Peakclan's Promise :: A Warrior Cats Roleplay (OPEN!!)
Posted 2021-03-30 08:25:24
Autumnleaf stirred, she had fallen asleep. She set her gaze to the outside of the den, where her clan was scurrying around in shock at the long battle. Autumnleaf sat up. "Perhaps I could go help." She mewed to herself, "I feel fine." The calico she-cat limped out of the den. Her eyes wide as she saw all the cats and their injures. She walked over to Icepaw, who would've been made a warrior, if Steppingstar didn't call a battle. "Oh Icepaw." She meowed, "You were my best friend, but you hunt in Starclan now." Autumnleaf turned and walked away towards Robinstar. She let out a sigh and then hissed, "I still can't believe Lakelcan did that! I knew they loved battle, but not enough to kill a apprentice! Right." She added more softly at the end. She dipped her head and went over to the clan, she spotted a small tortoiseshell kit mewling. "What's wrong Dewkit?" She asked her. Dewkit dipped her head, "Icepaw was my friend!" Autumnleaf felt a pang sympathy for the young kit. She'd seen her with Icepaw, playing and learning how to fight. She looked to the kit nd forced the words out of her mouth, "She was mine also, but now she hunts in Starclan." |
![]() LaYLa🍄 #35680 |
Posted 2021-03-30 08:34:41
ROBINMIST // LOCATION: PEAKCLAN CAMP // MENTIONS: AUTUMNLEAF Robinstar watched Autumnleaf walk out of the Medicine Cat's cave a bit later. She nodded slowly at her words, her rosy eyes dull with empathy and grief. She watched Mistedpine pad over to Icekit's body. She laid down beside her daughter, pressing her face into her fur, her body becoming cold. She then glared at the dead Lakeclan cat's body, and she picked up her deceased offspring's stiff body by the scruff, carrying it outside. Her mate Goshawktalon (interesting name) followed behind shortly after, Icepaw's little sister Minnowpaw following in town, her head lowered. Robinstar stood up when Sparrowmoon finished grooming her. She licked his forehead softly and heard a weak purr come from him. It sounded a bit weird, but you could still tell what it was. "Go get something to eat." She whispered to the mute tom before walking over to Dewkit and Autumnleaf. "Go on to your mother and siblings, Dewkit." She nudged the little kitten, nipping at her flank playfully. The little kit yelped and scurried away to her mom, who was emerging from the elder's cave, where the elders, queens, and kits hid during the battle. The dilute calico she-cat looked at Autumnleaf, forcing a smile. "Our clan will need some more food after this, to regain our strength. Would you like to go out hunting with me?" |
![]() katastrophic #12334 |
Posted 2021-03-30 08:51:42 (edited)
Autumnllef smailed as the small kit hurried away from his leader to his mom, who started licking him on the top of his head. Autumnleaf remembered her mom, who had died shortly after she was born. She turned back to Robinstar, "Sure!" She sprang up and started towards the entrance. She stopped, sniffing the air, "Two-legs, with a Monster?" She looked and saw an off-white Monster stopping besides the stream. A Two-leg and it's kit walked out and began to play in the water. She let out a snort and walked into the forest with Robinstar, pausing to find the scent of prey. She dropped into a low stalk as she saw a large rabbit munching on some food. She leaped into the air and chased after the rabbit. A few seconds later she came back with the white ball of fluff clenched in her jaws. She flicked her tail and placed the rabbit into the earth before covering it up. "Now, let's find some more!" She meowed as she bounded off into the forest. Autumnleaf wasn't really the best fighter, but, she loved hunting for sure. |
![]() LaYLa🍄 #35680 |
Posted 2021-03-30 09:00:56
ROBINMIST // LOCATION: PEAKCLAN CAMP // MENTIONS: AUTUMNLEAF Robinstar smiled at Autumnleaf's renowned vigor, and she followed the calico. She stopped briefly to watch the two-leg, a tall one with fur on its face, and she watched the smaller one splashing around in the stream. She just hoped they didn't mess with the pool that the waterfall emptied into. Partly because it was their main source of aquatic food and water, and also because it was quite deep. She meowed in approval at the new warrior's rabbit catch, her tail raised and waving around in the air. She dashed after the she-cat, smiling at the cool breeze that whipped across her face. This is what she lived for... the happy moments with her clan. Not the detrimental ones. Oh, how she wished her mother was still here. That was one way she could relate to the young Autumnleaf. Well... she still had her second mother. Shaking the thoughts away, she put a paw in front of the calico when she heard rustling up ahead. She took a deep breath and noticed that they were near the Oakclan border. She whispered this to Autumnleaf, and they turned around to find prey in a different place as not to run into a border patrol. They stopped when they made it to the Training Clearing. She looked up at the bare trees, that were slowly budding. She burst into a smile - spring was on its way. "C'mon Autumnleaf. Let's find some more prey!" |
![]() katastrophic #12334 |
Posted 2021-03-31 08:15:26 (edited)
Autumnleaf skidded to a halt as her leader stooped besides her. She looked up the rocky slope ahead, she could see a light brown tabby walking besides the border. She quickly followed her leader. A border fight would be the last thing they need. She thought to herself. As they walked into she saw Robinstar look up into the trees. She realized that there were flowers. well, almost flowers. But at the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of a squirrel scurrying across the tree. She leaped up into the air and hit the squirrel to the ground. Before it ran off she pounced and killed it with a quick bite. She looked up into the sky, sundown was creeping over the horizon. She raised her tail as a cool breeze started towards her direction. She finally felt calm, not fighting, not needing to worry about someone stalking up on her, just, free. She looked to Robinstar and let out mew, "Should we start heading back?" |
![]() LaYLa🍄 #35680 |
Posted 2021-03-31 08:24:55
ROBINMIST // LOCATION: PEAKCLAN CAMP // MENTIONS: AUTUMNLEAF Robinstar purred in approval. "Great job, Autumnleaf!" She mewed. She saw that the night sky was slowly starting to illuminate. Dawn would be on them soon. "Of course, we should start to get back. You can go on ahead; I'll grab the rabbit you caught." She smiled and hurried off into that direction. She retraced their steps. When she got closer to the border, she caught sight of the border once more. Thankfully, the tabby had left. She dug up the rabbit, still slightly warm from being in the ground, and she started to lope back to the camp. |
![]() katastrophic #12334 |
Posted 2021-04-13 08:12:22 (edited)
« Autumnleaf | Location: Peakclan Territory | Mentions: Robinstar » Autumnleaf nodded and hurried away towards the other prey they had caught. She picked up a rabbit and all she needed was the mouse she caught. She padded towards a berry bush and dug up the ground besides it. She let out a gasp as she saw the mouse's half-eaten carcass. She opened her mouth to taste the air. But she caught no scent. "Robinstar!" She yowled running up to her leader. Panting, she explained what happened when she went to go get her mouse. "When I sniffed the air all I smelt was fox-dung, whoever it was, they were hiding their scent!" She unsheathed her claws, but quickly sheathed them again. But then an image popped into her mind. Lakeclan coming back for more blood; teeth and claws and kits crying. She shook her thoughts away and looked to Robinstar. Lakelcan couldn't do that so soon, they would be mouse-brained! She thought in her head, awaiting her leaders response. |
![]() LaYLa🍄 #35680 |
Posted 2021-04-13 08:21:57
ROBINMIST // LOCATION: PEAKCLAN TERRITORY // MENTIONS: AUTUMNLEAF Robinstar stopped in her tracks when she heard Autumnleaf's panicked mewl. Turning around, she listened to her story carefully. They would only hide their scent if they knew what they were doing was wrong. She thought and flicked her ear. Rosy eyes gleaming, she ordered the young warrior to take her back to this spot. When they arrived, she took a deep breath and started taking in scents around the area. "If you dug it up and it was half-eaten, that must mean they put it back, but why in Starclan's name would they do that?" Well, that'd be a dumb move, unless they were trying to trap Autumnleaf. She glanced at the warrior, then looked at the tree canopies. They obviously failed. |
![]() katastrophic #12334 |
Posted 2021-04-14 07:19:34 (edited)
Eveningpaw // Location: OakClan Camp // Mentions: None Eveningpaw buried her nose deeper into her tail, the chill of leaf-bare reaching her, even under the cozy moss-bed she had made. The other apprentices were silent in their beds. Most likely asleep. She shivered, a slight draft whistling through the den. She briefly closed her eyes, then crept out of her moss-bed, the cold biting at her, clawing at her. She stood straight, yawning for a moment. "So cold," She whispered to herself, peeking out of the den. The camp was silent, the chill sending everyone to their proper dens. It was still barely dawn; the sun would be up soon. Then the camp would wake, and Eveningpaw would be warm. She glanced at the frost-covered grass, then looked up at the bare trees. She ducked back into the den and crawled into her warm, mossy bed. Maybe it was better to wait until morning. |
avery #39666 |
Posted 2021-04-14 08:23:50
FLOWINGOAK // LOCATION: OAKCLAN CAMP // MENTIONS: EVENINGPAW Flowingoak shook out his thick fur, fluffing it up against the cold. Anyone would think that the camp was deserted, seeing how bare it was right now. The large tom leapt down from his hole in the large tree he shared with the leader, his ears perked. What adventures does today promise? He wondered. Gazing up at the barely lit sky, he smiled. For some reason, he always enjoyed rising before the sun instead of with it. He caught sight of movement in his peripheral vision and his blue eyes darted over to the apprentice's den. He saw a little head retreat back into it. Flowingoak smiled softly, remembering his eagerness to train with Swiftclaw no matter the weather or time of day. Padding towards the apprentice's den on large paws, he lowered his head to peer into the darkness of the hole, his eyes adjusting. "Anyone awake?" He asked in a hushed voice, his tailtip flicking back and forth. |
![]() katastrophic #12334 |