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🔮 Rua's Art Shop 🔮 (Closed)

Posted 2021-04-29 07:00:58 (edited)

Could I snag a flat full body of my boy Rigell?

I'd like to pay in GC ^^

Commission Type: flat full body
Character: Rigell
Pose: he's fairly playful, fearless, bad boy kind of guy, whatever you find fitting ^^
Background: transparent
Extras: N/A
Payment Type: GC (80)


Posted 2021-04-29 07:05:05

@Spinosaurus If your paying 5000SC you would only need to pay €14GC. I've gone ahead and held you slot for you so if that sounds good to you your welcome to pay when ready  ^^   
(*sorry if my SC/GC conversion rate looks odd. They're worked out to = €1)


Posted 2021-04-29 07:07:14


No worries at all! I'll send over the payment now. ^^ Thank you so much!


Posted 2021-04-29 07:07:24 (edited)

So excited to be able to commission you again! :D

Commission Type: Flat Fullbody
Character: Katsu
Pose: Katsu carrying Kojima in her mouth or Katsu comforting an upset, crying Kojima. I don't really mind as long as it's cute/sweet! ^^
Background: Would it be possible to get a simple grassy/foresty background? If not, just a transparent one would work! 
Extras: Technically you could consider her an extra character however I just wanted to see if you'd be alright with doing it this way because of her size/simplicity! I was wondering if you could include a puppy Kojima in the piece (ref #1, ref #2, only difference is the spot of color on her forehead)

Payment Type: Mixed, 2000sc and then the rest in GC if possible?


Posted 2021-04-29 07:22:26 (edited)

I adored your previous work for me and would love to get more :'D
would it be possible to get a fully shaded icon/tag with background like yours? 


Posted 2021-04-29 07:35:11

@Rebel Of course! I'd love to draw your luxuriously floofy son. It would cost 80GC when your ready and if I could ask you to edit your comment to contain the Order Form from the first post on this thread I'd really appreciate the help (It stops me getting confused when I draw your order)

@Spinosaurus Payment Recieved! Thank you so much for commissioning me <3

@Calzone Oh no my heart is gonna explode. These two are legitimately the cutest ;w;  I would absolutely love to draw them again!! For mixed it would work out as 2000SC and 73GC (53GC for Kasu and 20GC Kojima since she's just a wee bean <3 ) How does that sound?

 Yeah I think I can do that. Something similar would be 7500SC / 100GC / €25 as the background is a little more complex than my standard commissions. Also I drew heavy inspiration from my leads decor and scenery so if you would be so kind as to fill out the Order Form and particularly specify any wishes for the background and/or lighting, it would be a huge help ^^


Posted 2021-04-29 07:49:41

@Rua ee I'm glad!! <3 I just adore how you drew them last time! And that sounds perfect to me, I'll go ahead and send payment then!! Thank you so much!


Posted 2021-04-29 07:53:11

absolutely! just wanted to ask if something like that was available or if you'd rather stick to what you've got on offer. ;u;

Commission Type: icon, I guess that counts as a bust?
Character: my upcoming alpha Dove please, you might recognize her haha

Pose: she got put into the role as alpha way earlier than expected and still feels uncertain if she's got what it takes to lead. she's constantly worried and anxious about her decision making and even though she tries not to let it show, she constantly looks on edge and wary. so she's quite young, and I'm thinking maybe her looking off in the distance with uncertain resolve? if that makes any sense haha
Background: I would like it dark and snowy, inspired either by my profile or den backgrounds, which ever you'd prefer! 
Extras: I'd like all her decor added please; paint, feathers and braids+beads. other than that if you could add a white dove flying in the background that'd be nice, but you absolutely don't have to if it looks too crowded!
Payment Type: I'll use a mix of sc and gc if that's alright ;u; 50gc + however much is left for sc?


Posted 2021-04-29 09:20:33

Commission Type: Fullbody Flat

Character: Dyani

Pose: Artist's choice! You can read her bio if you'd like some inspiration.

Background: Transparent 

Extras: She has a scar across her right eye. Her tongue and nose are liver colored.

Payment Type: SC/GC Mixed

Running Wild

Posted 2021-04-29 09:38:28

@Calzone Glad you enjoyed the bean so much. Thank you for commissioning me again! <3

Fella No problem at all thanks for checking. I probably wont do many like this but I'm happy draw dove again. She honestly sounds like very sweet character. Hope she grows into her roll as alpha ^^
In that case it would be 50GC and 3800SC whenever you're ready please.

Running Wild heh lots of familiar faces today. I'd be happy to draw Dyani again for you. Full bodies are normally 6000SC or 80GC so you welcome to pay any blend of that ^^ (or if you want me to do the maths that's cool too)


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