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WolvesOutcast's Herbal Remedies (Updated every Saturday!)

WolvesOutcast's Herbal Remedies (Updated every Saturday!)
Posted 2021-03-09 01:33:56 (edited)

Art of Rain and her pup by ForestRave #35489

As you make it over the hill you can see down below and within the grove a pack, a lone den further from the rest, this must be the pack you had been sent to on your journeys nearby. As you approach the camp your nose twitches at the scents of herbs and medicine from the singled out den and your paws carry you closer until they reach the threshold of the den, vines and ferns lightly hanging down over the entrance, the den within the ground beneath a large fallen oak. Suddenly a face appears from within the brightly lit area, a soft smile slowly spreading as amber eyes sparling with warmth. 

"Welcome my friend, you seem tired, come in and take a seat." She said as she turns and heads back further within the den and to a smaller female that resembled her in an almost copied manner. "My dear fetch our guest a small bowl of water will you?" She asked as her tongue glided across the whelps forehead.

"Yes mother." she replied before she disappeared from the two of you. Your eyes find the dame once more to look her over, your eyes catching the painted marks over the wolves body and the feathers adorning her fur alongside fanged and jeweled jewelry. "My name is Rain that Brings New Life, you may call me Rain however." she spoke as she turned to sit before you. Soon enough the whelp returns with a bowl of water that she places near your paws before smiling up at you before she returned to her own work. "You must be here for some remedies or ingredients yes?  We also have Medical packs for your convenience. Take a look around and let me know if you need any help." She said with another smile before she stands to return working on more medicine and herbs.


+ anything I don't have in stock I can trade out other herbs for depending on price and demand, feel Free to ask!

+ my sc:gc conversion rate is 75:1

+ all items listed are full use
+ feel free to ask any questions and make trade requests in this thread


  Aloe 140sc  ||  Arnica 25sc  ||  Bearberry 20sc  ||  Boneset 40sc

In stock: 1  ||  In stock: 19  ||  In stock: 18  ||  In stock: 18

Buffaloberry 20sc  ||  Burning Bush 35sc  ||  Carrion Flower 40sc  || Cedar Bark 75sc

In stock: 5  ||  In stock: 18  ||  In stock: 17  ||  In stock: 16

Chaparrel 100sc  ||  Charcoal 90sc  ||  Dandelion 90sc  ||  Feverfew 70sc  

In stock: 1  ||  In stock: 10  ||  In stock: 12  ||  In stock: 19

Garlic 80sc  ||  Ginger 80sc  ||  Goldenseal 40sc  ||  Guaicum 200sc

In stock: 19  ||  In stock: 17  ||  In stock: 18  ||  In stock: 0

Kava 300sc  ||  Mullein 40sc  ||  Oregano 100sc  ||  Redwood Sorrel 200sc

In stock: 0  ||  In stock: 17 ||  In stock: 1  ||  In stock: 2

Spoonwood 50sc  ||  Saint Johns Wart 30sc  ||  Tansy 30sc  ||  Tobacco 350sc/1gc

In stock: 18  ||  In stock: 16  ||  In stock: 19  ||  In stock: 0

Tumeric 400sc/2gc  ||  Winterfat 200sc  ||  Yarrow 50sc

In stock: 2  ||  In stock: 0  ||  In stock: 17


Antidote 150sc || Constipation Cure 100sc || Cough Cure 450sc/2gc || Cure-for-All 300sc/2gc

In Stock: 2  ||  In Stock: 4  ||  In Stock:3  ||  In Stock: 4

Cystitis Cure 100sc || Diarrhea Cure 200sc || Distemper Cure 500sc/2gc || Ear Mites Ointment 600sc/2gc

In Stock: 3  ||  In Stock: 4  ||  In Stock: 3  || In Stock: 2

Flea Remedy 400sc/2gc || Healing Salves 100sc || Heatstroke Remedy 100sc || Hepatitis Cure 50sc

In Stock: 0  ||  In Stock: 4  ||  In Stock: 3  ||  In Stock: 4

Infection Balm 100sc || Influenza Cure 500sc/2gc || Mange Salve Open 100sc || Wound Salve 300sc/1gc

In Stock: 5  ||  In Stock: 2  ||  In Stock: 2  ||  In Stock: 3 

Pox Balm 100sc || Ringworm Salve 100sc || Tapeworm Remedy 50sc || Tick Remedy 50sc

In Stock: 4  ||  In Stock: 3  ||  In Stock: 3  ||  In Stock: 1

Health Packs 

Hunters First Aide 226sc/3gc

x2 Healing Salves, x2 Open Wound Salves

In Stock: 3

Pawpto 186sc/3gc

x1 Diarrhea Cure, x1 Cough Cure, x1 Constipation Cure

In Stock: 3

Too Little Too Much 88sc/1gc

1x Infection Balm, 1x Antidote

In Stock: 2

Bug-B-Gone 227sc/3gc

1x Ear Mites Ointment, 1x Fleas Remedy, 1x Tick Remedy

In Stock: 0

Skin Relief 93sc/1gc

1x Mange Salve, 1x Pox Balm

In Stock: 2

Tummy Trouble 58sc/1gc

1x Ring Worm Remedy, 1x Tapeworm Remedy

In Stock: 3

Blood Work 93sc/1gc

1x Cystitis, 1x Hepatitis 

In Stock: 3

Sick-As-A-Dog 248sc/4gc

1x Distemper Cure, 1x Influenza Cure, 1x Heatstroke Remedy

In Stock: 2

Death Protection 279sc/4gc

1x Distemper Cure, 1x Heatstroke Remedy, 1x Infection Balm, 1x Antidote, 1x Pox Balm

In Stock: 2

ALL For One Value Pack 4,400sc/13gc 14% off! 3,784sc/11gc

1x Antidote, 1x Constipation, 1x Cough, 1x Cure-for All, 1x Cystitis, 1x Diarrhea, 1x Distemper,1x Ear Mites, 1x Fleas, 1x Healing, 1x Heatstroke, 1x Hepatitis, 1x Infection, 1x Influenza, 1x Mange, 1x Open Wound, 1x Pox, 1x Rich, 1x Ringworm, 1x Tapeworm,1x Tick

In Stock: 0


Posted 2021-03-09 19:50:06

do you have pineapple leaves?


Posted 2021-03-10 04:32:11

@redwolf how many do you need my friend?


Posted 2021-03-10 07:18:44

i needed 2 in order to make a flu cure (one of my scouts, hydangea, got it after scouting) but someone in the sales chat was nice enough to make it for me at a really low price!


Posted 2021-03-10 08:14:55

Hi! Do you accept herb swaps? I'm in need of a few more common herbs but I have a bunch of rainforest herbs I could exchange with if you'd like!


Posted 2021-03-10 10:36:24

@Shadow I certainly can. Would you like to dm?


Posted 2021-03-10 10:40:53

Sure, give me a moment


Posted 2022-11-13 00:29:18
do you have any heatstroke remedy?

Posted 2022-11-16 21:45:47
Could I buy a flea remedy? One of my hunters brought it back after a hunt and I'm trying to make sure it doesn't spread.
Thank you for your consideration!

Posted 2022-11-17 08:38:40
Hi! Could I buy a Tick Remedy? One of my scouts just got them

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