THE NEXT GENERATION AVENGERS character sheet (open)
THE NEXT GENERATION AVENGERS character sheet (open)
Posted 2021-02-14 18:48:07 (edited)
PEOPLE AND THERE CHARACTER'S Riverside= julia/satine, harper, mia lunar, Kacy, Robert Reyes, Joseph Maximoff, Rue Delecore/Roussena Draven, Alaska Wolf= jacob barnes , moon night, onyx, anpu, ozul, tallulah, silver, karikonga, kate, achates/anthony, Kieran, Zayn MeadowTheBean= Katherine Moonlitwolf=Kai Dusher Nocitis= Erik Rosfield Ace= Ace Caelum RULE'S - no repeated people - you can have a few but keep the number small so we dont get confused - must check with a person before fighting and during fighting - characters must be between 16 to 40 years old CHARECTER SHEET Name human: Name super hero/villian: Age: Personality: Power: family: Gender: Looks like: villan or super hero: Backstory: Example Name human: Julia satine (her last name is her old cat name) Name super hero/villian:N/A Age: she really doesn't know because for a while she was cat and dosent even know when her birthday is, then when she turned human she doesn't know if she kept going by cat years or started human years Personality:you will see Power: she can turn human from her orange taby cat body. Very flexible, can see in the dark, always has claws and fang like teeth. family: she cant remember them but she had a orange taby cat mom and a black tom cat dad. Tuen 3 sisters and 4 brothers Gender: female Looks like:has dark orangeish hair that goes to her elbows and almost always in a ponytail (because it puffs up when shes scared) she wears black leggings, sneakers, and a t shirt. Mist if the time she wears a long sleeve. Shes very tall and very long legs villan or super hero: Backstory: she was born a cat and one day when her younge boy human was at school she went outside in an ally and a teenage girl picked her up taking her to a lab were a scientist experimented on her and she ended up being able to turn human. For a while she could only turn by the machines but during a training session she realized she could turn herself and she ran that night living of dumpster scraps. LINKS RP link |
Lost Howl #16008 |
Posted 2021-02-14 19:16:19 (edited)
Name: jack stark Age: 18 Personality: sarcastic, smart, has a sense of humor Power: same powers iron man has Gender: male Looks like: he looks like tony but his hair is darker Backstory: he is the son of tony stark, he grew up without a dad since tony died saving the world but jack wanted to be like his father so when he was 16 he made himself a iron man suit |
![]() Lunar_Eclipse #28987 |
Posted 2021-02-14 19:18:25
Nice you are accepted now we wait for more characters |
Lost Howl #16008 |
Posted 2021-02-16 21:05:50 (edited)
Name human Conner banner Name super hero hulk 2 Age 17 Personality you shall see Power has hulk powers but can control them as if he was a human Gender male Looks like a blue hulk Backstory is child of hulks. all i can think of for now |
Lost Howl #16008 |
Posted 2021-02-18 12:14:31 (edited)
Name human: claire strange Name super hero: (no hero name) Age: 19 Personality: brave, blunt, stubborn Power: same powers docter strange has Gender: girl Looks like: Link removed by moderator she has a cape to but she doesn't wear it much Backstory: is the daughter of docter strange (thats all i can think of right now) |
![]() Lunar_Eclipse #28987 |
Posted 2021-02-18 12:18:35
allll right you can us her |
Lost Howl #16008 |
Posted 2021-02-18 12:55:33 (edited)
Name human harper ( dont know lokis last name) Name super hero dosent have one yet Age 16 Personality you shall see Power can shape shift and can make illusions Gender female Looks like: she is a girl who wears black jeans and black shirts. she also has long shoulder length hair that is died green at the tips. she is also always wearing a skull ring and neck lace from her dad Backstory: child of loki never new her mom. ( thats all for now) |
Lost Howl #16008 |
Posted 2021-02-21 19:57:12
Mkay I'm coming I'm too bored during the day) Name (general): Saiya Name (superhero): Not known, no superhero name Gender: Female Age: 19 Personality: We'll see Power: Basically she was trained by Clint. She quickly took to it, and definitely likes it. Saiya is the daughter of Nyx, and has hidden powers of shadows and darkness but is otherwise unknown. Appearance: A tall, pale skinned girl. She's often called a vampire, and usually pops her brown contacts out to show her black eyes. It keeps people away from her, definitely. Saiya has black hair underdyed with purple. Her outfit consists of simple black clothing, boots and a leather Jacket. Her belt holds various weapons, bought from some... rather shady places. Her bow stays generally out of sight, it's rather small so Saiya mainly uses knives and daggers and the like. Backstory: Saiya is the daughter of Nyx, a Greek goddess. She was taken in by Clint and managed to get him to train her to shoot and fight. Eventually, she left the farm and is now wandering the streets, occasionally helping out stopping everyday criminals and the like. She knows about the Avengers, but nothing apart from they once existed. Apart from Natasha, Clint didn't tell her anything. |
![]() 𓆏 phrog 𓆏 #15316 |
Posted 2021-02-21 20:00:40
accepted and hey if you like gods and godess check out my other rp on my page you might like it. |
Lost Howl #16008 |
Posted 2021-02-21 20:05:45
I will, but I likely won't post there. Might stalk it XD Thanks as well! |
![]() 𓆏 phrog 𓆏 #15316 |