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Posted 2021-02-23 19:11:31 (edited)

Edit 3: Sorry for the accidental conduct violation mods! Too used to Lioden's gifting system. This post can be removed.

Edit 2: Entries are now closed! Congratulations to our two winners, enbee#28005 and Faolan#10707! Here's his final design: 

Hello friends! I have finally purchased my future stud and I would appreciate some help with designing him. Whoever has the design I enjoy the most will be given 5 breedings from him, which will be valid until he retires. In the event I blend two designs together, both designers will get some breedings. 

I enjoy black, white and gray markings and would like for him to have a darker design rather than a lighter design. 
Required marks: Black Tail Tip, White Tamaskan Unders, White Blaze, Silver Trim 
Marks I don't like: Carnage, Predator, Dilution, Black Unders

Here is his wardrobe link for easy access:
Here he is now:
Here is the marking applicator list for easy access:

Thank you very much for your interest! 

Edit: Entries will close on 2/26 (Friday). 

Gamy 𓆏

Posted 2021-02-23 19:45:48

Congrats on the Chromium! Hope you can find a design that fits your tastes c:

Design 1

Design 2

Design 3


Posted 2021-02-23 20:23:32 (edited)

first design (bonus link with one marking swapped: )

     for this design i made it very contrasting with the black and the white, the bonus marking link switches the black predator with a white dilution, i know you said you didn't like the dilution but i just really liked the design with the dilution and wanted to show it as well :)

second design 

      similar to the first, but darker more gray/black based/less white


Posted 2021-02-23 20:29:51 (edited)

Design 1

This design is composed of mostly white and black markings for a very sharp contrasting look.

more designs coming

❀ Pizzamuffin ❀

Posted 2021-02-23 20:37:38

Dilution with the right mix of other marks looks very nice, like in your design. :) 

Gamy 𓆏

Posted 2021-02-23 21:28:07

Here is a rather simple but clean design! 

He will be so beautiful no matter what!


Posted 2021-02-23 21:28:40 (edited)

WHOOPS! This is the design: 

Design 1!


Posted 2021-02-23 21:52:22 (edited)

Design 1 

Design 2 

Design 3 

Just had fun with him :> 

Hope you like! 


Posted 2021-02-24 08:51:11 (edited)

here's my entry!

Design 1


Posted 2021-02-24 09:28:36

Here's my first entry:


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