Sonder's Shoppe [Crafting, Wolves]
Sonder's Shoppe [Crafting, Wolves]
Posted 2021-04-27 11:08:23 (edited)
Sonder's Shoppe → Introduction ← Hello! Welcome to Sonder's Shoppe. NOTICE: I do not require a crafting fee for any of the decors. Just send the materials over and we're good. Prices show per item, not the price of the entire stock. A large majority of these images are from the Grouse House Guide! Contents I. Crafting Services [Decor] II. Crafting Services [Backgrounds] III. Crafting Services [Applicators] IV. Coniferous Forest Decor V. Trophies VI. Wolf Reservation → Looking to Purchase ← Large Leaves: 5SC Large Branches: 5SC Large Rocks: 5SC Parrot Feathers: 10SC BULK: My ratio is 100:1. |
![]() Sonder #40711 |
Posted 2021-06-21 10:14:06 (edited)
Sonder's Decor Crafting Services → Introduction ← I. TO CRAFT: Send a gift over to me with the materials required to craft. You can also set up a private trade, but it may take me longer to get all the materials in order to craft it for you. Any recipes that are "NFS" are not available for private trade or for purchase. Prices show per item, not the price of the entire stock. II. TO PURCHASE: Set up a private trade with the currency, it may take me a bit to get all the materials in order to craft it for you. Prices show per item, not the price of the entire stock. → Decor ← Acorn Bundle Decor TO CRAFT: 5x Acorn TO PURCHASE: 50SC Arizona White Oak Sapling TO CRAFT: 6x Acorn TO PURCHASE: 60SC / 1GC Arnica Flower Decor TO CRAFT: 5x Arnica TO PURCHASE: 50SC / 1GC Bird's Nest [Branch] TO CRAFT: 3x Roadrunner Feather, 3x Puffin Feather, 5x Owl Feather, 5x Blue Jay Feather, 2x Acorn TO PURCHASE: 150SC / 2GC Bone Decor TO CRAFT: 5x Bone TO PURCHASE: 50SC / 1GC Foreground Rocks [Gray] TO CRAFT: 10x Large Rock TO PURCHASE: 50SC / 1GC Gambel Oak Sapling TO CRAFT: 6x Acorn TO PURCHASE: 60SC / 1GC Guaiacum Crown TO CRAFT: 10x Guaiacum TO PURCHASE: 150SC / 2GC Mossy Branch Decor TO CRAFT: 5x Large Leaf, 10x Large Rock TO PURCHASE: 50SC / 1GC Northern Red Oak Sapling TO CRAFT: 6x Acorn TO PURCHASE: 60SC / 1GC Pasadena Oak Branch TO CRAFT: 6x Acorn TO PURCHASE: 60SC / 1GC Red Oak Branch [Green] TO CRAFT: 6x Acorn TO PURCHASE: 60SC / 1GC Red Oak Branch [Red] TO CRAFT: 6x Acorn TO PURCHASE: 60SC / 1GC
TO CRAFT: 4x Large Leaf, 4x Large Branch TO PURCHASE: 40SC / 1GC Scattered Bones TO CRAFT: 10x Bone TO PURCHASE: 50SC / 1GC Scattered Rocks TO CRAFT: 10x Large Rock TO PURCHASE: 50SC / 1GC White Oak Sapling TO CRAFT: 6x Acorn TO PURCHASE: 60SC / 1GC |
![]() Sonder #40711 |
Posted 2021-06-21 11:09:51 (edited)
Sonder's Background Crafting Services → Introduction ← I. TO CRAFT: Send a gift over to me with the materials required to craft. You can also set up a private trade, but it may take me longer to get all the materials in order to craft it for you. Any recipes that are "NFS" are not available for private trade or for purchase. Prices show per item, not the price of the entire stock. II. TO PURCHASE: Set up a private trade with the currency, it may take me a bit to get all the materials in order to craft it for you. Prices show per item, not the price of the entire stock. → Craftable Backgrounds ← Blooming Garlic TO CRAFT: 30x Garlic TO PURCHASE: 500SC / 5GC Chattering Parakeets TO CRAFT: 20x Parrot Feather, 20x Large Branch TO PURCHASE: NFS Green Meadow TO CRAFT: 30x St. John's Wort TO PURCHASE: 500SC / 5GC Overgrown Arches TO CRAFT: 10x Large Leaf, 20x Large Rock TO PURCHASE: 500SC / 5GC Overgrown Den TO CRAFT: 10x Large Leaf, 10x Large Rock, 10x Large Branch TO PURCHASE: 500SC / 5GC Winterfat Trail TO CRAFT: 30x Winterfat TO PURCHASE: 500SC / 5GC |
![]() Sonder #40711 |
Posted 2021-06-21 11:27:04 (edited)
Sonder's Applicator Crafting Services → Introduction ← I. TO CRAFT: Send a gift over to me with the materials required to craft. You can also set up a private trade, but it may take me longer to get all the materials in order to craft it for you. Any recipes that are "NFS" are not available for private trade or for purchase. Prices show per item, not the price of the entire stock. II. TO PURCHASE: Set up a private trade with the currency, it may take me a bit to get all the materials in order to craft it for you. Prices show per item, not the price of the entire stock. *I understand that many people are going to feel uncomfortable sending so many valuable materials over to me, unfortunately I do not have any pre-made applicators to trade, or else I would.* → Craftable Applicators ← Base Applicator [Fox] TO CRAFT: 20x Canine Fang, 20x Canine Claw, 1x Fox Skull, 10x Fox Tail [Red], 5x Fox Tail [Red] TO PURCHASE: NFS Eye Applicator [Fox] TO CRAFT: 10x Canine Fang, 10x Canine Claw, 2x Fox Skull, 5x Fox Tail [Gray], 5x Fox Pelt [Gray] TO PURCHASE: NFS Pose Variant [Sentinel] TO CRAFT: 15x Glowing Spores, 4x Canine Fang, 4x Canine Claw, 2x Wolf Skull, 2x Wolf Tail TO PURCHASE: NFS |
![]() Sonder #40711 |
Posted 2021-06-21 12:06:23 (edited)
Sonder's Coniferous Forest Services → Introduction ← I. TO PURCHASE: Set up a private trade with the currency. Prices show per item, not the price of the entire stock. → Coniferous Forest Decors ← Bald-Faced Hornet TO PURCHASE: 350SC Black-Capped Chickadee TO PURCHASE: 350SC Falling Pine Needles [Brown] TO PURCHASE: 350SC Falling Pine Needles [Green] TO PURCHASE: 350SC Silver Fox TO PURCHASE: 400SC Silver Fox Kits TO PURCHASE: 400SC Western Hemlock TO PURCHASE: 350SC → Coniferous Forest Backgrounds ← [Canada] Ontario - Algonquin Park TO PURCHASE: 1000SC
TO PURCHASE: 1000SC Morning Mist in the Woods TO PURCHASE: 1000SC
TO PURCHASE: 1000SC Redwood Shade TO PURCHASE: 1000SC [USA] Michigan - Pictured Rocks TO PURCHASE: 1000SC |
![]() Sonder #40711 |
Posted 2021-06-21 12:21:12 (edited)
Sonder's Trophy Services → Introduction ← I. TO PURCHASE: Set up a private trade with the currency, or PM me to discuss alternative payment. Prices show per item, not the price of the entire stock. → Trophy/Lunar Stock ← Bear Fangs | 1x TO PURCHASE: 150SC / 2GC Broken Antler | 1x TO PURCHASE: 50SC / 1GC Elk Ear | 1x TO PURCHASE: 150SC / 2GC Big Cat Claw | 3x TO PURCHASE: 100SC / 1GC Wolf Skull | 20x TO PURCHASE: 10SC Wolf Tail | 4x TO PURCHASE: 500SC / 5GC Coyote Tail | 2x TO PURCHASE: 100SC / 1GC Coyote Skull | 1x TO PURCHASE: 150 / 2GC Bighorn Skull | 1x TO PURCHASE: None in TC, Offer Bear Skull | 1x TO PURCHASE: 500SC / 5GC Cougar Pelt TO PURCHASE: 150SC / 2GC Wolf Pelt [Red] TO PURCHASE: 150SC / 2GC Glowing Spores | 150x TO PURCHASE: 15SC Butterfly Wing | 20x TO PURCHASE: 15SC Charged Eyeball | 1x TO PURCHASE: None in TC, Offer. Essence-Covered Fur | 10x TO PURCHASE: 20SC Essence-Covered Feather TO PURCHASE: 100SC / 1GC Volukros Feather TO PURCHASE: 100SC / 1GC Scar: Scratched Front Leg [Right] | 1x TO PURCHASE: 200SC / 2GC Scar: Ear [Right] | 3x TO PURCHASE: 200SC / 2GC Scar: Ear [Left] | 1x TO PURCHASE: 200SC / 2GC Scar: Hind Leg [Right] TO PURCHASE: 200SC / 2GC |
![]() Sonder #40711 |
Posted 2021-06-21 13:17:37
Sonder's Wolf Reservation → Introduction ← I. TO PURCHASE: PM me to discuss payment, these wolves will not be up for public trade in order to increase chances of being chased. Only fertile female wolves are shown here. Always willing to trade for other B&C T3s! → Wolves ← Warm Medium III | Female | 2M | Lineage 500SC / 5GC Warm Medium III | Female | 4M | Lineage Warm Medium III | Female | 5M | Lineage |
![]() Sonder #40711 |
Posted 2021-06-23 08:31:02
Could I send over five Arnica flowers for the Arnica Flower Decor?? |
Gankee #43948 |
Posted 2021-06-25 08:14:54
Oh, yes! I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner, I had some stuff going on. Go ahead and send it over! |
![]() Sonder #40711 |
Posted 2022-01-30 11:27:15
🐺Pinestar🐺 #52131 |