Temporary Freeze/Immortality Item (for Wolves)
Posted 2021-12-21 17:27:22
![]() BeastOfTheyRoad #52596 |
Posted 2021-12-21 17:34:30
(In that case I would expect the freezing item to cost 10 gc, same as a jellyfish, but the unfreezing item to be fairly cheap, since you've already paid the big cost up front.) |
![]() Lionel #34199 |
Posted 2021-12-21 17:47:56
![]() unsknown #21142 |
Posted 2021-12-21 18:11:30
![]() Lionel #34199 |
Posted 2021-12-21 20:44:10
![]() unsknown #21142 |
Posted 2021-12-21 20:51:14
![]() 🧊 Orthrus🧊 #15164 |
Posted 2021-12-21 21:39:11
It's a matter of paying potentially 50+ GC for that extra slot and then 10 again for a jellyfish to freeze a wolf, 60 total, so you have to have a single wolf that's worth all that GC to you to freeze it, vs a version of the feature where the freeze price is set and doesn't vary based on immortal slots, so it's more appealing to freeze more wolves for more variable time periods, leading (I believe, at least) to the same or more spent by the userbase on wolf-freezing overall. Ex. if it's low enough, you might get people freezing wolves for a short period just because the correct stud isn't available quite yet and they don't want to miss out on a potential heat. I would do that, but I wouldn't spend 50 GC to do that (that would be the current cost of "jellyfish" + new immortal slot for me.) I could keep a single immortal slot open for freezing purposes, but what if I hit a patch where I have 5 medium-priority wolves I want to freeze simultaneously and need to buy hundreds of GC worth of slots to put them in? Frankly I just wouldn't. But if I was able to buy an item per wolf without the need to invest in progressively-priced slots that I might never use again, I probably would do it. There's also the way making sentimental immortal wolves as we currently do would functionally force your freezing price up, deincentivizing using the slots for their original purpose. The feature need not be absurdly cheap, I just don't think it should share territory with immortal slots because of how they're priced. That's why I prefer other implementations that have been discussed. 'v' |
![]() unsknown #21142 |
Posted 2021-12-22 00:18:01 (edited)
Youre only looking at it from a players point of view. Sure your idea is more player friendly but this item would benefit a player greatly, therefore I think its fair to charge more for the slots. Especially when you consider the fact that they are reusable unlike immortal slots (unless you sell the immortal wolf). I dont think this type of thing should be for short term use but instead like "I just set my breeding male then found a T3 nbw but I want to utilize this other wolf, I can freeze this T3 nbw until my current breeding male dies". Elk hearts are already in the game and force your wolf into heat, therefore that can be used instead of freezing the wolf. Edit: As for immortal sentimental wolves I do agree that the current pricing method doesnt make it worth it. But tbh it wouldnt matter if I could apply decor to dynasty wolves. Since immortal slots are mainly for lethal wolves, at least I believe that is their main functionality. |
![]() 🧊 Orthrus🧊 #15164 |
Posted 2021-12-22 04:16:42
Think of it like this - RMAs cost 3 GC. if RMAs cost 10 GC each I bet far less users would mass-RMA their wolves, or would mass-RMA them up to the same price point and simply use less RMAs total. There would also be users for whom a single RMA at 10 GC was too big of a purchase and they wouldn't buy them at all, when they may have otherwise bought them here and there for 3 GC. Same principle, though here it's dependent on a 'is this wolf worth it' threshold. "Elk hearts are already in the game and force your wolf into heat, therefore that can be used instead of freezing the wolf." You can only fit a certain number of litters in a female's lifetime. If you wait too long you'll lose potential litters. I'm not talking about wolves going out of heat. "Sure your idea is more player friendly but this item would benefit a player greatly, therefore I think its fair to charge more for the slots. Especially when you consider the fact that they are reusable unlike immortal slots" I already said at the top of my most recent post that I had been directly replying to Lionel about using the current immortal slots to double-duty as freezing slots, not a new type of "freezing" slot, which would fall under what I've said here: "The feature need not be absurdly cheap, I just don't think it should share territory with immortal slots because of how they're priced. That's why I prefer other implementations that have been discussed." If your ideal method is freeze slots, that in itself is a different implementation from sharing space with immortal slots, aka, something included in what I'm saying here. Don't we seem to agree with eachother? ;w; Also my previous comment was clearly written with the understanding that slots are reusable (see second half of middle paragraph.) "Disclaimer: Didnt fully read your comment." Please read this whole comment if you reply to it because it will lead to less misinterpretation of what I'm saying. ;w; I hope you are having a good day/evening thus far! |
![]() unsknown #21142 |
Posted 2021-12-25 11:12:55
Still I dont think the slots should be cheap or used on a wolf for a couple days to save a heat. Im very against that, it should only be used on high value wolves or like a wolf you want to save to be your lead. Im aware that you can miss out on a heat in general (lifetime wise) still I dont think that warrants freezing a wolf. Theres plenty of studs out there, pair bonding and elk hearts already implemented in the game. Its just not practical imo to use a freeze slot on a wolf for 2 days, regardless of slot price imo. |
![]() 🧊 Orthrus🧊 #15164 |