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Quick Raffle for Refunded Breeding with my Selene Male

Quick Raffle for Refunded Breeding with my Selene Male
Posted 2021-03-07 11:33:48 (edited)



This is the first time I am doing this and I just want you to have a bit fun. I want to close this raffle  at a maximum of 15 participant. Incoming trades before I write closed are still accepted ;)

Okay, here we go. I want to toss to you a Refunded Breed of my Male: Bartimäus

He has over 522 stats, Selene Base and Selenite Skin and is G2.

Now. How you can enter:

Send me a trade stating your raffle entry and add anything small.

Everyone can enter one time only.

I do not give ticket prices, with what you want to enter is up to you. 10 SB, Herbs, Food, Salves... whatever you can find.

Okay, that's it so far, I am looking forward to your entries!

Here is a list of current entries

1.  lunebeam

2. Sophistry 🥑


Posted 2021-03-10 11:21:39

sending a trade!

rαıdεη🌟rolling: 3/15🌟

Posted 2021-03-10 15:30:11

Thank you! I added you to the list :D

Don't be shy, just send a trade with anything, I want you to have fun!


Posted 2021-03-10 17:28:09

Sent a trade

Sophistry 🥑

Posted 2021-03-11 03:25:19 (edited)

Thank you, I added you to the list


Posted 2021-03-12 01:29:49

Okay my dear two participants. I will wait a bit longer today and will close it later today.

Anyone else interested in entering?


Posted 2021-03-13 00:41:21

So. Yesterday I was too busy but now I officially close this raffle. 

Since I only have you two participants you both get a refunded breeding on my male! 

Feel free to send a breeding request any time! 

And thank you for your participation :)


Posted 2021-03-13 08:54:44
cool beans thankuu^

rαıdεη🌟rolling: 3/15🌟

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