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Posted 2022-03-01 19:16:43 (edited)
Please add a PSD for the Pose Variant [Relaxed] when you can. I've already (with much excitement) made some decors to fit it.

edit: found a way to do it anyhow thanks to a kind player aha
𝗟єx ᴠσ𝓻𝔱ϵx 🌀

Posted 2022-03-01 19:52:02
Just an FYI, I bugboxed the nose issue. It's not a bug. <3


Posted 2022-03-08 16:10:34
I have a question, after finishing my custom decor, do I have to turn the transparent PNG to a PSD file in order for it to work as a custom decor? I don't really know or understand how it works


Posted 2022-03-08 16:12:40

No, you save as a PNG and upload it to a host site, grab the image URL and submit that :)
𝗟єx ᴠσ𝓻𝔱ϵx 🌀

Posted 2022-03-08 16:17:51
imgur is a nice hosting site

🧊 Orthrus🧊

Posted 2022-03-08 16:18:45
I also like ImgBB for hosting! c:


Posted 2022-03-08 16:22:28
As far as the CDC app goes:

"Item Image URL" is the icon image and must be 92x92. Best way to make sure its not blurry is to resize your canvas to a multitude of 92, I wouldn't go any higher than 276x276 then adjust the image and scale it to 92x92.

Then you select if your image is behind or above the wolf~

After that you can choose if its universal or stage specific and that is where you put your full 640x500 image

🧊 Orthrus🧊

Posted 2022-03-08 16:37:53
Okay, thank you so much! also thank you for recommending a few hosting sites, I'll definitely use one of those!


Posted 2022-04-21 17:09:02
Hiya! Just dropping a suggestion here (wasn't sure where else to put it)! I think it would be great if default adult base/lineart PNGs were made available so artists could use them to make base mock-ups for fun! I know base suggestions aren't allowed but I personally know that I still like to play around and share ideas with others for fun and I think this could be a good resource to make available for that! Okay that is all thank you, bye bye!


Posted 2022-04-22 22:07:44
dont know if anyone said this, but Krita is in beta for mobile and you can open PSD files on it, I was so excited to know as an android mobile artist I could do this!


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