Petition to Change 1 Fish per 10 Minutes -> 144 Fish per day
Petition to Change 1 Fish per 10 Minutes -> 144 Fish per day
Posted 2021-01-28 18:13:32 (edited)
If you're clumsy like me, then you've probably accidentally refreshed the page or closed the tab while holding a legendary fish. I am proposing to change the rule from 1 submitted catch per 10 minutes to 144 submitted catches TOTAL per day, with no time limit! Why? Well, I'm not mathematician, but if my calculations are correct, then...
(Feel free to correct me on that, and I will edit the post.) Does 144 seem like a little much? Surely, no one could be on this website for 24 hours, right? Okay, then how about 100 catches per day, or, even just 50? It just seems fairer to me, as holding a legendary catch and waiting for the timer to run down can result in the loss of the catch. It's super nerve-wracking if you're anxious (like me), and disappointing if you're clumsy and forgetful (also like me). It also just makes sense logically. If a wolf were to pull a fish out of the water with its teeth, then the fish probably won't be going anywhere anytime soon! No need to throw it back into the water. (It's cute for me to imagine a wolf sitting proudly next to his big stack of fish.) :Dc Does anyone agree with me on this? I'm interested to hear others' opinions, and speculation on how this change could affect the leaderboard. I know the game was just released, and the devs are probably still working out bugs... but I think that this small change would make it a better experience for a good portion of players here on the site. Also, big thank you to the devs for even adding fishing to the site. Fishing is one of my favorite things, like... ever. |
Jotfiikqeth #18541 |
Posted 2021-01-28 20:25:25
Support from me! I just like this idea in general, I don't like having to wait and being stressed ill accidentally click away my prized fish. |
![]() Coyotea #9978 |
Posted 2021-01-29 00:24:46
Semi-support. It's a good idea, but the reason I don't fully support: this might mean that some people rocket up the leaderboards super quick, and then just sit at like 39093259 lb and no one can catch up. Thus I propose instead of 100 per day, you can get 10 fish per hour. Then there's the problem that that would be 240 fish per day. Maybe you could retain the 100 fish limit/have a 200 fish limit, but still get 10 per hour until you've run out of the amount of fish in the day. I hope that makes sense ^^' I also want to say: devs, if you read this, PLEASE make it so the fish you have stays when you reload the page. PLEASE :') |
![]() ︴▹ speedyscout 🏔️ #22155 |
Posted 2021-01-29 07:00:59 (edited)
To counter your point, #22155: Each day, I can only play for a certain amount of time. There are others who have obviously stayed on for way longer, or got on the game earlier, and have dedicated more time to catching fish. You might say that the dedication and time spent to do that has earned them the right on the leaderboards, and that casual players have a lower chance of landing a spot on the leaderboard. I already feel like I can't catch up when someone has had 300 lbs. of fish, hours before I got on the game. In a way, limiting the amount of fish you can turn in rather than the time could level the playing field. Everyone would have an equal chance, no matter the time of day that they get on. I mean, I did work out how many catches in a day you can submit right now, with the 10 minute limit: 144. It wouldn't go over the amount that you can submit already, and I even suggested making the limit less than that to help accommodate. However, the leaderboard obviously isn't the only aspect of the game. Some people want to play it for SC, food, or amusement. What if the devs distinguished between two modes of playing the game? Tournament mode and casual mode? Tournament mode could have a time limit, and it could earn you a place on the leaderboards. Casual mode could just be for fun, food, amusement, and SC! OOH! Or...!! The devs could hold tournaments, maybe daily or once a week. Then, the base game could be casual. These are all just some ideas that popped into my head. I'm sure it would take a lot more effort to work something like that out, but I think it would be interesting! (They could give us achievements for winning a tournament, too.) :D |
Jotfiikqeth #18541 |
Posted 2021-01-29 07:07:37
@Joseph -- Actually I agree, now that you say that. Honestly it didn't occur to me, I'm kinda dumb :') But it actually applies to me too, I only fish for ~1 hour per day and it's so cool to get on the leaderboards right after RO and then... by the next time I'm on I've caught 20 pounds and everyone else has 300 xD I also LOVE that tournament idea! I actually thought of hosting a sorta fishing tournament myself lol, and might still do so! |
![]() ︴▹ speedyscout 🏔️ #22155 |
Posted 2021-01-29 07:09:39
Nah, you're not dumb!! It took me a moment to come to that conclusion, anyways. I'd totally be down for community-led fishing tournaments. That would be very cute. |
Jotfiikqeth #18541 |
Posted 2021-01-29 07:11:07
support! i can’t tell u how many times my internet cut out while holding a legendary or the web browser on my phone did an automatic refresh. ive been very frustrated bc these things r entirely out of my control. i’m not very happy about being punished for something like that. |
![]() treestargarden #23521 |
Posted 2021-01-29 10:17:55
I support this so much. I can already tell my poor attention span is too low to linger on a page for ten minutes to submit a good fish I caught ROFL. It’s worse when you’re on mobile and literally can’t leave without risking it being reloaded. I was thinking either replacing the time limit with a fish limit would work, or just somehow making it so that a claimed fish is persistent and remains claimed regardless of if you refresh or close the tab. Honestly, the first option would probably be super awesome for people with less time to spend on the game in general. It’s a fun game overall! The time limit just seems to make it a little more tedious. I also never think about the leaderboard. The only reason I play it would be for the SC and items whoops— but tournaments sound so fun! Gives me AC vibes. |
![]() raptorissues #5438 |
Posted 2021-01-29 10:19:30 (edited)
Honestly, this suggestion would take away what makes me consider fishing fun. First, you suggest to squeeze all the fishing to a short period of time. Currently, I can go fishing at any time and whenever I like I can just go there, earn some cones and delicate meat, enjoying relaxing sounds. If your suggestion was implemented, many would consider fishing as something that should be completed as daily task. It means I go fishing, reach the limit and I'm done for the day. If the limit hasn't reached yet, something would itch in my head that I didn't exploit fishing as fully as possible. Once I reach the limit and I'd like to keep fishing, instead of waiting 10 minutes I would have to wait hours till the rollover. It would be too much waiting. Second, how would daily rankings look? Currently, I see real-time based competition. Current leaders have actual advantage: if they keep fishing till the rollover not letting their competitors catch better fish, they win. If your suggestion was implemented, most players would wake up seeing rankings filled by players who have reached their limits in fishing. It would give an unfair advantage for those who start fishing later because they know how much their fish should weigh to guarantee that they kick out the current leaders. Fisherwolves would practice sniping in the last hour. Third, weather affects fishing: when it rains, you're more likely to catch better fish. Currently, when I see it rains, I can go fishing because I expect an easy good catch. This way I can quickly beat current competitors within a short time spent on fishing. Also when it rains, I should be worried because my competitors can easily beat me. When it doesn't rain, it's tough to find a good fish within 10 minutes as it can be caught during raining just after a few tries. If your suggestion was implemented, there would be no reason for weather affection as most professional fisherwolves would know when to go fishing and beat amateurs who try to reach the leaderboards by actively fishing. Fourth, the fishing already has easy rewards, which are better than nothing. If your suggestion was implemented, it would be the easiest SC source where players can quickly earn 100 SC for free within a few minutes and hoard delicate meat which would become the only item to sell to the raccoon. This game rewards activity and limits those who are too active. If I'm only active to catch 2 fish, I get rewards for 2 fish. Leave better rewards for more active players. Your concern is that sometimes you forget about the game and accidentally close it losing a valuable fish. This suggestion is not the right solution because it punishes prudent players for clumsiness of the others. Consider coming up with a better alternative to your concern, such as making fisherwolves keep their fish when closing the game. Regarding treestargarden's concern, once I lost connection, I waited until I got re-connected before touching anything in the mini-game, then I succeeded to submit the fish I kept - consider this as an advice. About web browser refreshing on phone - it's mainly the phone's fault, I sometimes prepare a long post like this on phone and tab out just to see it refresh and lose all my work. I've seen some sites preventing automatic refresh, not sure how but I just let it be known that it's possible. |
![]() Dżanek #24018 |
Posted 2021-01-29 10:45:43
@Dzanek, with the limits provided in the OP, u can go fishing at any time too. in the current iteration of the fishing game, u cannot submit as many fish as u want (theoretically the cap is 144 anyway). they are just different limitations. i already consider fishing a daily task, bc its additional income that's still relatively hard to come by. with or without the suggestion, the fact of the matter remains: SC is still to fuckin hard to get lol. have u felt like u haven't completely exploited fishing since it was released when u don't hit the 144 cap or submit fish exactly every 10 minutes? ur concerns aren't something that i feel connected to, because it should already be happening if this was the case. this concern isn't really a thing in the desert biome lol. much of the fish is 5 pounds or less (usually less tho). it is INCREDIBLY rare to get anything more than 5 pounds. i've been on the leaderboard every day since release and can count on both hands the amount of fish i have caught over 5 pounds. this "later players have an unfair advantage" doesn't ring true for some others bc the fishing is so insanely scaled for the desert. i really see the advantage of this suggestion especially for a biome like the desert. our leaderboards consistently look like 400 lbs or less, bc our fish are consistently so damn small. and its really hard to catch up if u start later anyway. so ur suggestion that later players can simply "calculate" how many lbs they need to submit just isn't very likely. again, desert biome has maybe rained while i was fishing less than 5 times since release. not an issue there. ... i don't really understand this "active" players argument lol... if u make it onto the leaderboard, exhaust ur limit, that's an active player. if u make it onto the leaderboard by camping... that's an active player. under either system, there are rewards for being active. sure its implemented in different ways, but it seems like ur concern is the "activity" of players in this bullpoint. i don't need ur condescending attitude. thanks. |
![]() treestargarden #23521 |