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Mutie/Carrier Raffle! | Cheap, BUFFED Tickets! | End Date Undecided!

Mutie/Carrier Raffle! | Cheap, BUFFED Tickets! | End Date Undecided!
Posted 2021-03-24 07:00:10 (edited)


  Raffle Time! 

[Aka: To many puppies,,, :crie:]

It's Raffle Time!!

It's come to the point I'm far to lazy to sell these wolves because the market is broken, so I've decided to raffle them off!

The Raffle has no end date yet! Once it gains some attention I will set one! The raffle will not end for any reason! So don't worry!

End Date: Undecided!


Please note while i am on often, i have the shortest attention spand imaginable and I can go off to do something very easily! Please be patient!

Tickets will be updated as soon as I can! If you see I have not updated it feel free to ask me when I will! 

Also feel free to ask me any questions if needed! You may message me! :D


1: You may only win 1 prize!

2: Tickets are non-refundable! [Please make sure you truely wish to enter before hand!]

3: There is no ticket cap! Feel free to buy as many as you wish!

More rules will be added if necessary!


Please Include/do for your trade when sending Tickets:

  • Post a comment here first!
  • Add 1 SC to the Trade
  • Add your items!
  • Label the trade as (Raffle Entry)

Thank you! <3


Ahh yes! Prizes! 

There are multiple, and even more may be added! 

[EXTRA INFO: I will be trying to.. neaten the prizes as of 4.5.21. As in: the current prizes may not be the ones in the end end raffle. But they will be very similar or almost the same! (I.e.: 1 NIB Albino pup, 6 Melanistic Carriers, 2 NIB Melanistic Wolves) And more if i can! This is subject to change due to: Space, resources, etc. The 'updated' prizes will be better! (Lower gen carriers/mutations/all Non-Inbred!) Since this auction IS going to take time to get Tickets I thought it would be best to clean the prizes up!] [As such, I will be removing the Links to the previous prizes and update this when the new prizes are here! If this is against the rules (which i don't think it is?) please let me know and I'll adjust accordingly :,,) The aim is for G2 Carriers, and G3 Mutations! Much better then previous stated prizes!]

[Please Note: A couple of these wolves are INBRED! If you would prefer NOT to have a chance to not win them let me know!  As of 4.5.21 I will be updating the prizes so in the end they will all be clean! Ingore last note]

  1. NIB Mel Carrier #1
  2. NIB Mel Carrier #2
  3. NIB Mel Carrier #3
  4. NIB Mel Carrier #4
  5.  NIB Mel Carrier #5
  6.  NIB Mel Carrier #6
  7. NIB Alb Carrier #1
  8. NIB Albino Pup
  9. [LOCKED] (15 Entries) NIB Mel Pup #1
  10. [LOCKED] (25 Entries) NIB Mel Pup #2
  11. [LOCKED] (35 Entries) ???


Tickets are currently BUFFED! Meaning some the Tickets give 5 more tickets then normally! [Tickets buffed have a ■ next to them!] 

[If there is something you'd like to offer as a Ticket and it's not listed feel free to ask to see how many Tickets it could give!! I wasn't sure how much attention this auction would get so I was minimalistic with the Tickets!]


  • ■ 5 SC = 6 Ticket
  • ■1 GC = 25 Tickeys


  •  ■Healing Salve [2 Uses] = 10 Tickets [3 uses = 15 Tickets]
  • ■Lucky Foot = 10 Tickets
  • Nesting Material = 10 Tickets
  • Any Herb = 6 Tickets [Not Listed]
  • ■Dandelion, Charcoal, Pineapple Leaves, Guaiacum = 20 Tickets 
  • ■Aloe, Tobacco, Winterfat, Kava, Turmeric, Chaparral = 15 Tickets 
  • 1 use Medicine = 15 Tickets 
  • 2 use Medicine = 25 Tickets 
  • Any Recipes = 20 Tickets 
  • Toys = 2 Ticket per use
  • Food (5+ Days) = 2 Tickets per use


Posted 2021-03-25 21:10:06 (edited)

Entry List Below:

  1. shay [#30055]; 1,472 Tickets 
  2. WarriorKatzRule [#30926]: 70 Tickets
  3. JollyWay #11405: 336 Tickets 


Posted 2021-03-28 16:30:45
I'm gonna enter

✨ Pinecone 🌲 [HAITUS]

Posted 2021-03-28 17:03:12

I've added your tickets now :D


Posted 2021-05-06 14:03:15

I’m gonna send some stuff over


Posted 2021-05-06 16:30:52

I've added them now! :D Sorry it took me a little, I woke up to so many notifications and I was a bit stressed XD


Posted 2021-05-06 16:52:00 (edited)
Nah it’s cool xD


Posted 2021-05-07 00:15:01

Small Update!: 2 Prizes (G2 Mel and Alb Carriers) have been added 5/7/21! These two will be, hopefully, added to the final prize pool! (If not 2 other G2 Carriers will replace them! So no worries!)


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