Deep Roots: Beginnings
Deep Roots: Beginnings
Posted 2020-10-04 05:45:23 (edited)
Heya! This thread is a way for me to keep track of my progress and occasionally expand on pack lore. If you have any questions, please PM me! Don't post here. I'd like to keep this neat and tidy, if I can. I play by some self-imposed rules for the sake of challenge and story. Notes on Play Style:
Founding Wolves Deep Roots She was alone. The pack she'd known as a welp was no more, though they yet lived. She could not go back. She could not face them again. She could not. Would not. And she could not keep the name they had given her as a child, for it no longer fit; she was not Acantha. She was not the fickle thorn in her pack's side any longer. She was Eos; she was beginning. "May the Raven's Wings light your path." Updated: 9-4-24 |
![]() Indy .: HM :. #3641 |
Posted 2020-10-05 04:48:24
September 25–October 5 10 days The pack is slowly but surely growing under Eos's care. That does not mean it is perfect, but there seems to be a sort of rhythm forming. The hunters are becoming more proficient and work together well as a team. Pekelo's observant senses choose the trails, while Skelu, Raalu, and Kalek chased prey down. Iris, the oldest of the hunters, brings the prey down more often than not. A young woman called Rean joined the pack early on. She is a little morose, rarely smiles, and tends to have a darker view on things, but she is also eager to help and puts her knowledge in herbalism to good use as the pack's Herbalist. There are four pups in the pack… …there were four pups in the pack. One of Rean's sons choked on a small bone. In spite of everyone's best efforts, the child did not recover. He is the first young wolf to die under Eos's reign. She masks her own insecurities for the sake of the child's mourning mother. |
![]() Indy .: HM :. #3641 |
Posted 2020-10-19 15:49:43
October 6–19 24 days The pack has grown and moved. From the deciduous woodlands, to the coniferous forests, and finally, Deep Roots has found its home on the taiga. The winter is bitter there, but the trees are tall, the forests deep, and Eos senses a deep spiritual side the forest here. She feels connected, and, for the first time since she left her old pack, she truly feels at peace with the earth under her paws. The pack is filling out. Fifteen adults might call the expanding territory home. Two pups from beyond the pack have grown up, and Eos has birthed her second litter. It is mid-winter. Not ideal pup-bearing conditions… Adonis is the largest pup in the litter. He doesn't move much until he's hungry… at which point he is more than capable of pushing his brothers aside. His brother, Epimetheus is content to huddle with his siblings. The smallest pup is struggling, and Eos questions if the child will live. Still, the pack will do its best. She will do her best. Pekelo watches his mate closely, provides all he can alongside his hunting lead. |
![]() Indy .: HM :. #3641 |
Posted 2020-10-20 06:23:38
October 20 25 Days Eos reached level 11. Spring has arrived. The season of rebirth and new life brings hope and joy to Eos's heart, even if it does not show on her face. Her pack is thriving, and her children are growing. That does not mean there have not been tragic losses during the winter. Rean has become a skilled herbalist, proficient in her trade. She rarely needs to ask after remedies, and her guesses are correct. The scouts continue to explore the surrounding terrain and make sure the pack remains safe from outside threats. |
![]() Indy .: HM :. #3641 |
Posted 2020-10-27 13:44:19
October 27 32 Days Setting a new requirement for breeding females other than the lead wolf: they must have a minimum of 300 stats before they may be bred. I'm still tossing around the idea of not allowing wolves to breed during late fall / early winter, both for lore and practical purposes. Customized wolves: [LORE] The pack is thriving. Eos gave birth to four pups during the winter. All of them survived the harsh conditions, bring Eos a sense of hope and purpose as her children grow before her eyes. They will doubtless become powerful members of the pack when they are done training. |
![]() Indy .: HM :. #3641 |
Posted 2020-12-02 19:43:21
December 2 68 Days It's hard to believe it's been three years since Eos founded Deep Roots. Her children help hunt now, and Pekelo has become an accomplished Tracker. Not all of the wolves who began their journey with Deep Roots have remained. Raalu moved on when he felt the time was right, along with a couple young females. Rean is training up one of her daughters to take her place as Herbalist. The girl, Deinde, has a keen eye. She's quick to pick up on the personalities and traits of her packmates… a good trait to have in someone who will one day be healing those same wolves. Somnus is the pup both leaders have their eyes on. He is bright and imaginative, with simple, ingenious ways to move the pack forward and keep it safe. His potential to lead the pack into the future is high, and it hasn't been missed by either of his parents. |
![]() Indy .: HM :. #3641 |
Posted 2020-12-15 10:47:46
December 15 81 Days How long did it take for them to make it official? The whole pack knew, of course. Pekelo only ever had eyes for Eos. It was always her pups he loved best, always her he followed and hunted for, always. Then why did she seem so surprised when Pekelo, quiet, patient Pekelo, approached her with a simple suggestion. "We are as one, are we not?" "As we've always been." "But we have never said so." And thus Pekelo approached the wolf he'd followed all his adult life. "So I tell you now: I am yours. Let us howl it to the stars, until they carry it to the dark side of the moon. Let it be known our love will be as unending as their light, that I shall reflect always your love as the moon on the water. Will you make it so?" She stood still, eye bright in the dark. Pekelo, patient, waited. …finally she approached him, nuzzling deep into his fur, smile tender. "It will be so." Pekelo and Eos are the first bonded mates of Deep Roots. They will not be the last, as their sons, Somnus and Epimetheus have their sights set on lovely she-wolves of their own. With their parents as fine examples, the boys will treat any wolf they take as their life-mates well. |
![]() Indy .: HM :. #3641 |
Posted 2021-01-20 06:58:41
January 20 117 Days Eos and Pekelo are getting on in years. Eos is still a capable leader and Pekelo still hunts, but the next generation is actively being prepared for the time when their leaders are gone, for the time when the next leader steps up. Eos's son is almost ready. She has raised him well—at least she hopes—and he will be a fitting replacement. She never imagined how her pack would thrive. She always hoped, of course, but it is beyond Eos's wildest dreams. She, the outcast, now well-loved alpha. |
![]() Indy .: HM :. #3641 |
Posted 2021-03-06 08:10:52
March 6, 2021 163 Days When Eos finally laid down her head, her pack surrounding her, it was with a tranquil smile. Her mate of many years, Pekelo, passed before her, and she knows somewhere deep within she will see him again. She does not fear death, and she is content in her son's ability to lead. Hyron will make a fine leader. It is not long after Eos's passing that a strange, new female appears in the pack: Stellia. Her glistening pelt is the color of dreams, and her eyes flash pale blue. Hyron will not be alone on his journey leading the pack into the second generation. |
![]() Indy .: HM :. #3641 |
Posted 2024-07-14 10:30:00 (edited)
July 14, 2024 Eos's blessings have followed her many-times-great grandpups for generations now, but such things cannot last forever, it seems. Winter of that year came hard and fast. The first wolf to fall ill was one of the elders. Lydia was by no means a young wolf. She'd seen several winters, and her loss was, in some ways, to be expected. No one thought it would be contagious. OOC: I've missed updating my lore! I've been so busy IRL and have been so low energy that I haven't really kept up with this, but I want to. I've managed to keep Eos and Teketa's line clean and running for twelve generations! Marlus is their many-times-great grandson. A part of me is very attached to the pack I've built and that lore, but I'm feeling a very potent itch to "start over". I'll be keeping my general rules for my herbalist and general breeding within my pack, but over the course of the next few weeks (or however long it takes), I will be doing a dice roll each day for wolves to get pass away from the mysterious illness. My only rule is that I get to keep at one Tier 3 wolf, regardless of heritage. It will most likely be my breeding male, Aneiren, who gets immunity, unless a more desirable pup is born before "the end". [Rolls] Starting with the wolves in Elder's Roots, a dice roll for each wolf until one passes, or all are safe. 25% chance of death each rollover. Roll must be over 25. 25 or under = death. Only one wolf may die per rollover. At least of "unnatural" causes. |
![]() Indy .: HM :. #3641 |