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🔴 closed for renovations - ✧Acari's Wolf YCH✧

Posted 2023-07-11 15:54:22
Username and ID: Cold-Cats ❄️ #48401
Wolf link/s and Base: Wolf Link -- Headshot #7
Add-Ons: Her glasses and tears if possible.
Other: Paying with GC!

Cold-Cats ❄️

Posted 2023-07-11 18:24:08
@Cold-Cats; Order looks good! Glasses will be an additional 3GC and the tears 2GC. Your total will be 12GC!

°✧ Acari ✧°

Posted 2023-07-11 18:27:24
Sounds good! Thank you!

Cold-Cats ❄️

Posted 2023-07-12 10:07:56
Username and ID: Raton #70965
Wolf link/s and Base:  wolf Srinyx # 7 Please<3
Add-Ons: Antlers please ^-^
Other: Paying in SC if I can ♥


Posted 2023-07-12 17:41:14
@Raton; looks good! The SC slot is yours. Antlers will be 150SC bringing your total to 700SC!

°✧ Acari ✧°

Posted 2023-07-12 19:33:05
thank you so much!! ^-^


Posted 2023-07-13 13:23:06 (edited)

°✧ Acari ✧°

Posted 2023-07-14 09:54:28
Alright, we are open again!
Some slight changes to the thread to make life easier, and new prices more akin to the current market while still keeping my prices hopefully affordable!

HEADSHOTS ~ 1 YCH = 1000SC or 5GC
COUPLE ~ 2000SC or 10GC
SRINYX ~ 1 YCH = 1600SC or 8GC

°✧ Acari ✧°

Posted 2023-07-14 10:11:49
Hi! Hope you don't mind if I snag the SC slot <3 I might be back for more later for a GC slot if that's alright as well, don't want to overwhelm you!
Username and ID: ♰ Emo Mama ♰ #25702
Wolf link and Base: Romantik Bir Gizem #3 headshot [happy]
Add-Ons: I would like his skeletal fur, glasses, and head fur tuft [stylish wig cd] to be included, rest you can ignore ^-^
Other: N/A

Username and ID: ♰ Emo Mama ♰ #25702
Wolf link and Base: Sunlit Flyer #4 headshot [curious]
Add-Ons: Would like the glowy paint on her face to be included, rest you can ignore
Other: N/A

𐂂Vamp's a Gingerbread𐂂

Posted 2023-07-14 10:26:59 (edited)
@Emo Mama; Everything looks good! 1250SC or 6GC  and I'll be starting shortly!
Skeletal fur - 50SC
Glasses - 50SC
Stylish wig - 100SC
Glowy Paint - 50SC

°✧ Acari ✧°

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