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Price Check for an interesting ID# (11222)?

Price Check for an interesting ID# (11222)?
Posted 2020-10-06 09:58:23

So I have a NBW wolf with the ID no. 112222. Any sort of market for that? Not sure where to begin or if anyone is even interested in this sort of thing anymore. Otherwise, she isn't pretty or anything & would need to be customized.

Wolf here.


Posted 2020-10-09 23:54:11

I don't know if that market's going to take off until PA opens later, I'd hang on to her if I were you and see.


Posted 2020-10-11 12:33:34

I tried selling two interesting ID wolves earlier and didn't find a buyer, so I'm holding onto them as well! It doesn't seem there's a market at the moment, but I can see that developing down the line.

Rapirisu ✦ Mutie Breeder

Posted 2020-10-11 12:43:35

Yeah, I'm just going to hold her I guess.


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