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Event tweak

Posted 2021-04-21 14:01:55


It really can be frustrating especially when people try so hard to participate it can honestly become depressing and events are suppose to be enjoyable not stressful completely agree with your point :)


Posted 2021-04-21 15:37:19

Support! Sometimes I get really busy at work, or I fall asleep super early, which hinders me from getting essence like I normally could. Oftentimes I have to use guaranas to get the max essence for the day for when those things happen, otherwise I have to go to bed super late if I don't want to spend gc. Even having a smaller chance at getting essence would be nice at nighttime.


Posted 2021-04-21 15:41:32

support, my schedule is a mess so sometimes i only can login during only days or only night

Graciegra | Grulla 🦩

Posted 2021-04-21 16:07:26 (edited)

Support. When I get home from work, I only have one or two Day cycles in Wolfden to  get everything done, and that has left me with as few as 15 Explore essences in a day. Considering the number of limited-time store items, that kind of tiny daily haul is going to sting long term. 


Posted 2021-04-21 16:09:17

Support (as long as the daily essence cap stays).

This change would only make it easier to collect lunar essence— you'd still have to get on as many times as now (or use guarana), it just wouldn't depend on when you got on. The dreamlands would still only be available at night, that makes perfect sense and still requires players to take the day/night cycle into account.

I don't pretend to be smart enough to know how it would affect pricing, especially on the higher-ticket items. I just know that the lunar events are giving me premature gray hairs (when presumably it's supposed to be fun instead) and this would be a simple way to reduce stress, yet not make it a complete free-for-all.


Posted 2021-04-21 16:25:41


The cap stays it only allows player to collect essence at all times and yes they would still have to catch night time to use the essence but that is way easier than trying to max out the essence bar since collecting essence in explore is still left to chance. There are still plenty of controls and players still have to put work into collecting ;)

I appreciate the support and bummer about the stress T.T hopefully this would help some😊


Posted 2021-04-21 23:53:05 (edited)

I support this however Im not to sure about being able to collect it at all times. However, I have noticed an insane drop in amount of LE collected in explore since the last two events. My guess is it was silently nerfed. I only had one day this week that I collected 100LE and it was the day I didnt sleep at all (unrelated reasons as to why). The point is, the game needs to account for those who work or have other things to do.

I used guarana twice today, each time I used it I only gained 5LE on a full bar of energy.

If it is changed to indeed be collected at all times perhaps you should have a higher chance at finding it during the daylight times, as its supposed to sparkle in the sun. Perhaps during full moon cycles the chance between day and night stay the same. Lower chance during the night makes sense though. And an extremely low chance during the night on new moon cycles.

If this was silently nerfed I ask the devs to please return it to how it was, some of us work, some of us have kids, some of us do both. We cant be on wolvden all day. I mean, I used a full bar of energy during a day cycle and got 5LE, imagine if you only had time to be on during one day cycle. You'd only be able to use a total of 30LE including what rollover gives. If youre constantly spending your LT you wouldn't get enough to get one of each Applicator that way which I believe is how the event is supposed to be.

Since the chances for specials have been lowered and there is a cap on le you can get within one day, it really shouldnt be that hard to find. Specials are still going to be rare due to the way they need to pass. So please, dont nerf the amount of LE we gather while exploring.

Edit: It would also make more sense to find more LE during sunny/clear weather. Due to the wolf seeing it bc its sparkling

🧊 Orthrus🧊

Posted 2021-04-22 00:07:52


I understand your point but still think the chances should be equal as you stated the RMA isn't so kind when it comes to essence and using that full energy bar :( grinding can be a lot my friend I think just quit this site because it became a place of stress vs a place to just enjoy a game and wind down. Honestly there is a balance between making a game complex in a fun way vs stressing players. As others have stated people can't dedicate their life to a game that doesn't give nearly what is put in. When grinders can't really cap I feel like that is a problem :/.

I thank you for your tentative support :)


Posted 2021-04-22 00:18:51

yeah true, it really hurt to get 5LE on a full bar of energy

🧊 Orthrus🧊

Posted 2021-04-22 01:21:27


I bet sounds like it would be depressing for an explore result to go that way. I hope it's not that bad on your next exploration and I wish you all the luck on gaining that LE. 


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