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Posted 2021-02-20 11:26:15

Hello! I like your codings, they're very pretty! :)

ID: 9575

Background Image: Would this one be fine? 

Color Palette: You can pick the colors to match the background! I'd like them to stay in the muted gray-ish palette of the background rather then the green/yellow from the small leaves.

Font(s): 'd like a fonts similar to or, please!

Edges: Mostly square with slightly round edges, no borders.

Transparency: I like the transparency like there:

Status Bars: Each one a different color matched to your palette, I'd like the energy bar being the lighter and the experience bar the darker (like these:

Wolf Images: Square with slightly rounded edges with a grayscale! Could the greyscale cover the Dynasty/Pupsitting/Pack Overview/Breeding buttons too please?

Transitions: WouldI'd like the links to glow when hovered over! Since the images are grayscale, can they transition to colors when hovered over as well?


- l'd like simple boxes! One large box over two smaller boxes side by side (like here, but without the expending effect) I'd like them with slightly rounded corners, please!

- I'm unsure how to explain this, but can the wolves list have different colors for adult and pups? Similar to here, but if all adults/adolescent/weaned puppies could have the same color and puppies that are not weaned have a different colors.

Thank you! ♥ Let me know if some things aren't clear or if they can't be made!

Axl 🌸

Posted 2021-02-20 12:47:34

Thank you Axl! Please feel free to send me a private trade with the fee of 15GC and I will get you written on the list!


Posted 2021-02-21 16:06:41

Background Image: i have some images on my profile/den which would just be a color pallet idea. 

Color Palette: dark/dusty sort of sunset colors like on my den page :) black accents would be awesome!

Font(s): extra light 200 italic  or something like it lol

Edges: rounded with some cool shape to it? idk i trust your taste

Transparency: the box links (breeding, nesting etc) to be like 50-60% transparent and maybe greyscale

Status Bars: colors to match my pallet please

Wolf Images: rounded, not greyscale but a shape of some sort lol

Transitions: up to you

Extras: custom cusor. cant really think of anything else :)

Rosesociety {T3 Breeder}

Posted 2021-02-21 16:23:17

Thanks so much rosesociety! Feel free to send me a private trade for the fee of 15GC and I will get you written down!


Posted 2021-02-22 08:09:21

To all: I was made aware of an issue with the HTML boxes resizing when content was in them that overflowed making it a scrollable box. If your page does this and I haven't fixed it yet please let me know so I can update your CSS remotely ASAP! <3


Posted 2021-02-23 11:17:16

hey question! would you take a mix of sc/gc/ and possibly art? i'm trying to save up on my gc for my next stud's customization..
i can also offer some refunded breedings to my current stud? if this isn't sufficient then that's alright! i'll be back after i have enough gc :)


Posted 2021-02-23 11:19:03

Hi there Shrubby! If you'd like to PM me we can get something figured out :) 


Posted 2021-02-23 12:01:56

CSS Request Form

ID: 30378

Background Image: something like this or this?

Color Palette: a varient of the background that goes well with it! (pretty much do what you want! as long as it fits in the same theme :) )

Font(s): i couldn't find any i liked so any fonts that have tall thin words or some that look elegant!

Edges: mostly square with rounded edges!

Transparency: something along the lines of this or this!

Status Bars: i'd like any colors that match the background and possibly some gradients into lighter colors?
(like- example: if you chose the second image i linked a nice slightly darker blue to a light blue for HP and a darker pink to a lighter pink for energy?)

Wolf Images: totally circular please! no grayscale :)

Transitions: i'd like if the names, images, and links glowed a blue/pink! (again to match the background)

Extras: it would be amazing if i could get two boxes that collapsed when not hovered over? (like expanding boxes) i'm not sure if i want a custom cursor or not.. if i decide i do want one can i PM you about it?


Posted 2021-03-01 06:45:41

CSS Request Form

ID: #19136

Background Image: I'd like something to do with nature, so many green vines or something? 

Color Palette:   The theme I'd like to be green, all things nature, dark greens, light greens etc 

Font(s):  I don't mind as long as I can read it ^^ 

Edges:  I'd say round boxes, edges etc.

Transparency: I don't mind, transparent would be awesome 

Status Bars: I'd like them to fit in with the theme 

Wolf Images: Rounded, they don't need the grey effect 

Transitions: I'd like them to glow when hoovered over 

Extras: I don't mind text boxes being added 

This is all for a new character I'm developing, they are a nature wolf so feel free to use your imagination and if you need to know anything else just let me know ^^ 


Posted 2021-03-01 06:53:18

Thanks so much Miss Wolf, please send a trade with the fee of 15GC and I will get you written down!


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