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Design My Fox Girl!🦊20GC Reward [CLOSED]

Posted 2021-01-11 14:34:36

okay, sorry about the marks issue, I'll fix that right away ^^ and now I know what combo markings are lol--

🦨 thefunnyrabbid

Posted 2021-01-11 14:36:00

@twoducks, no problem! just make sure u edit the post instead of posting again! when ur done, just comment on the thread that u made ur edits, so i can get pinged to look at them again :)


Posted 2021-01-11 14:46:09

@Cloudeh I just saw ur 3rd design and holy cow! that looks awesome! i love how tough she looks. that is a fabulous job--well done. i'm especially in love with the choice to let her base shine through in the majority of the design. 


Posted 2021-01-11 14:46:32 (edited)

Here's my go.  ^w^  May come back with another, we'll see!  

♥ Here ♥ ~~~ ♥ Lower Opacity Cross/Butcher♥ ~~~ ♥ Neck Band! ♥

Ya boy can't help make zircon btw, needs red--cream to combo.  But I was able to get as many combos as possible with what's there!  Some of the markings could already! ♥  And obviously kept the specials she already had!


Posted 2021-01-11 14:52:54

@Faeyne, LOL whoops tysm for letting me know!

I love that u used the white husky to fake pink marks, what a neat trick! If i do have any feedback to provide, its that I like the colors in the rest of the design, but the legs look muddy, which could be an issue with ones of the black marks! If u do wanna go back to edit that, i would suggest perhaps lowering the opacity on some of the black marks and see if that helps! 


Posted 2021-01-11 14:53:42 (edited)

 I've tried to keep a natural look using your favourite markings to subtly darken your girl and create lots of opportunities for silver marked babies. I've taken the opacity of the red points right down, but tried to leave the rest of your markings untouched so that you don't have to spend as much on marking adjusters as well as buying new marks. All the additional marks are available through the customiser and the yellow dilution creates another colour combo possibility with your stud. Simple, but, I hope- effective!  :) 

Here she is as a puppy and an adult.

Those are the markings I used, and if you want you could take the honey shading down to  20% for a darker look as below. Hope you like my submission and good luck with your girl!

Edit of the original design for less mud and some faux Auburn

Something different and stripey,  but still in fairly natural tones and should still create some nice colour combos with your stud

and finally a design with some pink.  Need to play around with this one more tomorrow


Posted 2021-01-11 14:53:46 (edited)

Here's my entry!
Fox Design
Personally, I like the pink snout she's going on in my design!

Edited: Updated design


Posted 2021-01-11 14:56:11

I edited my og post with the fixed designs! they look very similar, though the second one is a tiny bit brighter pink than it looked originally, I think. and I couldn't get auburn or zircon combos with your stud because his black marks correspond with marks that Wildfire already has, and he doesn't have any cream or red marks ^^

🦨 thefunnyrabbid

Posted 2021-01-11 14:59:40

@saffy tysm for ur submission! i think its a great start! my main concern is that she looks very muddy unfortunately. I have 2 suggestions that may help! 1) decrease the opacity on some of the black marks to let other colors show through or 2) replace the black marks entirely with a different color :) Hopefully that helps!

@Breezey, i think this is a great start! if u want to edit more, I would suggest adding marks that will go over the body more rather than just the legs and undersides! tysm for ur submission :)


Posted 2021-01-11 15:02:35

@twoducks, wow! those designs are fabulous. i love the contrast and the black is very dark so it doesn't muddy up the other colors :) I think the second design is wonderful, i love that u used a lower-opacity red mark to make faux pink marks on the limbs. definitely a good choice! tysm for ur submissions. 


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