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🍓 bunny's css shop 🍓 [DEN/PROFILE + THREAD CSS] [OPEN]

Posted 2021-01-22 20:53:10 (edited)

username/id: zuzu #34851
type: not sure, whatever this is!
color scheme: see bg image
background image:
borders: y
rounded-corners: y
boxes: see den linked
pack dynasty/nesting & pupsitting/pack overview/breeding image changes: n
transparency on boxes: n
transparency on main/sidebar: n
fonts: "nothing you could do" for titles, "open sans condensed" for the rest
text: regular
extras: would love to be able to add a page doll above the boxes!
payment type: gc


Posted 2021-10-28 09:11:11

re-opening for the forseeable future! come check out an OG den css shop.


Posted 2021-10-31 14:09:20 (edited)
den/profile css form:

username/id: Caat #534
type: basic
color scheme: Match the background image pls
background image:image
borders: no
rounded-corners: yes
boxes: no
pack dynasty/nesting & pupsitting/pack overview/breeding image changes: no
transparency on boxes: yes
transparency on main/sidebar: yes
fonts: Source Serif Pro (Light 300)
text: regular
extras: none
payment type: SC, Thanks!
EDIT: I changed my mind about the background image so I edited it to be one I really want!


Posted 2021-11-01 20:26:03

@Caat, got you down! <3 thank you!


Posted 2021-11-02 07:35:08

all slots are open!


Posted 2021-11-03 12:27:10 (edited)


Posted 2021-11-11 17:35:28 (edited)
username/id: ☽✿🐺✿☾ #35319
type: upgraded den
color scheme: Coolors!
background image: link
borders: no
rounded-corners: yes
boxes: yes! could it be a long box on top, three small ones below it and another large one on the bottom? sorry if its weird sounding, i store and depend on boxes so much!
pack dynasty/nesting & pupsitting/pack overview/breeding image changes: yes! could the Pack Dynasty one be link, the Nesting & Pupsitting one be like it is now, the Pack Overview one be like it is now, and the Breeding one be link?
transparency on boxes: yes but could it be 55%?
transparency on main/sidebar: yes but could it also be 55%?
fonts: link
text: Regular
extras: Could the cursor be link? and could the boxes have like, dotting around them? like the thing when youre about cut out something? I dont know if this is possible, if its not its tottally fine but is there a possible way to have like, the Harvest colour of the colour pallete be like, tinted on the pack dynasty/nesting & pupsitting/pack overview/breeding images and my lead wolf and feautred one titles? if not the wolf titles just the pack dynasty/nesting & pupsitting/pack overview/breeding images please!
payment type: SC


Posted 2021-11-18 11:01:23 (edited)
den/profile css form:

username/id: Shes a Beast #3693
type: Basic
color scheme: I'm looking to go for different shades of green this time, my current den is snow.

background image: I have  one picked out, I hope is big enough? Deer

borders: Not sure what this one means, but I like the way this persons sidebar looks? Emberlynns

rounded-corners: No thank you.

boxes: I would like to maybe have the same style of boxes in your den if possible. I would like one for links, one for about me, one for maybe displaying art, and one for shortcuts, and maybe add another box for displaying my art pets/clicker pets in my den if possible, they will look like this in html: Adopt one today!

pack dynasty/nesting & pupsitting/pack overview/breeding image changes: Yes, can you shade it one of the colors I listed above? (Maybe down the road,  I can pay for image upgrades?)

transparency on boxes: Yes
transparency on main/sidebar: Yes
fonts: Regular, or similar to Emberlynns ( I do have a hard time seeing dark colors, on green can we try a light color font, or white?
text: Regular
extras: Later down the line for upgrade, can you add maybe falling leaves, or fireflies like the snow on mine? Also if you do cursors, I would like a Deer if possible. Will be able to upgrade at the end of the month! Right now, paying for a funeral for my mom, so cannot do it this week.

payment type: GC.

Thank you soo much!! <3 Would love to fill an open slot.

⊰ Khymeria ⊱

Posted 2021-12-02 10:53:26
Hi there! I'm looking to get a profile code please!
Username/ID: Small Pebble
Type: Upgraded Profile/Den
Color Scheme:
Background Image:
Borders: Yes please, thin, clean borders
Rounded Corners: Yes please
Transparency on main/sidebar: Yes please
Boxes: I'd like four boxes please. The first will be the entire length of the profile but not too tall. Title bar centered. Below this box will be three more boxes, each with their own centered title bar. Title bars should be almost completely opaque, but the boxes can be kind of transparent.

Pack dynasty/nesting & pupsitting/pack overview/breeding image changes: Yes please
Nesting & Pupsitting:
Breeding:,_Earth,_Mars.JPG png *Just the image of Venus (on the left)

Text: Regular, maybe with upper case for titles?
Extras: The general theme should be like nighttime, outer space, and kind of alpine lake sanctuary.
Payment type: SC


Posted 2021-12-02 15:33:00
username/id: #1984

type: flatsales thread!

color scheme:

background image: coders choice, take your pick from the color scheme!

borders: (y) dotted borders

boxes: i would like one for the thread overview, one for the rules+payment section, and one for where the wolves themselves will go, as well as headers for the boxes.

transparency on boxes: (n)

transparency on headers: (n)

fonts: coders choice! just dont make it too small pls <3

text: lowercase

extras: i like to keep my intro+rules post separate from the sales posts. would it be possible to have the code 'split' somewhat so my thread could be laid out like: intro+rules post, pups post? let me know if i need to describe that better lol.

payment type: gc

»∘ dynne ∘«

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