☼SunClan | Sign-Ups | OPEN☼
☼SunClan | Sign-Ups | OPEN☼
Posted 2020-12-29 19:23:35 (edited)
☼SunClan: Reborn☼ ![]() SunClan is a clan older than the very firs they once lived beneath. For generations, they hunted among the fallen needles without disruption by twolegs or predators. And then, the fire nation attacked. Their territory and their numbers were decimated. Still they persisted, but the land was barren and their ranks stretched thin. Each cat went to sleep hungry. Finally, StarClan sent their medicine cat a sign. SunClan had to abandon their old home and seek a new land. After nearly a moon of wandering, Foxstar found their new territory: the redwood forest. Though they have found their new home, they still face many challenges: exploring the territory, marking borders, and deterring any predators. Only time will tell how they fare from here. ☼A Little About SunClan☼ SunClan is a bit different from many clans you may have seen. Cats of any rank or gender may choose a mate and bare kits if they wish. There may be up to three medicine cats at a time, in case one becomes sick or injured themselves, or passes on without sharing all of their knowledge. Finally, for unknown reasons, she-cats are much more likely to be born with tortoiseshell pelts, although many still sport other pelt colors and patterns. |
![]() 🏳🌈ɓσωɦεα∂ɓσყ🏳🌈 #610 |
Posted 2020-12-29 19:23:42 (edited)
☼Character Creation Rules☼
☼Character Form☼ ☼Basics☼ Name: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Rank: Desired Rank: (optional) Relationships: ☼Appearance☼ Description: Eye Color: Pelt Color(s): Scars/Other Features: ☼Characteristics☼ Personality: Biography: Image: (optional) Source: Other: ☼Current Ranks☼ Leader - As it sounds, the cat who leads the clan [1/1] Deputy - Second in command, helps leader with assigning duties and making decisions [None available] Medicine Cats - Cats who commune with the ancestors and use herbs to heal their clanmates [1/2] Medicine Cat Apprentice - Someone learning to be a medicine cat[0/1] Warriors - Cats trained to hunt, fight, and otherwise provide for their clan [7/∞] Apprentices - Young cats learning to be warriors [3/4] Queens - Pregnant or nursing she-cats [1/1] Kits - Cats too young to be apprentices [None available] Elders - Cats too old to remain in the working ranks [1/∞] ☼Non-Clan Cats☼ Rogues - Cats outside the clan [1/2] Kittypets - Cats living with twolegs [0/2] |
![]() 🏳🌈ɓσωɦεα∂ɓσყ🏳🌈 #610 |
Posted 2020-12-29 19:29:58 (edited)
☼Basics☼ Name: Foxstar Age: 4 years 2 moons Gender: Female Sexuality: Pansexual Rank: Leader Relationships: Redwhisker - Father - deceased Willowtail - Mother - deceased Greenpath - Sister - deceased Crowkit - Brother - deceased Berrystar - Friend - deceased Unknown - Brother-in-law - presumed alive [Adoptable!] Hawkpaw - Nephew - played by me Mudsong - Close friend - played by 20mia08 Swamppatch - Friend - played by mr man ☼Appearance☼ Description: Before the fire, Foxstar was a very beautiful cat. Her fur is long and mostly white, with a calico tail banded in oranges and black. She has symmetrical patches over her ears, one black and one red. Her right eye is dusty blue, while her left is a sunny yellow. She lost the tips of her ears to the fire, and a small streak of fur along her left flank never grew back. She’s had a few scars on her left foreleg since she was an apprentice. Her build is slightly stocky, lending power to any blow she deals. Her face is quite youthful, disguising her age. Her eyes are slightly down-turned, giving her a somber resting expression, and her lack of ears make it harder for cats to read her mood. Eye Color: Right - powder blue; Left - yellow Pelt Color(s): White, black, and ginger Scars/Other Features: Missing the top half of her ears, a patch of fur on her left side, and four claw marks on her left foreleg. ☼Characteristics☼ Personality: Foxstar loves to help others. Her mother taught her that bringing happiness to others brings happiness to yourself, and she has held onto it her whole life. Conversely, her father always taught her never to show weakness or accept help from others. She can come off as rude when cats offer their assistance, although she doesn’t intend to. She is always level-headed, even under pressure. This is a key trait that gained her the position of deputy. With her quick thinking and rationale, she’s saved many clanmates over the years. Foxstar is not as reasonable when it comes to viewing herself. She can be quite insecure, wondering if she was the best choice for her position or if she’s made the right choices to protect her clan. She mostly keeps her thoughts to herself, although the few cats she’s closest to know of her struggles. Biography: Two respected older warriors, Willowtail and Redwhisker, struggled to have kits their whole life, until finally they had a litter of three, Foxkit, Greenkit, and Crowkit. Unfortunately, Crowkit passed the night they were born, and Greenkit was sickly. She spent much of her time in the medicine den, but the calico she-kit was strong and healthy. Willowtail was a kind and patient mother, while Redwhisker was a harsh disciplinarian. Foxkit wasn’t the only kit in the nursery, luckily. She was busy keeping her denmate, Mudkit, out of trouble. Or trying, at least. Regardless of their antics, they forged a close friendship that continued as they reached the age of apprentices. Foxpaw strongly considered becoming a medicine cat, already fascinated with healing as she had watched the miracles herbs could bring for her sister, Greenpaw. Her mother encouraged her to do what she wanted, but Redwhisker seemed unimpressed. Foxpaw wanted to train with her friend and sister, so decided to become a warrior after all. Training was hard but rewarding, and seemed to fly by. While most young warriors were enjoying their new freedoms, Foxtail was stuck in the habit of helping the elders and queens. The clan leader, Berrystar, took notice of this. When the old deputy finally retired, Foxtail was chosen to take his place. She took her duties seriously, finding spare time only for Mudsong and her kin. Foxtail hardly questioned when Greenpath became pregnant, despite no tom coming forward as her mate. When the fires started, Foxtail put everything she had into providing for her clan. Greenpath and their parents died when it reached the camp, and Foxtail was devastated. She vowed to take care of her nephew in her stead. If things weren’t bad enough, the night StarClan sent their message to SunClan, Berrystar lost his last life. Foxtail was able to journey with Swamppatch to commune with StarClan to receive her nine lives before they left the old territory forever. Image: Source: Myself Other: ☼Basics☼ Name: Hawkpaw [to be Hawkflight] Age: 8 moons Gender: Male Sexuality: Questioning Rank: Apprentice Desired Rank: Warrior Relationships: Redwhisker - Grandfather - deceased Willowtail - Grandmother - deceased Greenpath - Mother - deceased Unknown - Father - presumed alive [Adoptable!] Foxstar - Aunt - played by myself Crowkit - Uncle - deceased Mudsong - Mentor - Alive ☼Appearance☼ Description: Hawkpaw is above average in size for a cat his age, appearing even larger with his long, thick coat. His face and shoulders are becoming broad and well muscled with training. His background is a rich, saturated gold, banded with brown-black stripes. The gold along his undercarriage is lighter, while the dark coloration along his extremities is darker. He has very angular eyes, which makes him seem perpetually unimpressed, which isn’t entirely untrue. They are the same rich green of his mother’s, his only visibly inherited trait of hers. Eye Color: Green like his mother’s Pelt Color(s): A vibrant gold background with stark black and brown stripes. Scars/Other Features: N/a ☼Characteristics☼ Personality: Hawkpaw is outwardly arrogant and snarky, far from an easy cat to befriend. The secrets of his lineage made him envious towards his clanmates who had fathers and closer kin than himself—most of the clan. He has developed a wall around himself, refusing to let just anyone in. Deep down, he is a good hearted cat who doesn’t mean to hurt anyone or lash out. He wants to control his frustration, but as such a young tom, doesn’t know how. He is secretly very lonely and yearns for closeness and trust. Biography: Hawkkit was the only one in his litter, born to the deputy’s sister, Greenpath. No tom ever came forward as his father. As he grew, Hawkkit became a bit resentful of this. He heard other cats whispering, spreading rumors that his father was a kittypet or loner. He started to develop quite the attitude, and Greenpath, as gentle as her own mother, wasn’t equipped to put the kit in his place. Foxtail tried to help, disciplining the kit whenever she caught him misbehaving, but her duties prevented her from helping much. All this resulted in was discontent between her and the young tom. He was barely apprenticed when the turmoil began. Within a moon, he lost all of his family to the fires save for Foxtail, now leader. He struggled to believe his mother was gone, the only cat he was close to, that he had ever relied on. Even after the moon-long journey, he is attempting to process his grief and accept Foxstar as his kin and someone he can trust. Image: Source: Myself Other: If anyone would like to play Hawkpaw's father, you're welcome to! Feel free to PM me for plot ideas. |
![]() 🏳🌈ɓσωɦεα∂ɓσყ🏳🌈 #610 |
Posted 2020-12-29 20:40:32 (edited)
☼Basics☼ Name: Sleetwhisker Age: 60 Moons Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual but admittedly awkward either way Rank: Warrior Relationships: Duskface - Mother - a fluffy dark grey molly, deceased Yarrowpelt - Father - a lean, lanky white tom, missing Murkyriver - Maternal Aunt - a petite and scraggly grey tabby, deceased Dullpaw - Cousin, a coarse-furred brown tabby, missing (TBA) ☼Appearance☼ Description: A rather powerfully built cat with thick shoulders and large paws, Sleetwhisker is a force to be reckoned with. While maybe not the largest or most heavily muscled warrior, there's no doubt that the tom could put up a fight if his clanmates were at stake. His overall white coat is long and plush, insulated well against the colder weather that blows its way into Leafbare, but leaves the warrior a panting mess in the heat of Greenleaf- even after he's shed that winter coat away. Across his left eye and dotting his hip on the same side, Sleetwhisker has a few blue patches, like cold water peeking through an otherwise frozen river. His already large ears are heavily furred, tipped with tall tufts that tend to blow this way and that in the breeze. Overall, his features are rather stern, a heavy brow over cold blue eyes, a muzzle resting at a scowl, and thick tail that makes an audible 'thunk' on the ground whenever something is on the tom's mind. Eye Color: Icy blue Pelt Color(s): White, with sparse blue patches Scars/Other Features: Large ears with big ear tufts ☼Characteristics☼ Personality: Perhaps not the first cat in the clan that you'd approach, Sleetwhisker hardly has that inviting, friendly face of some of the other SunClan cats. Suitable for a tom with such an icy appearance, he tends to be hard-headed and quiet, irritable, but thankfully not as quick to outright anger. He often keeps to himself, his worries and thoughts go unsaid and the warrior will try his best to take things into his own paws. To keep himself busy, he is often the awake to claim a spot on the dawn patrol, and will take on more during the day if he can; hunting, scouting, even if his paws have called it a day, Sleetwhisker can often be seen laying down in camp, but with his head propped up so that he still appears at least a little attentive. As a rather independent tom, Sleetwhisker isn't the best when it comes to relationships within the clan. Even with his family when they were around, he tended to be short and to the point. He might spout some interesting anecdotes occasionally, but they tend to come out at blunt or awkward times, more like something to fill the silence rather than actually build some common ground. It could take a deal of work for him to form more true bonds with anyone outside his already small circle of trust. Biography: From the beginning, Duskface and Yarrowpelt were a bit of a fairytail connection, starry-eyed for each other and always taking time out of the day to spend quality time together, mewing sweet nothings, preening whiskers and washing ears. They were the sort of couple you might get a bit tired of seeing in person; overly saccharine, no matter how much they truly cared about one another. Duskface's pregnancy went well, although she remained quite thin and sleek, that being as little Sleetkit was the only bundle of fluff to make a home at his mother's belly. Their quaint little family remained so, tucked in the nursery with Yarrowpelt coming and going. Until Sleetkit was about four moons old, and Yarrowpelt seemed to slowly stop coming altogether. Worried and tense, Duskface had left her only kit in the care of another queen while she went to search for her mate. She had heard his voice in camp the morning before, she had seen his sleek, pale face peeking into the den the other day, he couldn't have been far. Duskface had put a keen nose to work, tracking a scent that lingered in the old forest thanks to a dry Newleaf. It came close to the edge of the border, marked by the edge of a rugged tumble of stones, but didn't seem to cross it. She was confused, there wasn't anything this far out here. Unfortunately, later that night, the evening patrol came across the body of the queen at the bottom of the rocky outcrop. They agreed that it looked like she'd tripped and fell, a tuft of tall grass at the top having been clawed to shreds by desperate paws. Bringing the news to the medicine cat and the queens in the nursery, they in turn broke the news to the patchy kitten. His mother wouldn't be coming back. At first, being so young, Sleetkit didn't know what to make of it. He would sit up at night poking his little pink nose out of the entrance, peering into the dark to look for her familiar face, until the night watch caught him and pushed him back inside. Every now and again he'd ask his attentive queen about her, but the curiosity and the questions waned as he got older, and the longer he spent outside the nursery. By the time he was an apprentice, Sleetpaw's quiet, independent nature had come through that cute kittenish exterior. Although on the nights he couldn't sleep, his mind wandered to his father's disappearance and his mother's death, he had stopped asking questions about his parents. His relationship with his foster siblings and the queen who'd taken care of him had grown tense the longer he stayed in the litter, and it had driven him away from talking to them much at all. Instead, he had his sights firmly set on becoming the most hardworking apprentice he could be. The young cat became steeled, determined. He would work himself into frustration, pushing until there wasn't anything else to push, and he was forced to sleep or eat. There wasn't much that could distract the tom, not even his peers could jeer him into turning away from his training. Impressed by his resolve but worried about his lack of interpersonal.. anything, even regular bathing seeming to be a problem for a while, his mentor Rosepatch was at a loss. She gave him as much training as she could, but had a hard time dealing with an apprentice so well.. dense. Life went on, as it does. Sleetpaw became Sleetwhisker, and was set in his ways. Work all day, fall into his nest at night. Get things done, don't bother getting distracted. But life seemed to pass him by, he didn't know his clanmates, not even their likes and dislikes. It's still something he struggles with, even as Foxtail took on her role as Deputy, and then Leader as the fires ravaged their former home. The last thing the tom could remember of the old camp, was looking back at the elders' den where his cousin Dullpaw was dragging a fainted cat, and he himself hauled another apprentice to their feet before escaping. Source: Myself! Other: Read, also love the nod to AtlA ;) |
![]() Venom Mom #17213 |
Posted 2020-12-29 20:53:03 (edited)
![]() ☼Basics☼ Name: Mudsong Age: 4 years 0 moon Gender: Female (she/her) Sexuality: Homoflexible Rank: Warrior Desired Rank: Uncertain; deputy candidate Relationships: Scorchtooth - mother; deceased Boulderfang - brother; deceased Tangle - father; status unknown [NPC] Skipstep - half-brother; deceased Whistlewing - half-brother; deceased Swiftleap - half-sister; deceased Several unnamed kits - half-siblings; status unknown [NPCs] Foxstar - close friend & love interest Hawkpaw - apprentice ☼Appearance☼ Description: The petite feline is certainly easy on the eyes. That being said, it’s easy to spot the molly among a crowd, given her unique seal tortoiseshell patterning. The warrior wears a short and dense coat with a cream center, flecked with the faintest (nearly indistinguishable) patternings of sealed tortoiseshell. Her extremities are darker, a deep seal-brown mottled with obvious cream petal-shaped patches. Most notable is the cream blaze on Mudsong’s nose bridge, a most adorable feature. The dark, chocolaty background of the feline’s face frames a lovely pair of ice-blue visionaries. The texture of her coat is most notable- Mudsong’s fur lacks the lustre and sleekness of some. Her short coat is fuzzy and similar to the down of a bird in terms of texture. Short and slender, Mudsong is a cat built for running and hunting, for she’d have no chance in a fight against a larger cat. Although quite beautiful by cat standards, she does wear her fair share of scars, most notably along her legs from small accidents during hunts. She is not, of course, without physical proof of the suffering caused from the dreaded fires back in her birth territory. Mudsong’s tail is notably shorter, as part of it caught fire and ultimately had to be lost. Eye Color: Frost blue Pelt Color(s): Seal point tortoiseshell with minimal white spotting. Scars/Other Features: Scars on lower legs; 3/4-length tail ☼Characteristics☼ Personality: +Charismatic, dedicated, responsible / Loyal, mysterious, humorous - Obedient, obsessive, fake Loyal to a fault: it is the perfect description of Mudsong, a hopelessly obedient feline who aims to please and take care of her closest friend in any way possible. Although her loyalty stems to her passion for her clan as well, the molly will obey whatever command her companion utters. She is a useful ally, given her charisma and dedication. However, such a silver-tongued gift can be easily abused, when not being used for good. Fortunately, the warrior is responsible enough to use her charisma not to divide, but unite and organize her clanmates. In addition, she’s a capable diplomat, using her tongue for both good and bad (depending on whatever is necessary for business at the time) mostly because she’s small and not a particularly capable fighter. This cautious mindset can not only keep Mudsong out of trouble, but her clanmates as well. Mudsong is the type of “femme fatale” feline that gives off a dangerously alluring vibe filled to the brim with mystery, although this makes her difficult to read as well. Although a generally dutiful warrior, she’s closest to Foxstar and not particularly open to her clanmates. She’ll aid and guide them, but Mudsong’s tight-lipped when it comes to personal matters. It can be noted that she has a sort of possessive behavior about her when it comes to Foxstar’s well-being. She could certainly be prone to jealousy issues in the future. While she does love to have a hearty laugh, Mudsong is a good, dedicated warrior who’s very responsible when it comes to taking care of others and keeping up on daily duties. However, she comes with a major fault: she’s lost her sense of self. Mudsong obsesses over the well-being of Foxstar, posing herself as whatever her companion might possibly envision. Honestly, the she-cat’s forgotten who she really is when away from Foxstar. Biography: Scorchtooth was a young and relatively inexperienced queen- quite frankly, most of SunClan was in shock that a tom would be willing to take up such a snappy she-cat as a mate. However, Tangletail was known for being rather flirtatious, and it would appear that Scorchtooth was quick to fall for whatever tom was willing to give her the time of day. Mudkit was the youngest in her litter of two, with her brother being a flame point tom named Boulderkit. However, after the kits were born, it would appear that Tangletail was quick to move on to pair up with another queen, losing interest in Scorchtooth. Enraged, Scorchtooth pounded in the importance of independence and cynical behavior into her kittens. While Boulderkit seemed to be just as high-strung as his mother, Mudkit found solace in another kit in the nursery: Foxkit. Unfortunately, Foxkit was short on littermates with only a sickly sister of her own, but the Foxkit was plenty strong. She made merry with Foxkit in plenty of kitten-games, and considered her fellow denmate to be her closest friend- closer than her own brother. Of course, she did get plenty bored whenever Foxkit was preoccupied with anything else, so Mudkit would occasionally...run off and get herself into trouble, so that Foxkit would have to get her out of trouble. It was a win-win situation. Mudpaw was delighted to become a warrior apprentice, and she was relieved when Foxpaw chose to train as a warrior rather than a medicine cat. However, although Mudpaw wanted to be a good warrior in order to do something to make her mother proud, she found herself struggling. Her mentor emphasized the importance of combat, a field in which tiny Mudpaw could not prevail. So she decided to focus on her hunting skills, in hopes of being good in at least...er, something. Her frustration in her training resulted in poor life-choices, including mischief. As a result, Mudpaw was frequently directed to the “gross” apprentice duties, like cleaning the nursery or taking care of the elders, duties that Foxpaw seemed to honorably continue into adulthood. Mudpaw? As an adolescent, it was infuriating. It was then that Mudpaw learned that she had a talent of her own: charisma. Why do the work, when you can talk yourself out of it? She was dubbed “Mudsong”, in honor of her smooth talking. She watched in awe as Foxtail began to put her clanmates first, whereas Mudsong’s own mother thought of only herself. She found herself admiring Foxtail, in terms of something much greater than friendship. Mudsong changed, discovered a sense of responsibility, a desire to be above her arrogant brother and dam. It was around this time that her father, Tangletail, abandoned SunClan to live as a rogue after creating relationship drama between himself and several she-cats. Mudsong found herself disgusted by his lack of loyalty, and aimed to prove her worth to her clan. Her brother, enraged that Tangle had abandoned their mother, sought to chase after the self-exiled tom and attempt to murder him. Boulderfang was killed, as a young and inexperienced warrior. When the fires hit, Mudsong continued on her moral journey. Despite loathing her mother at this point, she practically sacrificed her own life to spare her mother. The attempt to guide her lost mother from burning forest resulted in the end of Mudsong’s tail catching on fire and eventually being removed, leaving her with a shorter tail. Unfortunately, her clanborn half-siblings perished in the fire, as Mudsong could not locate them in time. Several days later, Scorchtooth died from smoke inhalation. She never properly “forgave” Mudsong for not attempting to seek revenge on her father as her brother did. Foxtail was all she had left. Now, she intends to see that her best friend and new leader absolutely thrives. Other: Read; Remus' post maaay be separate due to length. Have to go to bed for work tomorrow so I can't complete his rn! Crap art by me. |
![]() 20mia08 #18414 |
Posted 2020-12-29 22:40:55 (edited)
W.I.P. Swamppatch Age: 4 years 7 moons Gender: Female Sexuality: Homosexual Rank: Medicine Cat Desired Rank: None, though she wonders how life would've been as a warrior from time to time Relationships: Father: Soleil - Loner - Deceased Mother: Cave where Darkness Dwells (Cave) - Loner; former Tribe Cat - Deceased Co-worker: [...] - Medicine Cat - Alive (?) Apprentice: [...] - Medicine Cat Apprentice - Alive (?) Former mentor: Larksong - Medicine Cat - Deceased Former mentor: Dewstep - Medicine Cat - Deceased Friend/Possible Love Interest: Foxstar - Leader - Alive ☼Appearance☼ Description: Swamppatch is a medium sized cat, standing no taller than 12" to the withers, with a body length that reaches 18", and a body weight of 15 lbs. Her fur is medium length, and isn't the softest thing any cat will come across. A mass majority of her pelage is a charcoal color tinted red, with darker regions by her paws, nose bridge, ears, and tail. She's a tortoiseshell cat, though she bears minimal patches; one of her ginger tabby patches would be right underneath her left eye, being a splotch of color that starts from her lower eye lid and goes no further past her cheek. On her chest is a rather large patch of solid ginger that bear no tabby markings on it. When compared to the other calicos and tortoiseshell cats of her clan, she's by far the darkest cat-and easily recognizable-among them. Her eyes have a sort of almond shape to them, and can be fairly expressive; they're an olive green-a nice, muted color-which has some lighter and darker shades mixed into it. Her nose is a yellow-beige color, having a somewhat flat heart-shape to it. Before the fire, Swamppatch had a more appealing look to her: a body clean of scars, soft fur, and all that; after the fire, she earned two scar markings: her right ear was partially burned off, and the fur-and skin-around her right eye and cheek were burned off. She, luckily, wasn't blinded when having had her face burned, though she can no longer grow fur to cover what had happened to her. Well before the fire, one could be able to find Swamppatch giving out a small smile once in a while, but after the fire hit cats would be lucky enough to a neutral expression on her face; one could say that the fire burned whatever joy was left in her. Eye Color: Olive green Pelt Color(s): Charcoal black (tinted red), black (tinted red), ginger (light and dark) Scars/Other Features: Due to the fire, the right side of her face-around her eye mostly-has been burned off and left scarred; her right ear also had a section of it burned off ☼Characteristics☼ Personality: + Honesty;productivity; knowledgeable • Follows morals; stubborn; sarcastic - Apathetic; callous; closed-off ------------------------------- Biography: The bond between two cats can be inseparable, and that was the case for Soleil and Cave. The two had known one another for well over 2 years, though the tribe kept them apart so they'd resort to sneaking about to meet one another by moon high near a lake. It wasn't until one leaf-bare that Cave approached Soleil to inform him of good, yet late, news: she's around 4 moons pregnant and having kits. His kits. Soleil was happy to know he was having kittens with a cat he loves dearly, but the sudden panic of how they would raise them hit him. The two began to protest to one another, one begging the other to join them, before it became more and more frantic. Soleil deemed he could never join a group of cats-he simply couldn't after how they kept him away from her. Out of desperation, Cave blurted out how she would leave for him. Soleil was surprised, worried, and yet happy, to hear that. Cave chose to leave in secrecy, knowing very well she would find it too hard to say goodbye when all are awake. Without much hesitation, she left with Soleil. The two would roam the forest, eventually finding a river in which they could settle by. Moons went by, and soon enough young Swamppatch-named Swamp back then-came to be. She was an only kit, and had traits from both mother and father. She held her mother's eyes, her fur length, and a bit of her ginger tabby coat; she got most of her father's charcoal black coat, which overpowered the genes of her mother's ginger coat, as well as his nose and ears-which aren't tufted like her mother's. Swamppatch grew up with her parents, not having much contact with other cats. Life itself was,,, bland in a sense. She loves her parents, but sometimes she wishes she could meet others. When she turned 2 years old, her parents began to teach her about herbs and how to handle certain injuries. Hunting and fighting used to be fun for her, but something about herbs and being able to heal oneself, or others, just by combining the proper substances, was far more intriguing. Life, as always, continued this way: hunting, sparring, medicine practice, and repeat. Eventually, the River the family of three lived by dried up, and they had to leave to find a new source of water. It took days to move 'upstream' to find more water, and the journey proved to be fatal. Swamppatch was around 3 years and 4 moons by then, and during their travel they crossed paths with a snare fox trap. Her mother was unfortunate enough to get caught in it, having stumbled and gotten her left foreleg in it; Swamppatch will never forget the sickening snap that was followed with a crying wail. Her father was frantic, trying to help her get loose, while Swamppatch ran off to find some mods or cobwebs to lessen the bleeding. The three were all frantic, and hadn't noticed the faint smell of man-or the strong scent of dog. Upon her return with some moss, Swamppatch was struck with the vile taste of bile in her throat. She was only gone for a bit, it wasn't even that long, and yet both her parents were there, being torn apart and killed by Fox Hounds. The smell of death was the only thing keeping her from running in there to try and save them. With welled tears, she ran off in whatever direction was furthest away from 1. The dogs, 2. Her old home, and 3. Where the scent of man is from. 3 days worth of travel, starvation, thirst, and exhaustion, ended up bringing her to the borders of SunClan. A border patrol consisting of a few senior warriors, and two newly made warriors, stumbled across her a while after. Anyone who was there when she was first brought in would remember her best for this: being dragged by the scruff as she flailed and swiped at a number of the warriors from the patrol. The leader then, who was Berrystar, was hesitant on allowing her refuge in their camp, but chose to allow her some time due to the state she was in. Swamppatch spent her time in the medicine den, being treated by the, now deceased, old medicine cat sisters Larksong and Dewstep. Of course, she was still stubborn about being handled by others, and would patch herself up when the sisters weren't watching. 2 days went by, and Swamppatch was able to make a good recovery. She wasn't entirely ready to leave, according to Dewstep, so Berrystar allowed her to remain here for another day or so. Dew step and Larksong would suggest her to try and hunt or train to build up muscle once more as a way to prevent fatigue, and so she did. She would join small hunting patrols, or would join in a training session with a random apprentice and spar them. Berrystar ended up taking notice to her skills, and proposed to keep her in the clan. Swamppatch was hesitant about this, but she didn't exactly refuse his offer. She remained in the clan for a few days, figuring out exactly what she wanted to be while performing few warrior duties. It wasn't until a few days later that Dewstep and Larksong began to take notice on her skills towards medicine and herbs. They approached Berrystar about it, and, as they didn't have an apprentice at the time due to an untimely death from green-cough, he allowed them to apprentice her for as long as they saw necessary--if she agreed. Swamppatch was ecstatic to hear she would be able to learn more about medicine, though she was a bit hesitant to accept. It took her about a day's thinking to finally agree, and she was named "Swamppaw" for the time being. It took about 2 moon/ worth of training to reach the completion of her training, however in those two months old Larksong grew sicker and sicker. Days before her death, Swamppatch was lucky enough to have Larksong witness her naming ceremony; Berrynose named her "Swamppatch" due to her minimal patches of ginger. Not all had greeted her with open arms, but Swamppatch didn't pay heed to them. Her focus was always on Larksong, Dewstep, and occasionally Foxtail-now known as Foxstar. In fact, when the day came, Swamppatch was the medicine cat to help Foxtail connect to StarClan so she could receive her 9 lives and become Foxstar. Swamppatch was, and still is, a friend of Foxstar's, and likes to spend time chatting with her about all sorts of things; she sometimes takes it upon herself to give Foxstar little medicine lessons from time to time as the calico she-cat had mentioned she was once eager to become a medicine cat. When the fire hit, Swamppatch was keen on saving her only living [former] mentor: Dewstep. She was,,, unfortunate when it came to StarClan's plans for her elderly former mentor. Dewstep suffocated due to the smoke and extreme heat, and Swamppatch got her face and ear burned as a result of trying to save her. She was lucky enough to have escaped the fiery havoc before the flames swallowed her too, and yet not all of her left the flames that day. Image: (optional) Source: Link to shop art was purchased from: wolvden.com Link to user whom made/sold art that was purchased: wolvden.com For the second piece, credentials belong to me (I'm trying out my more stylized art style as a break from realism) Other: Read the rules ! |
![]() Oakley #9538 |
Posted 2020-12-30 12:54:50
Hello! Can I reserve a medicine cat slot and the medicine cat apprentice slot? |
MoonHawk #34831 |
Posted 2020-12-30 14:10:50
@MoonHawk SunClan already has a set group of players, we're not accepting more at this time. Sorry! |
![]() 🏳🌈ɓσωɦεα∂ɓσყ🏳🌈 #610 |
Posted 2020-12-30 17:03:43
I'm tentatively finished with Sleetwhisker, sorry his bio got away from me, I was worried I'd write too little so just kept going. If anyone wants to be edited into his bio, lemme know! |
![]() Venom Mom #17213 |
Posted 2020-12-30 18:26:16 (edited)
☼Basics☼ Name: Remus Age: 2 years 2 moons Gender: Tom (he/him) Sexuality: Demisexual Rank: Loner Desired Rank: Warrior (uncertain) Relationships: MadMax's Silver Cloud Lining ("Silvie") - mother; status unknown [PB kittypet] Rascal - father; status unknown (stray moggie) Patches - sister; status unknown Goldie - sister; status unknown Biscuit - adopted father; deceased ☼Appearance☼ Description: The tom suffers from a form of gigantism due to his purebred ancestors on his mother’s side. As a result, Remus is an absolutely hulking tom: he towers on semi-muscular limbs, and the addition of his long, thick coat does not help with making him appear any less terrifying. However, he is also decently handsome with his roguish looks, given his square-shaped face and powerful chin. Yet, while he may be both impressive and intimidating, his appearance is most unfortunate. Remus suffers from frequent joint pain, given his gigantism, causing him agonizing mornings and leaving him stiff on rainy days. For a young cat, there’s days where he moves as if he’s 17 years old, if he feels well enough to move at all. He is covered in a thick, wolfish silver tabby coat with a long, lion-like mane that composes his chest fur. Naturally, such a heavy coat is an absolute nightmare when it comes to hot afternoons, causing Remus to spend most of his greenleafs in the cool confines of his den. But Remus- he loves snow. The cold helps numb the joint pain, and he finds it quite fun to nap and play in. Also, he can make a good snow plow. The big silver tabby also comes with a pair of pleading golden eyes and white tufted ears. Eye Color: Gold Pelt Color(s): Giant, long-furred silver classic tabby Scars/Other Features: Lion-like "ruff", feathered ears, gigantism. ☼Characteristics☼ Personality: + Generous, resourceful, personable - Skeptical, intimidating, moralistic / Aloof, awkward, hesitant Remus, as big and powerful as he might seem, is honestly a cat plagued by flaws, both physical and emotional. After he was lost as a kitten, he was raised independently be a senile tom who prevented the kitten from properly socializing due to his own outrageous fears. As a result, Remus is a socially awkward mess. Although he longs for company, he does not know how to socialize. He is understandably hesitant and cautious when it comes to attempting to strike up conversation, considering that he has been without company for countless moons. The poor tom is at a constant mental battle: by the stars, he wants to make friends, he wants to cuddle, and he wants to guide the new faces. He wants to learn about StarClan- but he has unspoken fears against them. Conversation, dishing out trust...it’s something he’s never done before. Both his silence and size makes the tom intimidating, despite being a big cuddly teddy bear at heart. How he lingers near the border when a patrol goes by makes cats feel uneasy. He seems unpredictable, skeptical even. Remus means no harm, but he does not know how to properly convey himself as the friendly feline that he is. As menacing as he may be at first glance, Remus is a very moralistic cat with good meaning. He likes to help- at least, he thinks he does. He knows about the trees, of their roots, of the predators that roam the great forest...Remus likes balance, and he likes maintaining peace. He wishes to teach SunClan of these values, so they can help maintain the forest’s balance. That being said, the tom’s very resourceful. Remus knows the lay of the land and its secrets like the back of his paw- and he’d happily share this knowledge, if he could only figure out how. The big guy’s very generous, at least once he’s comfortable. Deep down, he’s terribly excited to share his wisdom and resources, because he finally has an opportunity to make friends. Once he’s feeling secure with a stranger, Remus can make for a very lovable and very personable companion. Need a shoulder to lean on? A big fuzzy to cuddle into? He’s your guy- if you’re patient with him.
However, Tiny never did seem to cease growing The tom's size amazed the twolegs. While Goldie and Patches were rehomed, it was decided that he'd remain in the same household as Silvie, seeing that the tomkit was an anomaly that they'd enjoy showing off. Tiny wasn't too bothered when his sisters were taken away, although it did break his mother's heart. Tiny's sisters weren't always the kindest to him, as Tiny often found his body to be in agony, so he couldn't play with them. It made his sisters resentful- he didn't understand why. When he was four moons old, Tiny and his mother were taken on vacation, so that their twolegs could go camping in a great forest, with trees taller than ever imagined. Silvie explained to her son that it was a regular event- they went every year, and it was a sight to behold. Tiny was filled to the brim with excitement, and couldn't even begin to fathom the adventures that might await him and his mother. When they arrived and the housefolk set up the campsite, Tiny and his mom were allowed to free-roam so long as they didn't wonder out of sight. They were good at keeping a close eye on their cats- that was, until they struggled to light the campfire to have their smores. While the twolegs were distracted and Silvie was busy begging for attention, Tiny had his eyes on the biggest butterfly he'd ever seen. Wanting to show off his mighty hunting skills to his mother, the kitten viciously pursued the butterfly. He followed it away from camp and into the great unknown, where he quickly got lost. The size of the trees- it made him feel dizzy. He spent the entire evening crying out in fright, hoping his mother would find and save him. But Silvie and the housefolk never came. At dusk, he had been chased by a pair of ugly, long-faced cats with stripes on their tails (raccoons) that were all but friendly. Terrified that he'd become their meal, Tiny fled into a burrow where he crashed into a grumpy sleeping tom. The tom seemed to have a few bolts loose, and adamantly demanded that Tiny "scrammed". Being a frightened kitten, he blubbered on about the scary monsters outside and how he couldn't find his momma. Either the tom hallucinated that the kit was actually his own, or he found room in his heart to let Tiny in. The stranger's name was "Biscuit", and he was one of the only strays around that could survive the elements of the great forest alone. He spoke to Tiny of voices in his head and balance in the great forest. Tiny stayed up late listening to tall tales spun by Biscuit, rumors of spirits in the forest among other whacky things. Being a kitten, he naturally believed it all. While Tiny was still young, Biscuit refused to let him leave the confines of the burrows. He explained that it was too dangerous out there. He also decided to rename the hulking kitten, because Tiny was a "stupid disgrace of a name" and the voices in his head had renamed him "Remus". He liked the new name. "Remus" sounded cool and tough. When he was eight moons old, Biscuit was finally willing to take the lost moggie kit outside to train. After all...he was getting really big for an adolescent, and the burrow was becoming really crowded with him in there. Not to mention, Remus ate Biscuit out of house and home. His appetite never seemed to be satisfied, so it was time that the youngster contributed to hunting as well. It paid off- Remus soaked up everything like a sponge. He listened attentively to every lesson, and continued to do so for years. Remus...well, he never knew that he wasn't normal. In truth, he was absolutely massive by the time he was an adult, and he was still plagued by growing pains and joint aches due to the complications of his size. He simply thought that crazy old Biscuit was just...particularly small. Remus thought his size was normal. He never did get to come across any other cats outside of Biscuit, partially because the senile old tom made it seem like strangers were cruel and selfish. As a result, Remus grew up without proper socialization. All comfort and lessons could be found within Biscuit, who was often everything but pleasant company. His only source of company was lost when Remus turned 2 years old. Old Biscuit finally passed away after his dementia began to kick in. One of the senile tom's only rules was to never wonder out of the burrow at dusk, and he had done just that (after forgetting where he was). Biscuit never returned, and Remus accepted that it was likely that he was caught and killed by predators. He has been on his own for two moons, and already he misses companionship. When SunClan settled into his vast expansion of territory, Remus was somewhat frightened at first. However, his big heart yearns for the friends he's never had, and he's hoping that he can convince himself to socialize. Taking some of his territory? He doesn't mind- Remus is willing to share with the newcomers, so long as they're nice and willing to be patient with him. Other: Baby <3. Read! |
![]() 20mia08 #18414 |