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Supernatural animals roleplay page.

Posted 2021-03-08 11:13:40

Celeste sniffed the air. She could smell an odd scent- not human. She morphed into a wolf and glanced at Blue. "Stay here," Celeste said. "Starfall with stay with you. Stay here. You hear me?" Celeste didn't wait for an answer. She sped off, following the scent.


Posted 2021-03-08 11:17:10

(Gotta go, playing with a friend!)


Posted 2021-03-08 11:18:11

Night walked back into her den, sitting down and fiddling with her hunting knife.

Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2021-03-08 11:21:16

(Never mind. She went offline.)

Celeste lost the scent trail. She snarled, annoyed. She circled back and returned to the den. Night was sitting there, handling her knife. Celeste let go of the wolf form, and shifted into a human. She crouched next to Night. "What are you doing?"


Posted 2021-03-08 11:22:04

Night's ear twitched as Celeste sat down. " bored. "

Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2021-03-08 11:22:30

Celeste glanced around, but Blue wasn't in sight. "Where did Blue go?"


Posted 2021-03-08 11:23:56

Night shrugs. " maybe to go get more berries. or she's inside. it is cold out. " Night stops fiddling with the knife and puts it back in her pocket.

Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2021-03-08 11:28:20

Celeste watched Night carefully; she didn't want to make her mad. "How did you find Blue?"


Posted 2021-03-08 11:31:36

" i heard her playing with her pet when i was hunting yesterday. " Night looks up at the roof. " she smelled me nearby and must've seen or heard me close my wings cause she knew where i was and got me to stop hiding. "

Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2021-03-08 11:32:40 (edited)

As Rooster went out to get berries, they were hard to find, scattered out in some places, as if something was getting them. He felt disturbed by this thought as their food supply could run short and he and his pets would have to migrate to the city, and it wasn't exactly optimal.

He then thought about the weird entourage yesterday, as the cat seems to not eat meat, so maybe they're stealing all of the berries?

He then wondered if he should approach the two, as they seemed to not eat birds, but he quickly scolded himself for even thinking of that. He also thought about the voice from the forest, shivering slightly, he dismissed the thought of an demigod as nothing more than his imagination.


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