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🍀☘Autumn🍂🍁 #20931

🌾🌿The Toruas Pack☘🍀

Welcome to my profile!



|| Pan-Demi || Cat Lover! || lv. 8 ||

  My Icon is by: Shamona #25666! 《Click |here| for the shop!》     


|| [Closed!] (Needs remade!) This is my Reverse Studding Shop! Where you can breed my ladies! ||

|| [Closed!] This is my YWH/YCH Art Shop! ||

|| [Closed!] My Custom Art Shop! || 

《Check out my Active Trades!

My Pack is a mixture of lore/story and some more serious/relaxed gameplay! Though, I have a few rules for my Pack:

1: The Leads MUST always be related to Sadie and Jothi! Preferably a daughter. (Exceptions can be made!)

2: Unless for lore purposes, Sadie's family/pups can never be chased or sold. 

3: Only the Leader [Of Sadie's and Jothi's Legacy] can have pups, other relatives CAN NOT. [Some exceptions can be made for things such a breedng projects, IF the puppies do not conform the breeding project they must be chased and assumed to be descend.]

I hope you enjoy your stay! Currently writeing lore for my pack :)

Member Information
Name 🍀☘Autumn🍂🍁
Pack Toruas Pack
Alpha 🍁Bunnie🍂
Joined 2020-10-22
Last Active 2021/05/22 23:59:54
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