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Seeable Marking Tiers

Posted 2021-06-23 16:46:54


Per the Game Development Guidelines, bullet point 8:

"When posting on suggestion topics, you are expected to post constructive replies only. Comments that simply state "I support" or "I don't support" will be removed. Players are encouraged to discuss the suggestion itself and provide constructive criticism if they disagree with it or dislike it."

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Posted 2021-07-01 19:35:49

I support this because it's really hard to know which markings are rare or not, or breed-only or not, or whatever. In a game where a part of what people breed for is just straight-up rarity, we should be able to see that rarity. maybe instead of hover text we could have the ability to toggle the marking info? Just to keep things less cluttered if people don't like looking at all the numbers


Posted 2021-07-02 10:08:16

I support it! I'm one of the people who have problems with just remembering the tiers or how rare a marking is at the moment.

What would make it better is if you could hover over the name of the marking and see the percentage of how rare it actually is at the moment despite the tier or we could have a link in the right corner of the "Markings" section that leads us to a page with more information about the rareness etc. 


Posted 2021-07-02 11:28:01

It would be really cool if as well as showing the rarity of the mark it gave a % of how many wolves have it in game :D

Dimsumwolf [BLM]

Posted 2021-07-02 22:18:44


For all the reasons stated above, this would just make identifying rarer markings easier to a lot of us. 

Evil 💀

Posted 2021-07-23 18:12:59 (edited)
Completely support! I'm pretty active on WD and I still get really confused on what's what. This issue will only get worse as time goes on and new markings/bases/eyes/etc. are added. I don't know how many times I've tried making neat designs in Wardrobe and turns out some of them are exclusives I can't add. Which is completely fine, I just wish I had known beforehand so I didn't waste my time. There really needs to be some indicator without needing to have a guide pulled up in a different tab!

Whirligig (Hiatus)

Posted 2021-07-24 16:02:16
support! this makes the game easier to understand for new players, plus it can make owning certain wolves / finding them more exciting!

i imagine joining wolvden as a new player can be pretty overwhelming. i tried to get back into lioden after so long a few months ago and i was entirely overwhelmed. i think that this’ll make new players more likely to stick around and understand the game easier!


Posted 2021-10-07 22:50:02
Huge support. I've recently come back after a hiatus and with tons of markings it's very difficult to tell what comes from where. Surely the purpose of having marking tiers in the first place is to make it easier to tell at a glance how the markings are obtained? Especially since WD apparently doesn't have an official wiki (the domain is titled "unofficial" and only has 6 pages filled out) so you'd have to dig through fanmade wikis or ask other players to find out, which kinda defeats the purpose of having them in the first place.


Posted 2021-10-09 12:58:26
Yaas! Support a million times over! I get so tired of having to check a guide for rarities. I do like the hover idea but as a mostly mobile user hover can be annoying. Maybe there could be a color codes marking chart, each marking text would be the color of its labeled rarity and there could even be a little 'help" link that shows what each color symbolizes for rarity. Ex: blue=common, green=uncommon, etc. I also liked the idea of having a similar tier ranking as they do for bases.

Posted 2021-11-12 17:07:11
I love this idea, it would be super useful. I would adore a little help on knowing which markings and such are rarer without having to look them up.
Maybe like with the Rarity stars on some NBW's?
Common markings get one or maybe no star(s) and then the less common markings, get more stars added later.
Or if that takes up to much room, change the color of the star, or make the star Numbered if that's possible?
