going to cost 1000sc for one use or anything. Premium currency should not be worth less than free currency, at this point the game is really feeling like you have to pay to win. 


Posted 2021-01-20 17:15:00

I still disagree that SC is not a problem. It's a huge problem. The most SC I have at one time is 100+ I never have more than 300, and that's only because I've gotten lucky with being able to finish my quests. Just today I had to soend all of my SC because my Herbalist had yet to find Oregano, which I desperately needed for a Pox cure. That cost me ober 100sc, not to mention the 19 to diagnose my Alpha because I'm having to train a new healer. My bank is now down to 0. It took me 3 days just to get that little bit of SC, and the 100 was strictly from a daily quest.

With Quests, the most SC That I can find in a day is around 14-20 on a good day, and 6-10 on a bad day. I've been having more bad days than I have good. Not to mention the fact that herbs, a very important item, is only woth 1sc in the raccoon, which is severely underpriced for the work we do trying to find them. I feel like the more rare/harder to find a herb, then more we should get for it when we go to the raccoon. 

I've read every single comment here, and most of the people who support this either feel the exact sake way about the sc problem or give good examples of how to improve it.

Not to mention to fact that, once again gc is severely underpriced, which in turn makes it no better than the sc. If I spend real money on a game, it's NOT going to be a game where I'm ripped off because the game's mechanics make it very hard and nearly impossible to get the actual free in game currency. And as for you comment above, games absolutely should not feel like it's P2W to the players, no matter how little it's there. 

Tovisa Dilmyn

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