Dreamlands RP
Posted 2021-04-20 09:02:47
snowdrop and smoke gave each-other a shocked glance and all 3 of them followed silently the ultimas blending there fur in with the shadows sparrow "the newcomer" tried as well but just decided to instead retreat deeper into the shadows after night fell snowdrop smelled a differn't sent now one that burnt the inside of her nose she didn't like it and accidentally let out a growl |
ChimeraPlaysYouTuber #38839 |
Posted 2021-04-20 09:23:59
Her head shot up, tail stiffening, ears forward. What was that? Then the scent hit her like a freight train. “Ugh. What is that?” She put a paw over her noise, face wrinkled in disgust. The raccoon looked at her with a puzzled expression. Her curiosity, her namesake, took over. She tilted her head. |
StrawberryBoba #35531 |
Posted 2021-04-20 09:34:02
snowdrop finally saw what was making that stench it was a fur-less creature and she realized that that smell was of evil in a hushed whisper she said "sparrow stay here smoke come curiosity is in danger we need to kill that furless thing!!" the two ultimas blended in with their surroundings stalking and waiting till it's back was turned. |
ChimeraPlaysYouTuber #38839 |
Posted 2021-04-20 18:53:39
Liliah's long tail dropped to the ground, watching a wolf with a raccoon, her soft eyes clouded with worry, thinking she had been seen. Well, it was very likely, even among this swirling woodscape of essence and trees, her long tail was rather noticeable. Shifting her lithe paws slightly, she waited for the female Cnitharian's next move, not at all realising there may be other wolves around. --- Amyia paused, half-way up a tree. The shape of what was likely a Volukros Eagle was there, looking down on the clearing. Her long front claws dug into the bark of the tree a little more, holding her steady. The Scout flicked her long tail, the feathers sweeping a small burst of Lunar Essence into the air. Huh. An eagle close up wasn't as fear striking as she had assumed it would be. The elder's stories were definitely exaggerated. |
![]() 𓆏 phrog 𓆏 #15316 |
Posted 2021-04-20 19:25:29
Curiosity gave the wolves another strange and bewildered look, before making a motion to Loris, they started to leave. The raccoon had a bunch of bundles wrapped in glowing leaves strapped to their back. Curiosity was stronger and hauled the heavier items. They headed away. Curiosity’s movements trailed essence, leaving behind mesmerizing patterns. Her pawprints left essence too. Her veils and tendrils glowed, matching the blue glow of this world. (I’m gonna go make Loris into a character along with a Pherris and Volukros wolf) |
StrawberryBoba #35531 |
Posted 2021-04-20 19:29:33 (edited)
(I may make either an owl or an eagle) Liliah watched her leave, sighing in relief before turning away. She headed back towards the small stream that ran through, one of many. Dipping her head, the she-wolf lapped at the water as her tail rose again, flowing normally. A small fish raced past and Liliah watched it go with a smile before starting to walk downstream, along the bank of the river. |
![]() 𓆏 phrog 𓆏 #15316 |
Posted 2021-04-20 19:36:28
(I could experiment with hybrids too, anyways I’m gonna make an ungulate or other animal instead of a Pherris) They were making progress before they settled down. They were both tired. They found a rocky ledge to rest overlooking a small stream. Curiosity stretched and layed down, Loris taking their place ontop of her. Their stuff was secured to a nearby tree. |
StrawberryBoba #35531 |
Posted 2021-04-20 19:43:22
Ooh yeah, that sounds awesome!)) Liliah's walk was slow, she didn't have a place in mind. There was a ledge above her, with the faint shimmer of Lunar essence visible. The smell of the Cnitharian and the raccoon from earlier was entangled with the rest of the area's scents. Liliah huffed slightly and went down to the water, stopping under the ledge. Perhaps it'd be nice to nap.. she yawned widely, eyes skimming around the area quickly before she started to relax a little. |
![]() 𓆏 phrog 𓆏 #15316 |
Posted 2021-04-20 20:08:58 (edited)
Curiosity dozed off to the gentle movement of the breeze, lightly carrying essence in it's wake. Loris moved off of her, she needed to recraft some stock, she didn't know when a potential customer would trade for something valuable. They raise their paws in the air, essence gathering on and between them. They brought them down and made strange movements, and eventually, with enough essence, a Pherris rolling ball materialized. This was Loris's unique ability. They powered it with a bit more essence, and tossed it aside, it was mere practice. The ball rolled down the ledge. (Hm, maybe like a visitor/native hybrid? I don't know how that would work though) |
StrawberryBoba #35531 |
Posted 2021-04-20 20:14:22
The ball fell... and hit Liliah's nose. The she-wolf jumped, ending up with a ball in her mouth and two very soaked front legs. Reversing out of the river, Liliah laughed slightly, dropping the ball. She glanced at the top of the ledge and picked the ball up again, slowly walking around to get up. When the wolf and raccoon came into sight, Liliah cleared her throat softly. "Excuse me? I think you dropped this." She put the ball down, pushing it towards the raccoon. "It's very well crafted." She added. |
![]() 𓆏 phrog 𓆏 #15316 |