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THE NEXT GENERATION AVENGERS character sheet (open)

Posted 2022-04-14 17:43:27
XD I love his nickname. Ya I'll do that
Lost Howl

Posted 2022-04-14 17:45:02
Cool, just we'll shoot noctis a pm so they know. oh and maybe she could be 'interogated'


Posted 2022-04-15 02:55:55
Thanks for accepting me

Posted 2022-04-19 11:40:30
Just finished my char backstory. ready to rp

Posted 2022-04-19 11:41:17
Oh boi oh boi...Ace is HERE TOO


Posted 2022-04-19 11:41:35
Heyo welcome to the rp!


Posted 2022-04-19 11:50:02
Hi. thanks

Posted 2022-04-19 21:11:48
You can rp when ever you want
Lost Howl

Posted 2022-05-16 15:06:25
Name human: Kasadey
Name super hero/villian: none
Age: 106
Personality: you'll see
Power: speed, strength, super hearing, the ability to heal, immortality.
family: None
Gender: female
Looks like: Kasadey is a 7ft Vampire with pale skin, white eyes with slit pupils, one half her head is shaved while the other side goes to her elbow. Her hair is a brown with pink highlights. She wears a black crop top, any sorta jacket, she wears leather pants and black combat boots
villan or super hero: Villain
Kasadey was turned to a vampire when she was 17 and now forever looks like a seventeen year old. The person who turned her then erased all her memories and made her work for them. One night she was sent to kill the Hydra leader. But instead they struck a bargain. She kills people they say and they cover it all up. They wiped her memorys of the time before hydra and she was a new person.
Lost Howl

Posted 2022-05-16 18:39:38 (edited)
(replacing moon knight with)
Name human: rockstar
Name super hero/villian: unknown
Age: a robot
Personality: he is very friendly and will protect the ones he cares about, he is rather emotional to even the slightest of mean comments, he hates being alone and prefers to be by friends
Power: electricity, can use electric powers to zap things but it causes his battery to drain very fast, his eyes can glow to light up surrondings to a let others see better, he isnt the best at fighting and prefers to avoid them
family: robot
Gender: male
Looks like: he is 8'6  he has a fluffy tail and ears his fur is a orangish brown and he has a red patch on his belly he has a dark blue lightning bolt drawn from his face to his chest and has a blue face patch with a red outline surronding it his eyes are light blue while his tail has white and blue stripes with a red at the end he has red legs and white paws\feet he has one white hand\paw while the other is orange he has red\blue shoulder pads, he normally wears a grey hoodie with a small light blue lightning bolt on it and black sweat pants
villan or super hero: super hero
Backstory: he was once a monster from the monster world until he was killed but his soul was trapped in this robotic rockstar doesnt have memorys from being alive and would prefer to keep it that way he was built to work at the monster mall as a singer he does his job pretty well besides for the occasional glitch or two but when he isnt working he's hanging out with some of the other robots


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