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The House of 100 Doors - Round 1 | Win Mutation Carrier, Breedings or GC!

Posted 2021-03-04 08:22:26

Sadly, this door opens to nothing again. 

@Sapuna Glandar:

Which three doors would you like to open? :3

As you open door 77 and door 79 you are greeting with nothing but darkness. This doors weren't the right ones, either. :(


Posted 2021-03-04 08:34:39

I'd like to open door 6, door 13 and door 66 please😊

Sapuna Glandar

Posted 2021-03-04 09:12:32

@Sapuna Glandar

You go to door after door but nothing but darkness greets you. None of the prizes were behind thos doors, sadly.


Posted 2021-03-04 13:48:59 (edited)

This seems like fun, I'm sending over the sc now! 

Could I open door 50, if it hasn't already been opened?

Lily [Mutie Breeder]

Posted 2021-03-04 14:37:49

 I'd like to open door 98 please :D 


Posted 2021-03-04 14:38:08

Oooh could I snag door 21?

Sending SC ^^

babycakes21 - hiatus

Posted 2021-03-04 14:38:59 (edited)

how fun! can i open 24, please? 


Posted 2021-03-04 15:13:53


You are really sure about door 50, but when you open it, there is nothing behind it. Allthough you feel like a prize could be very close.


As Lily you are really confident with this door. Still, after you open it, you find nothing but an empty room. On the other hand, there is a feeling, there could be something in a room near yours.


Behind your chosen door is nothing but an empty room. 


Sadly, like the others, the prices stay hidden. You aren't confident, that there is a correct room near yours. 

~ I feel like I should start giving some hints, I picked the rooms with the prices beforehand! They can and will be found! <3 ~


Posted 2021-03-04 15:17:18

Could I snag door 47?

babycakes21 - hiatus

Posted 2021-03-04 15:19:36 (edited)

I'd like to open door 49 and 15


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