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The Clans -A Realistic Warrior Cats RP-Sign Up

The Clans -A Realistic Warrior Cats RP-Sign Up
Posted 2021-05-10 09:25:12 (edited)

Sign Up-Roleplay

<Hello! And welcome to The Clans, a realistic Warrior Cats Roleplay! But, this is different. Let me tell you!>

In this Roleplay it will be super realistic! Every half-moon in the month medicine cats and medicine cat apprentices will be Private Messaged the time of the gathering at the Moon Pool. And every full-moon all clan leaders will be Private Messaged the time of the gathering. 
(Note: The time in the game will follow the time in the Roleplay. Meaning, if the Wolvden time says Dawn, then the time in the Roleplay will be Dawn. Same goes with seasons)

Patrol Encounters:

All border and hunting patrols must be at normal times. No patrols right before gatherings or no patrols directly at Midnight. 
During Patrols there's a 50% chance of finding Loners/Rouges on the territory. Every time you go on patrol please PM me so I can randomize that. 
During hunting Patrols there is a 25% percent chance of finding Loners/Rouges. Again, please PM me every time you go on a patrol so I could randomize that.

What Happens During The Encounters:

If your patrol gets a Loner encounter chosen then I will write on the forum "On your patrol you find a Male/Female Loner on your land!" After that your patrol will have to chose to either attack or leave it. 
But, there's a 7% chance of a whole band of Loners on your territory! That's where it gets tricky! 


For Gatherings the Leader, Deputy, Medicine Cat and Medicine Apprentice must be appointed for. Apprentices and Warriors have to come to but not all of them have to. During Gatherings you cannot fight, as it's against Starclan.


Evil cats are allowed but please PM me first about that. I don't want this Roleplay to be just a million Dark Forests cats. The minimum for Evil cats is 4(May increase as time goes on) If you're evil you can't kill cats with no consent. 


> Hate the Character not the Roleplayer

> No heavy cursing

>No detailed mating/breeding

>Ask before killing

>Medicine Cats and Leaders have to be on frequently, or you might be demoted

Sign Up:

Fur Colors:
Eye Color(s):
Fur patterns:



Posted 2021-05-11 10:13:14 (edited)

Name: Dawnstar.

Clan: ThunderClan.

Rank: Leader.

Age: 36 Moons.

Gender: Female.

Orientation: Bisexual.

Appearance: Silver tabby, blue-yellow hetero eyes. Distinctive white paws, tail, ears and chest. Lithe and slender.

Fur Colors: Silver and dark silver(tabby markings).

Eye Color(s): Hetero right icy blue eye left yellow eye.

Fur patterns: Dark gray mackerel tabby.

Bio: Born into ThunderClan, she had a fairly peaceful kithood, and was always very ambitious, though her ambitiousness didn't lead to betrayal or evil like Tigerclaw. She was a skilled apprentice, and recieved her warrior name, Dawnswift. She then worked hard in ThunderClan to become the deputy she is today.


Father: Windspirit(Deceased)

Mother: Mistfur(Deceased)

Siblings: Duskclaw(Adoptable), Rainflower(Adoptable).

Personality: Ambitious, loyal, crafty, smart, stubborn, agile, protective, caring, gentle. 

Likes: Windy days, sunsets/sunrise, kits.

Dislikes: Outright combat, extremely hot weather, rogues.

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Posted 2021-05-11 10:21:58 (edited)

Image Credits--

Name: Mintbreeze
Mint: The scent of Mint  Breeze: The love for the wind
Clan: Thunderclan
Rank: Deputy/Queen
Age: 2 Years, 5 Moons
Gender: Female
Appearance: Mintbreeze is a fluffy, plump large she-cat. She has a long, feathery tail and cheek fluff. She has one white paw, while the others are grey. Her ears are rounded with large fur tufts.
Fur Colors: White base, Grey details
Eye Color(s): Mint green.
Fur patterns: Mintbreeze has stained legs, a grey tail, paws, ears and face-mask.
Mintkit bounded across the clearing with her sister, Rosemarykit, besides her. But her mother snatched both of them and began to lick their fur. "I want you to look perfect for the clan!" She said in her usual, soft, playful tone. Her dad went besides her mom, he couldn't help but laugh a little, "Now Goldenpetal, you're going to drown them in licks!" Goldenpetal flicked her tail, "At least I groom them!" Rosemarykit looked at her uncomfortably. "Um, let's go." She mewed. 

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey
beneath to High Ledge for a clan meeting."

Excitement whirled around Mintkit like a bee. Finally! They're going to be apprentices! They padded up to the High Ledge, their parents followed more slowly before vanishing into the crowd. "These two kits have reached the age of 6 moons, and are ready to become apprentices." The leader said to the clan. "Mintkit." They called. Mintkit walked under the High Ledge, her head raised high. "Until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Mintpaw." Her leader said once more. Mintpaw left as if she could leaped into the air with excitement.  She then looked around, Who would mentor me? "Dawnriver, you were mentored by Sunflower, I wish that you pass down all you know to Mintpaw."

Father: Rockleap (Decseased, Deputy)
Mother: Goldenpetal (Elder)
Siblings: Rosemaryleaf (Alive, Warrior/Queen, Adoptable)
Mentor: Dawnriver (Decseased)
Mate: Silverhawk (Alive, adoptable)
Personality: Mintbreeze is a fair, yet strict she-cat. She does not take rudeness lightly and respects her leader, Dawnstar. She is powerful and strategic.
Likes: Wind, Her sister, Food, Sunrise, Her mate
Dislikes: Riverclan, Water, Being alone, 


Posted 2021-05-18 12:00:33 (edited)

Name: HeartSong
Clan: ThunderClan
Rank:  Medicine cat
Age: 23 moons
Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight 
Appearance: A sleek cat, with wise eyes.  She has a tail as long as her body, and stripes that run the length of her body.  Her fur is always smoothed as she takes great care with her appereance.
Fur Colors: Grey with black stripes running down her whole body, including her head.
Eye Color(s): Emerald green
Fur patterns: stripes down her body, including her head.
Bio:   She was raised in the clan, but she never knew her mother or father.  She was found as a kit in the woods. While she was still Heartpaw she started having dreams, that the former medician cat said were from Starclan.  From that point on she did everything she could to learn from the medicine cat.  
Relationships: none
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown
Siblings: none known
Personality: She is strong-willed, and determined. She has always been curious about things and loves to learn.  Her dreams of star clan started early and have always drawn her.  She has a memory like a steel trap.  Although she is a medicine cat, it doesn't stop her from wanting kids, or from expecting respect from other cats. She has a daily routine that she tries to follow, starting with washing herself when she first wakes up.  She then sees to elders, and the kits, before taking stock of her herbs.  If she is running low on anything she likes to go fetch new before going to bed.

Likes: honesty, faithfulness, the smell of herbs in the morning
Dislikes: rudeness, lies, and early morning.


Posted 2021-11-30 13:28:28 (edited)

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Sign Up:

Name: Littlewood
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Warrior
Age: 2 moons
Gender: He/they (Male, Nonbinary)
Orientation: Pansexual, Asexual,
Appearance: Light brown Tom, with a lighter brown underbelly and half a tail.
Fur Colors: Light brown
Eye Color(s): Hazel
Fur patterns: Splotches
Bio:  --      Littlewood was born a loner with his mom and dad, but one day he was swept away in a river and Windclan ended up finding him. As he was only 4 moons, he would've starved if Windclan hadn't taken him in. He fit into the clan perfectly, he was swift, tall and intelligent. When he was nearing the end of his apprenticeship, his mentor Greenleaf was greatly injured by a fox while they were patrolling. So, in response Littlewood(well Littlepaw) fought the fox on his own. Another patrol ended up finding them and helped Littlepaw fight the fox.
Sadly, Greenleaf lost his life during the battle, but their leader decided he was brave enough to become a warrior of Windclan.
Relationships:  N/A He has no interests in being friends with anyone.
Siblings: N/A
Personality: Littlewood is very quiet and keeps to himself. He gets spooked easily, but if you mess with anyone he surprisingly gets close to, he will not hesitate to protect them. He is very much a introvert and it takes him a long time to get comfortable around people.
Likes: Quiet, night, stars, wind
Dislikes: Loud noises, Foxes (pretty self explanatory), blood



Posted 2021-12-02 15:34:21
c: No face claim sorry!
Age:1 Moon
Fur Colors:Light blue fur with a bit of white
Eye Color(s):Deep blue
Fur patterns:Splotches
Bio:I'm running a bit low on time rn sorry!
Relationships: open
Personality:Kind, Caring, Stubborn


Posted 2022-02-14 15:42:01
Name: Pigeonfoot
Clan: RiverClan
Rank: Warrior
Age: 29 moons
Gender: Male
Orientation: Auto
Appearance: art by wraith!#4564 on discord

Bio: Born and raised in RiverClan, he is fiercely loyal to it, and will do anything to help it dominate. His father was the leader before he died in battle protecting his mother, who was with kits at the time. His mother died during kitting him, and all his littermates came out stillborn, making him cold and unempathetic. Other than that, his life isn't too special. The only notable event was that RiverClan Camp was invaded by ThunderClan during his apprenticeship, giving him a deep hatred for them.
Relationships: Because of his personality, other cats stay away from him.
Father: Honeystar (Deceased)
Mother: Bluesplash (Deceased)
Siblings: Unnamed kit (Deceased), Unnamed kit (Deceased), Violetfall, Boarfield
Personality: Aloof, grumpy, and cold, not many cats want to be near enough to hear his stinging retorts. Because of his kithood, he feels like he has to carry everything on his shoulders.
Likes: Leaf-fall, wind, the scent of wildflowers, not having to take charge
Dislikes: ThunderClan, thunder, the scent of wind, climbing
Fears: Minor Claustrophobia

Wakes {Green Base Fan}

Posted 2022-02-25 11:21:28 (edited)
Sign Up:

Name: Moonwing

Clan: River clan

Rank: Medicine cat ??

Age: 4 years

Gender: Female

Orientation: Straight

Appearance: She weighs around 75 pounds and is 3'7". She has smooth fur.

Fur Colors: Midnight Black is her main color and white is the color of her patterns

Eye Color(s): Light Blue

Fur patterns: Flower petals on her back and mitten like spots on her paws.

Bio: She grew up with her mother and her dad died after she was weaned. Her brothers were killed by a fox because they decided to leave camp. She stayed mostly with her mom after that and didn't leave her side.

Relationships: ???

Father: Nightstorm(Deceased)


Siblings: two brothers (Deceased)

Personality: Caring, Understanding, Helpful, Sweet

Likes: Kits, Her parents, Peaceful places ,The moon

Dislikes: Loud areas, Arrogant cats, Leaf bear


Posted 2022-03-02 14:16:29 (edited)
Name: Shade'hawk
Clan: RiverClan
Rank: Warrior
Age: 23 moons
Gender: Male
Orientation: Gay
Appearance: A large black and white cat, weighing approximately 65 pounds
Fur Colors: Black and white
Eye Color(s): Yellow
Fur patterns: The belly is pure white, and gets darker as it moves up the body towards the back
Bio: Shade was born to a Rouge named Night and a kitty pet named snowy, a long way away, along with his siblings, Storm and moss. Living alone with the family for a while, he eventually had to leave, as was customary within his family.
Eventually, he found his way to RiverClan, and just, stayed.
Father: Night (Presumed dead)
Mother:  Snowy (deceased
Siblings: Storm (Adoptable), Moss (Adoptable)
Personality: He tends to hum to himself, Imagine a bard in Dungeons and dragons but minus all the magic. A bit stubborn and not exactly that loyal
Likes: The smell of catnip, and the sound of rain
Dislikes: A fear of heights and a sever dislike of bad singers plague him

Posted 2022-03-13 20:59:54
Name: FallowJump
Clan: SkyClan*
Rank: Deputy
Age: 33 Moons
Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight
Appearance: Light fallow tabby with a lighter underbelly and dark ear tips. Her build is lithe but muscular with muscular legs. She has hazel eyes which graduates from sage green to golden brown with golden flecks.
Fur Colors: Light fallow, pale fallow, brown, and dark chocolate brown.
Eye Color(s): Sage green, gold, golden brown.
Fur patterns: A cross between mackerel tabby and candle flame tabby.
Bio: FallowJump was born to a SkyClan* warrior and the WindClan Deputy and suffered from being a half-clan cat but (I get that this is very cliche) earned respect from hard work and persistence, not to mention a little bit of nepotism .
Father: FennelCloud (WindClan's former Deputy)
Mother: DarkBird (SkyClan* Warrior whose mother was SkyClan's* former leader) *Adoptable*
Siblings: GoldenFire *Adoptable*
Personality: FallowJump is a very optimistic and cheerful cat who sometimes comes off as too forcefully cheerful.
Likes: Racing, sunshine, cats, exercise, wind.
Dislikes: Bossy, rude, and aggressive cats.

* If you're just doing the normal four clans then just WindClan (just let me know ).

⚜ Vilina ⚜

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