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Flag/Spoiler for Body Horror Decor

Posted 2021-03-25 22:31:59

BIG support! Most things were already said. So I just want to give thumbs up.

πŸ„ π•—πšŠπš›πš”πš’πšπšœπšžπšŽ

Posted 2021-03-29 10:29:42

please please please, including the multiple eyes decor. they make me so uncomfy

Occhiolist | they/them |

Posted 2021-04-21 07:08:33

Full support! I’m into a bit of gore but I know for some people such imagery can be very triggering- can be for me on a bad day too. Hopefully this can implemented in some form!Β 


Posted 2021-04-21 08:24:07

Support. I LOVE body horror mods, but I always feel bad linking people to my wolf and have to warn them. This would be even harder in the WD chat (I mainly use discord) because of the character limit as well. I think these have been suggested but two best features would be:

1: block decor by tag

2: block individual decor


Posted 2021-05-07 11:39:25

As someone that isn’t fazed by anything these brilliant creative artist make I too also would like to see this, some people may not like certain bloody, burnt, or unnaturally bodily things that may cause users unease so maybe having a toggle able spoiler or censor bars would be nice for those who may not like seeing certain horror.

β›§πŸ–€ ꫝκͺ–ᦔκͺŠΰ°•π“† Mad HatterπŸ•·

Posted 2021-05-22 06:47:48 (edited)

This thread warned me of the fact that people are putting spiders in the custom decors and ty for that because I have arachnophobia (it's somewhat "selective" as I call it because irrational phobia and all but given the game has a rather mostly realistic style going for it that would definitely set my stomach off) and the last thing I need to see is spider decor. The same goes for any body-horror-y stuff as that can freak me out. Maybe if this game ran off a toonier style, but these wolves are falling on the more realism side in art. I'm not saying don't do eyemouths because of that but more like it can lend itself to some very uncanny valley art with that style if ya get my drift and from what I've seen in this thread folks could probably agree.

So yes, support please. I don't wanna run into that when I'm browsing that list. It too has put me off from doing stud hunting in the future as well.


Posted 2021-05-22 07:01:09

A new concerning thought - the new thumbnails show the art. So if you have thumbnails up to look at your wolves, you could get.... Surprised?Β 

Are thumbnails like, "if I opt in I see thumbnails in every lair" or "if I opt in everyone who is on my lair sees thumbnails"? Either way is not gonna be great for this issue...


Posted 2021-05-22 07:04:54


When you play an online game, a comfortable and fun experience is essential for the enjoyment of it, so any kind of content warnings is good. Body horror is as its name is described: horror. But I think many types of phobias should be considered in regard to warnings for it, like arachnophobia. I believe this will allow artists more freedom of expression in regards to their decor. The internet is great in the regard of how easy it can be to cultivate your experience, it gives a breath of relief to people when they know they can avoid or be more well informed before viewing/reading things which can discomfort/disturb/trigger them etc..


Posted 2021-05-24 22:03:00 (edited)

Absolute support for this and other levels of minimizing triggers.

It is quite a testament to the artists we have on Wolvden, and I don't consider myself particularly affected by these things, but I would be lying if I said none of the decor and wolves I've seen could have used a warning if I was having a particularly rough day or something had just happened to an animal at home.

IMO the best way to tackle this would be to let users set what categories of decor they don't want to see, and display wolves without those items rendered (vs. blurring the image or otherwise obstructing it with a warning). Add an icon to any thumbnail views denoting that there's decor not being shown, and once on the wolf's page, the user could choose whether or not to toggle the visibility of those items (by category, if there are multiple).

In general, I think adding the ability to toggle *all* decor on/off on the wolf's page is a feature I'd like to see. I love how creative people can get, but I also just want to see what the wolf looks like when they're not covered in feathers and gradient auras without needing to go into the Wardrobe to turn them all off.

𝐜𝐭𝐫π₯ 𝐬𝐑𝐒𝐟𝐭 β–Ήβ–Ή

Posted 2021-08-08 16:38:17
Bump! I'm not bothered by the body horror at all, but I know some people absolutely could be disturbed by it, and I definitely feel there should be some sort of possible sensor or warning for it.


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