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Design my Stud Raffle! | Win Refunded Breedings! | 2d Gen Albino Carrier stud!

Design my Stud Raffle! | Win Refunded Breedings! | 2d Gen Albino Carrier stud!
Posted 2021-02-27 03:28:03 (edited)

This raffle is made for everyone who made a design for my future Stud in the design contest!! 

Check out his Stud Page!: Here!

Check out that post: Here! The contest is still going on aswell! Everyone who makes a design will be given 2 free breedings aswell so everyone gets a small prize atleast! :D


1: This raffle is only for those who made a design for my stud!

2: Everyone who made a design will get one ticket! 

3: The tickets will be drawn after the contest is over!

4: You can only win one prize!

5: These breedings will be TRADITIONAL! Meaning you will need to provide nesting and an IPD! 

6: If you participated in the design contest you will be automatically placed on the list below!


So, currently, there is only one prize! But as more people join the contest more prizes will be unlocked. After 10 people join I will set up another prize!

Prize one: 10 Refunded breedings!

Prize two: 10 refunded breedings! [Unlocked]


Posted 2021-02-27 05:53:49 (edited)

Everyone who has made a design and be in the raffle will be listed here!

12 current participants!


Posted 2021-03-02 10:18:06 (edited)

[Post for updates]

Update #1: Since there is now ten people in the contest, like I say above, another prize has been unlocked! :D

Eatch prize will obviously be refunded breeings but there will one be a couple 10 handed out! 


Update #2: n/a 


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