The Problem With Silver Cones
Posted 2021-01-20 17:16:26
Exactly Hyolyn!! That's exactly what I'm talking about. I completely agree with you |
![]() Tovisa Dilmyn #5834 |
Posted 2021-01-20 17:32:06
More/different SC sinks would definitely be useful, I think. Raccoon stuff is way overpriced, but maybe things like raising the price of scrying slightly could help? Or adding an item that can boost a wolf’s stats or something? Or an item that restores 10% energy that’s purchasable with sc. |
![]() Starling 🏳️🌈 #17827 |
Posted 2021-01-20 18:25:03
i’m in full support that SC is way too hard to get, and i’ve found my trades won’t sell unless i put a gc option because gc is that much easier to get. even then it’s nearly impossible to sell anything at all. the premium currency shouldn’t be easier to obtain, and now no one has sc to spend. making sc more accessible won’t hurt the market, bc people will actually be able to BUY things from the tc! it would be hugely beneficial. no one is asking for it to be handed over! there just needs to be a balance. i feel that breeding is the biggest part of the game; being able to create the wolves you dream of! that was what i was most excited for but i haven’t been able to do any of the projects i want due to sc being so hard to get, which means finding studs and increasing territory slots is... well yea. i think if territory slots are to be at the same price, then they should make space for more than one wolf! spending so much sc just to add a single wolf to the pack is just. wow. i’m running out of words! anyways i have a head injury so please be nice to me 😭 |
wolfyfeelers #16690 |
Posted 2021-01-21 01:27:02
Gypsy, theres a feature of herbert that lets you trade 3 herbs for 1 herb of your choosing so you dont have to buy a 100sc herb, that one isnt because a herb is expensive , its because you were unaware of mechanics quests give 150-250sc per complete so im not sure what you are talking bout there Herbs are supposed to be important for using not selling so i dont see the issue of it having a low price considering its one of the most common items you get from explore Yes sc is in a lot of these problems BUT yall are misattributing it, its not the lack of sc thats the issue its the fact food and amuse are hard to get causing players wolves to run causing them to pay the 100 sc to reclaim, selling off their necessary food amuse and herbs to do so then being unable to feed their pack after, hence perpetuating this cycle Lack of sc is not a cause, its an effect, due to hunting and amusement gathering being badly balanced and poorly shown mechanics such as herberts herb trading as for gc, im not taking about selling it for sc, im speaking about its uses in game other than trading(the grove, retiring leads etc) which make its current ease of obtaining reasonable because its not a necessity to the game, its just some nice quality of life things that make the game a tad bit better, this is its core use im speaking of NOT TRADING , buying the gc to trade for the sc is a thing you can do, but not its main purpose, current gc sc conversion rates are reasonable if u think of this this way. eg elk hearts cost 3gc converting to sc its about 210sc(assume 1:70 conversion) 200 sc is around the average amount u get from a quest so elk hearts are a thing a f2p player can get for a reasonable amount of work in game, so maybe this f2p player can buy an elk heart for their favourite female every here and there, a paying player however has much more gc, so they can buy an elk heart for all of their females, getting a nice and reasonable advantage over the f2p without being over powered (note all of this is said assuming food amusements disease etc arent issues bc these have been addressed above) If anything ive said is unclear, ask me and I’ll explain in further detail |
![]() Derpy #6646 |
Posted 2021-01-21 01:30:32
And ive said this earlier, but yes i agree territory slots prices are whack, BUT I believe their prices should be lowered , not increase scs ease of obtaining because increasing sc will unbalance everything else that currently is |
![]() Derpy #6646 |
Posted 2021-01-21 01:35:00 (edited)
I've mentioned this in other threads but it is extremely tiring and tedious to have people roll into threads saying 'you don't get the mechanics' when there's fugg-all for documentation. Personally I want GC cheap and attainable because I absolutely abhor the premium currency business model, but yeah if people are paying in to buy *in game* currency then its apparent failure cannot at all be dismissed by the lectures of early adopters. And honestly EA players who are more or less set have routinely missed the fact that this same topic has been repeated over and over and over again, without fail. As if the repetition doesn't point to the issue being legitimate. |
![]() DogBlud #24586 |
Posted 2021-01-21 01:41:38 (edited)
Dogbud what do you mean? In the persons post i adressed they mentioned that they had spent 100sc on a herb they needed bc it was hard to get, which could have been easily avoided using herberts trade mechanic so i used misunderstood/mechanics that are not properly shown to most new players as a point and i made it a point that gcs main use was not to be traded for sc, also i am not an EA player, im someone thats a complete free to play, never spent a dime on this game and im thriving, but that was because i was properly educated about mechanics i would probably have completely missed if not for senior players teachings eg herbert herb trading mentioned above and crafting nesting mats i never fell for food or amusement pitfalls because some other players warned me and gave me tips on how to make do until my team got great enough to not require them anymore |
![]() Derpy #6646 |
Posted 2021-01-21 01:53:30
If one didnt suffer from the pitfalls that is hunting and amusement, you can nab about 200-500 sc from quests/raccoon a day which is a pretty respectable amount to aquire/ be able to aquire |
![]() Derpy #6646 |
Posted 2021-01-21 01:58:48
Summary of everything ive said: sc is not the issue, you can make a good bit a day territory prices should be dropped food and amusement gathering are issues very useful mechanics are not properly shown to newbies is an issue gc is mainly made for quality of life things, not for trading, if issues stated above are fixed its balance will be good |
![]() Derpy #6646 |
Posted 2021-01-21 02:09:09
Maybe my quest snake is unusually stingy, but out of 24 quests, I've never gotten over 150 sc for one quest and usually distinctly less. My minimum is 100 sc and the maximum is 150 sc. I did the math and the average I get for a quest is 126.91666666667 sc, the median is 127.5 sc and the modes are 121 sc and 128 sc. I'm struggling to buy territory slots and I'm not even up to twenty yet. |
Dragonmage #32345 |