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Dreamlands Character Sheet

Posted 2021-04-19 21:15:09


You're all good feel free to head over to the link


Posted 2021-04-20 18:36:36

Name: Liliah

Gender: Female

Species [Visitor(Normal Wolf), Cnitharian, Pherris, Volukros]: Pherris

Age: 19

Personality: Lilah is a sweet, gentle soul. She has a protective nature, and a willingness to help. However she is very shy, and doesn't speak very much. Lilah has never really met anyone apart from her family, and extended family, but after they left to explore further, towards the Volukros, Lilah stayed. The Pherris and Volukros never got on well. She is very unlike most Pherris wolves.

Appearance: Electric blue fur with the typical markings and colourings of a Pherris wolf. However, the edges of her fur are rimmed with black and the Lunar Essence flickering off her back is darker than usual. When, in the odd occasion, that she comes out from under the trees, the essence returns to its usual vibrant hue


Name: Amyia

Gender: Female

Species [Visitor(Normal Wolf), Cnitharian, Pherris, Volukros]: Volukros

Age: 18

Personality: Amyia is quiet, but not like Liliah. She watches to ensure she doesn't miss anything, to decide for herself. She's very stubborn about her decisions and not much can get her to change her mind. Amyia can be aggressive at times, mistrust leading to anger or fear, but she is loyal and will do what she thinks is right. Stubbornness can be good and bad with her.

Appearance: As a Volukros Scout, Amyia has the typical black fur with streaks of lunar essence. Her tail... feathers are longer than almost every Scout and brush the floor at times, which is rather annoying for Amyia. 

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2021-04-20 18:44:39


you’re all good! Feel free to start


Posted 2021-04-21 10:03:19

Name : sparrow

Gender : male

Species[Visitor(Normal Wolf), Cnitharian, Pherris, Volukros] : visitor (arctic fox wolf)

Age : 2

Personality : kind, shy(mostly), 

Image or Link[Opt] : sparrow


Posted 2021-04-23 14:10:28 (edited)

Name : Loris

Gender : Non-binary(They/them)

Species[Visitor(Normal Wolf), Cnitharian, Pherris, Volukros] : Lichen Raccoon(Pherris)

Age : 20

Personality : Stoic, Can't really be bothered by anything

Appearance : They look pretty much look a normal Lichen Raccoon, in spring, bright pink flowers grow on their back.

Extras : They can craft things from Lunar Essence.


Posted 2021-04-23 14:16:18

Okay if a species you're trying to enter isn't a visitor, cnitharian, pherris, or volukros, you can put other


Posted 2021-04-23 14:19:00

Name : Polaris

Gender : Transgender Female

Species[Visitor(Normal Wolf), Cnitharian, Pherris, Volukros] : Ancient Stag(Other)

Age : 57

Personality : Doesn't take anything from anybody, gives her respect to those who deserve it.

Appearance : As she was born male, so she still has horns and other features of a buck.


Posted 2021-04-26 16:16:46

Name : Vill

Gender : Female

Species[Visitor(Normal Wolf), Cnitharian, Pherris, Volukros] : Lunar Ferret (Other)

Age : 7

Personality : Sweet and playful, definitely a bit crazy

Appearance : She's a typical Lunar Ferret, creamy sides with black feet and a black tail. The stripes running along her side are black as well with the streak of Lunar Essence running along her back as the normal electric blue

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2021-04-26 16:41:24

@indipea You’re all good to go


Posted 2021-04-26 17:52:48

Thank you!)

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

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