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🎲Domino Eyes Project: A Project For New Lined W&B/B&W Eyes🎲 Looking for Members!

Posted 2021-02-17 22:46:26

Just letting you guys know, I've been chasing a LOT of hetero-eyed wolves lately! A couple have been found already, so keep your eyes out for NBW's ^__^

🌙 kizrae

Posted 2021-02-23 13:16:15 (edited)

I am currently trying to breed het eyes from wolves with black and white eyes, since all pups and studs seem to be related to every common line in existance. I do have a black eyed stud who I use to breed my white eyed females to. I haven't yet gotten one though, and have bought two of the prettiest het eyed wolves I could find for sale, as well as bred a white eyed female to a common line stud to get a very pretty het eye. Not sure how to join this project? But I'm here, I'm trying to achieve the same thing as you guys and I have a stud. I have never joined a project before.

I forgot to mention my pack is full of low gen uncommon line wolves, cause I'm kinda... collecting them


Posted 2021-02-23 18:20:27

Sorry I didn't answer! You can join us on Discord if you have it :) 


Posted 2021-03-05 14:26:39

can I join I am very intrested


Posted 2021-03-06 10:43:31

Hello! I have an adolescent male with one white and one black eye, I am planning on pairing him to a female with black eyes, and she is an albino carrier. I would love to contribute once they are grown and I’m able to pair them!


Posted 2021-03-06 10:47:30

Thats great! You can join our discord if you want to keep up with us :)


Posted 2021-03-26 21:09:14 (edited)

hello! I'd like to join and offer partially refunded studdings to fellow members to my white eyed stud as well. I've actually been trying to find a G1/G2 lass with black eyes to breed him to (settled on a G3 lavender that I'm customizing) and I'd be more than happy to try and achieve this goal with others^

rαıdεη🌟rolling: 3/2🌟

Posted 2021-03-28 20:09:09

I've got a w/b het eye NBW I'm working on saving money to make him a selene based stud here
I'll join the discord to let others know when he's ready finally


Posted 2021-11-28 09:43:31
I would love to join! I already have a w/b hetero nbw female who can help with the project! She had a beautiful het son with a nbw stud.
Her son:

Posted 2021-11-28 11:12:15
I have a BUNCH of hetero eyed rare line wolves but no one is offering on them or anything. Check out my sales or message me if anyones interested


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