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Supernatural animals roleplay page.

Posted 2021-03-08 12:16:38

(False Alarm. AGAIN. Seriously gotta stop doing that.)

Celeste hid a laugh behind her hand as she watched Blue dive into a bush. Celeste crouched down and reached her hand out. "Come on, Blue. I know a way to help you."


Posted 2021-03-08 12:17:28

Night smiles. " birds are just cats and dogs with feathers instead of fur. "

Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2021-03-08 12:18:13

She whined loudly and bopped her hand again and again


Posted 2021-03-08 12:19:24

Celeste beckoned to Blue. "I can use my magic to make your fears go away," Celeste said, eyeing Night. "Then you won't be afraid. But I think Night might be against it..."


Posted 2021-03-08 12:20:14

She slowly crawled out of the bush and sniffed her hand


Posted 2021-03-08 12:20:39

" I'm not against anything. if she wants to she can. "

Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2021-03-08 12:22:05

She slowly crawled into the bush


Posted 2021-03-08 12:22:25 (edited)

Spooked from running into a were-cat, Rooster flew up into a tree and planned to stay there for a few minutes. He heard speaking, then another voice, it was another werewolf, but this one seemed have an aura of power, and spoke calmly and collected. He sighed as he realized the other werewolf that liked birds was with them, he wondered how many creatures were in this forest as the trio started moving, possibly for hunting prey.


Posted 2021-03-08 12:22:40

Celeste petted Blue. "Alright then. Hold still..." She cupped Blue's head in her hands and shut her eyes. Her hands started glowing faintly, the glow spreading across Blue's face. Celeste opened her eyes. "Let's see if it worked..."


Posted 2021-03-08 12:23:51

Blue shook her head wildly and ran around yowling


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