Dreamlands RP
Posted 2021-04-19 21:32:05
A rustle came from one of the trees above she froze, before her face was taken over by a warm smile. "ah, Loris?" A sly lichen raccoon swung down from an overhead branch. The two talked about Loris' shop. Lunar essence settled in a gentle mist around her, her veils were flattened. This was a rare sight, she was very energetic and usually bouncing off the walls. |
StrawberryBoba #35531 |
Posted 2021-04-19 21:40:13
Forest watched as the female wolf met with a cute lichen raccoon and began talking to it. He wanted to approach her, and become friends, but he didn't want to scare her. He stepped forward a little so that he was less camouflaged against the trees and cleared his throat. |
KingOfCats #41254 |
Posted 2021-04-19 21:48:28
Immediately both of their heads swiveled to look at the source of the noise. They were staring at Forest in silence for a while, before Curiosity's tail slowly began to wag, her energy was kicking in, and the gentle cloud of essence was stirring. Loris looked at the male wolf with a 'you have no idea what you just got yourself into' face before slowly retreating back up. |
StrawberryBoba #35531 |
Posted 2021-04-19 22:05:26
Forest was not a playful wolf, so he simply sat and watched with bemusement, admiring the pretty wolf as she ran in circles. Every now and then he glanced around, checking for any potential danger. He was not familiar with this part of the forest. |
KingOfCats #41254 |
Posted 2021-04-19 22:53:55
*Yawn* Scratch was bored. Really bored. He hated having to sit around and catch mice for what felt like an eternity. Every now and then he would hear something, play with it, and eat it. There were occasionally some visitors, then they would battle him, but he usually came out defeated. And that left him sad. A rustle in the forest. Normal animals wouldn't be able to see it, however with his eagle sharp eyes and his Volukros talents he was especially talented in stealth. He saw a lichen raccoon and a Cnitharian wolf playing together with dizzying speed. He also saw another Cnitharian wolf, lurking around the area, watching them carefully. Interesting.... (wow some of those backstories are super deep guys) |
![]() Chicken #20611 |
Posted 2021-04-19 23:02:25
((Is Scratch an eagle-wolf hybrid or full eagle?)) |
KingOfCats #41254 |
Posted 2021-04-19 23:04:49
(a full volukros eagle, wow volukros and cnitharian are so hard to spell xD ) |
![]() Chicken #20611 |
Posted 2021-04-19 23:05:41
She was running around at blinding speed, until eventually and inevitably, she smashed face-first into a tree, Loris dropped down from the trees, laughing her tail. Curiosity sat dazed for a few moments, before chasing her tail one last time, and settling onto the gound. The cloud of essence settled with her. She had finally tired herself out. She flopped onto the ground, panting, the inside of her mouth was also blue and glowing, just like the rest of this world. |
StrawberryBoba #35531 |
Posted 2021-04-19 23:12:04
Forest jumped up in alarm as the she-wolf ran into a tree. When she lay down he padded over to her and sniffed at her head anxiously. "Are you hurt?" |
KingOfCats #41254 |
Posted 2021-04-20 07:29:51
Curiosity yawned. “I’m fine.” Loris and herself were going to pack up the lichen raccoon’s shop and head off towards the lunar rainforest. They heard some good things about the exotic items and herbs there. They’d both known eachother since they were young. Curiosity was hiding in a a hollow log. She didn’t know what was happening at the time, she just remembered a pack member picking her up and putting her in there. Loris was with their mother, wandering close by. Curiosity remembered the mother raccoon not letting the two of them wander close to her pack’s densite. |
StrawberryBoba #35531 |