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The Tales of Wolvden

The Tales of Wolvden
Posted 2020-10-03 12:59:52 (edited)

The Tales of Wolvden


So I wanted to create somewhere for wolvden players to give their characters an in depth story. Here you can flesh out your characters backgrounds, form friendships and bonds with other packs and so forth.

Basic Rules

. All wolves (excluding NPCs) will be your real wolvden pack members. It can be set in the past/future of their existence, but they must exist/have existed on your game!

. All their natural characteristics remain, stats, personality, relations etc.

. They can fight, play fight and such but try and build it around its true character.

. Characters can form bonds, but also become enemies. Do NOT hate the player, just the character.

. Do not follow around and pick on a character unless the person is happy for that to be a character development.

. Do not harm, form relationships and any other noticeable effects unless all players involved are wanting to do so.

How to Join?

Check page one for details! Feel fee to join at any time <3


Posted 2020-10-03 13:00:07 (edited)

Sign Up

Character Name :

Character Link : 

Any info worth noting : (This may include their role in their pack, their family, their relationships and such).


Keep in mind where your packs territories are, this is probably where you'll be hanging out the most!

Pack Fights

If you would like to 'fight' another character, please discuss it with them via pm then bring in your storyline and play it out in the roleplay, if you would like a fight with more surprising and unknown endings then feel free to ask me or a moderator of this forum to aid in the story creation. We could roll for outcomes, injuries and such then allow you to act those out!

Post Layout

Please layout your roleplay post like this to avoid confusion!

Wolf name // Addressing // Location // Tone of voice


Posted 2020-10-03 13:10:09

Character Name : Alicia

Character Link :

Alicia is a scout and mother to 5 healthy pups.


Posted 2020-10-03 19:36:26 (edited)

Character Name:


Character Link:


Dedicated to the prosperity of her pack, Oleandra is the alpha of a band of misfits that have named themselves for the area they live. The Peak's Edge Pack started with three members. Oleandra her brother Polaris and his mate Cordelia. 

Character Name:


Character Link:


A born caretaker, Cordelia is the healer of Peak's Edge and its temporary Beta. Her mate Polaris is her world and she thanks the gods everyday for him and Oleandra's being in her life.

Character Name:


Character Link:

Brother to the alpha and mate to the beta, Polaris is struggling to prove that he's not ridding their coattails. 


Posted 2020-10-03 19:40:07

Character Name : LovingCarnage

Character Link :

Alicia's firstborn. Friendly and ready to explore the world.


Character Name : MuddiedSnowPaws

Character Link :

Alicia's daughter. Friendly, loves new textures, splashing in mud, walking in snow, crunching leaves.


Character Name : IcedTitanium

Character Link :

Alicia's grumpiest daughter. She is often fraught with the meaning of existence.


Character Name : WarmRime

Character Link :

Alicia's cheeriest child. She is a powerful daughter, believed to have been graced with the power of an ox.


Character Name : Unnamed

Character Link :

Unnamed is the smallest daughter of Alicia's. She is yet to be named.


Posted 2020-10-03 19:56:36

 Alicia // Addressing : Her pups // Mountains : Silver's Territory // Mellow tone

Alicia in the warmth of her den retreat snuggles her newborn pups. She had moved here to be alone for the birth and bonding of her pups. She had spent the last week or so preparing the small, cave nook for them, making it as cosy as possible. Old pelts of prey, feathers, some tufts of her own fur and an earthy mix of mud and pines coated the floor.

They were so tiny then, all squirming about looking for food and comfort. She wondered what to name them, all daughters, all different.


Posted 2020-10-04 12:24:51 (edited)

Oleandra // Herself // Mountain: Peak's Edge Territory // Melancholily 

On the edge of the cliffside outside the her main den, Oleandra sits silently  looking out over the mountain. Every now and then she can spot wisps of her hunters. Just below her seat on the peak small whimpers call up to her from the main den. Cordelia, Polaris and the month old litter are curled up in the back of the cave. 

A quaint little family. Oleandra snarks in her mind. Though she's not truly upset with them or opposed to their happiness. All that Polaris and Cordelia faced to help her build this pack, is something she can never make up for. But seeing their pups thriving when her own did not make it passed their first few days, pains her more than words could ever articulate. Even being abandoned by Saffron doesn't compare to this. 

With one last deep breath, Oleandra stretches and leaps down to meet with her scouts. I'll speak with Legoshi before going to make my own rounds. Then I'll go meet my new nieces and nephews. I can't hide behind my responsibilities forever.


Posted 2020-10-04 12:52:13

 Alicia // Addressing : Silver (Pack Leader) // Mountains : Silver's Territory : Puppy Den // Worried-Grateful tone

Alicia had hardly eaten, she was a new mother and overly worried about her new pups and could rarely manage going out to get food. It felt so odd being away from the pack. While Silver was a very fair leader Alicia couldn't help but follow her instincts and have the puppies away from the main den. 

Alicia had been caring for her pups for a month now and were beginning to walk around the den, they were getting bigger and needed more food if they were to remain healthy. Alicia thought it was about time she introduced them to the rest of the pack. A few of the other females, including Silver had their own pups not long before Alicia and she thought it would be good to socialise them.

The sun had began setting for the evening and it was cold, so Alicia decided to hold back on moving the pups, until a warmer evening. They could barely walk and so she didn't want to risk any of them getting caught by enemies. Just as the light was about to set behind the hills Silver entered the den, carrying the remains of a deer carcass, offering it silently to Alicia and her pups.

Silver didn't want to rush Alicia into returning to the pack but she wanted to make sure she felt included, she hoped she return soon, she is her best scout.


Posted 2020-10-20 08:19:52

Character Name:

Midnight //Hyper pitched tone - or low angry tone//

Character Link:


Midnight was chased away from her pack at 2 years old because of her pelt color, But it was with good reason since her father and mother had agreed to chase off dark pelted wolves to keep their rep of light and bright colored wolves stable. She is currently on a quest to form her own pack and rules.

Character Name:

Root //flirty low tone//

Character Link:


Root was born in the wilderness along with his siblings and parents, he left his family and home since thee was too many mouths to feed, his sister, Violet joined him and died in the process.  Root is still upset and remmbers the day where she was killed by poachers.


Posted 2020-10-20 08:21:06

hhh also ingore the parts where it says that their lones, i just realized that all wolves are pack members


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