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Briar's Quest For Piasa (WE DID IT)

Posted 2021-03-19 22:12:06

Lots of tiny litters and disappointing not-Piasas lately, it's a real bummer.

However! Bee's Tombac daughter ages up tomorrow and I will be studding her to Milo immediately. It's time to get serious.

Will we break 100 puppies before finally getting a pizza? Stay tuned!


Posted 2021-03-20 02:10:32

I bought back one of Bumblebee's pups just because she's pretty. Not a moment too soon, either, she was at 0% survival, thankfully I have a sitter at max! She's not intended for the project, but let's admire this Halloween bab together.

Black Inverted Cross is officially my go-to marking; it makes any base look more interesting.

So I'm wondering if I even need all these Warm Light II wolves at this point, now that I have Warm Light III covered from both male and female angles. Maybe it's time to start collecting wolves I actually like again instead of cheap project stock. Stinkbug stays because she was already one of my best hunters before this all started, I also enjoy Sedona's aesthetic; some of the others like Cara and Peony are just there for the sake of being fodder.

I'm getting more interested in raising to chase, and being selective about the wolves that potentially get added to the explore pool. Cricket and Pololli would probably be good candidates for chasing, they have lots of marks including Inuit and Merle respectively, while the others I may just starve out. idk.

Even if I get a Piasa pup in the next five minutes, at this point I'm aware that they're not going to be the next Faelor or anything. The competition is just too fierce now. And that's okay- I'm totally fine with TIII wolves being accessible to more players, and I fully support efforts like the coordinated T3 chase that happened a couple weeks back! It's only going to get harder to avoid the same handful of names on every wolf's family tree as the game progresses.

...which is why even though he is absurdly expensive I put in a stud request to Pita.

Scry results were promising. Wish me luck. \o/


Posted 2021-03-20 09:01:50

Damn, is puppy RNG broken or something? Seriously. I swear I'm only getting two pup litters now.

Oh well, we're in this deep already, let's get stupid and use an IPD.

Drumroll please...

A 10m Goldenrod and...

...we did it. WE FREAKING DID IT.

After six months of pining and three months of actively throwing money and pups to the void, Piasa is finally here!! Congratulations Pololli, Bumblebee, and Lightning Bug for making this happen. And Pita too!

First order of business is going to be removing all those black markings. Remember what I just said about Black Inverted Cross? Well, forget it. We're not covering up this lovely base. too bad I'm broke now oops but it was worth it

Thank you to everyone who's followed this project and/or posted in the thread! I couldn't have stayed motivated without you. The project's not quite over yet- I am thinking of hosting a design contest for this pupper!


Posted 2021-03-20 09:04:34

LOL. I enjoyed this thread. And congrats on finally getting one. 

Snowcat13 🌞

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