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What Happens When You Chase Puppies?

What Happens When You Chase Puppies?
Posted 2020-10-12 12:32:15

I have a question for my fellow Wolvden players.

So like Lioden, Wolvden gives us the option to chase wolves with the possibility of other players encountering them in explore as NBWs. However, I've noticed that as soon as puppies are weaned, they can be chased just like any other wolf regardless of their actual age. With this information, I'm wondering what happens to them data-wise afterwards. Can they still be encountered as NBWs even if they weren't fully grown when they were sent away, or do you think the game deletes them in a sense? 

I'm curious to know just in case I'm ever in a position where I have juvenile wolves that I want to chase eventually but can't continue to protect and use resources on for 24 rollovers until they reach adulthood. So to conclude, my question to anyone who might have an answer is this:

Does chasing wolves young still give other players a chance to meet them?


Posted 2020-10-12 14:55:31

Chased puppies/adolescents are deleted, I believe. Only chased adults have a chance to become NBWs.


Posted 2020-10-12 15:41:19

Good to know! I can imagine deleting would be a good way to rid the potatoes. If that's how it works. Thank you!


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