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The Problem With Silver Cones

Posted 2021-03-05 06:49:08

I'm not one to care for stats- I'm horrible with math and these sort of mechanics so I cant really afford the time for that. Even if I did know, I'm not sure I'm willing to waste time to learn about stats and to raise my Male's just for this, it just shows that you have to put way more effort than expected on studs to gain any SC. I'm not even that bothered by it, but it saddens me a little that I have to put this much into one wolf just to win less than 200sc


Posted 2021-03-08 21:19:39

I honestly agree with everything you've said. 

★ Atmosfera

Posted 2021-03-09 18:36:01

I 100% agree with all of this. It took me 2 months to reach over 1500 SC and I lost it faster than I should’ve. Now that you mention the SC cap my heart sank because it piles up on yet another reason why I don’t like playing this game. 

Vinter 💙

Posted 2021-03-09 20:47:41


I love the idea for the daily quests essentially having an Easy, Medium, and Hard option. And wow the den expansions are KILLING my meager wallet (honestly it's what I save money up for). Would love to see ways to earn more den spaces without it being so expensive or having to use gold cones. Either by scouting or a new mechanic would be amazing. 

And yeah, making money in this game is hard. I used to sell off my surplus of food when I lived in the mountains, but after moving to the desert + combined with the new hunting update, I can barely feed my pack. And selling adult wolves is how I try to make some money. 


Posted 2021-03-09 21:19:17 (edited)

I feel you there, I moved to Taiga for leveling purposes, and also testing to see what stat ranges are needed for each biome type. As a result, I do most of my exploring in Tundra/Glacier when able, since I can usually at least get 2-3 walrus pup carcasses per day, but it means paying more attention to the game than I'd really prefer.


Posted 2021-03-16 08:16:00

Support! You kinda have to play choose your own SC sink because there's way too many. Expansion? SC. Bypass a quest? SC. Decorate your wolves? SC. Play a game? SC. Hunters struggling to catch food in winter? SC.

I want to decorate my wolves but I keep having to constantly spend SC on one of these many SC sinks. Usually in pet games the problem is the other way around, too much currency and not enough sinks. WD has too little currency and too many sinks.


Posted 2021-03-16 08:22:35

My main problem with this game is that it has these high prices for decor and backgrounds when the SC gain is very little for an average player that may or may not be able to get breeding requests or trades. Not enough SC is earned to be able to buy the decorations. I want to expand my territory but I don't earn enough to be able to do that, it gets so expensive. I want to decorate my wolves but I can't. I never buy any decor anymore because I feel like I need to save up for territory space rather than buying decor. It's very frustrating.


Posted 2021-03-16 10:48:55

I agree with this, it's hard to increase my pack number and have multiple litters bc expanding is so darn expensive aswell as how little we earn of sc! Maybe being able to trade 100 gc for 50 sc too? Or maybe even lower den expansion the game needs you to have 1 of each rank to even function. How am I to get that if it's so expensive for 1 slot? Maybe start off with four and once it his a certain point it's two per so and so amount. 


Posted 2021-03-16 10:53:10



Posted 2021-03-16 10:53:56

Big support!


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